
Shun Uchiha: One Click Upgrade

An Otaku gets his soul transformed through a ripple in time and space. This guy’s name is Shun Uchiha! With the help of the One Click System, Shun quickly becomes an existence for beyond the level of Shinobi. Join us as we watch him grow up into the next Madara, and becomes the God of the Narutoverse and the God of the….Uchiha! Era: Warring State Period Other Stories: Naruto:Gojo Satoru in the Narutoverse, Aizen Uchiha: Strongest Instant Upgrade System

Kamery_Driver_1580 · 漫画同人
37 Chs

Tobirama’s Death



Shun disappears in a crimson flash…



Tobirama disappears in a blue flash, a horrified expression appeared on Tobirama's face, he never would've thought that Shun's speed rival his.


Tobirama just realized that this match up will vastly different from before, Shun's level of power now even rivals his Elder Brother.

"Why are you running away, Tobirama?"

Shun said with a mocking smile on his face, he knows that Tobirama isn't a match for his power now.

"I'll show you, how a true Uchiha fight"


With a crimson trail, Shun raises his sword up and strikes down with force.


The crimson red strike directly tore down the battlefield.

A long slash that is longer than a kilometer has appeared on the ground, causing the ground to shake and tremor.

"Such power"

For the very first time, a fearful expression appeared on Tobirama's face of he knew Shun can cause this much destruction, he'd have never came.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Jutsu!!!!"

A huge Fire Dragon came out of Shun's mouth causing the temperature drop down by several levels.


"How can he have such power in a B-Rank Jutsu?"

Said Tobirama, Tobirama is known for being the God of Water seeing that his Water Style might not work, he is desperate.

"Water Style: Water Sucker Hole Jutsu!!!!"

Huge amounts of Water abruptly came out of the ground in a form of a hole sucking up the surrounding trees.


The two monstrous Ninjutsu collided causing the already unstable ground to crack and break apart.

Expectedly though, the Fire Dragon Jutsu prevailed, it directly incinerated the Water Sucking Jutsu causing it to burn.

[One Click Jutsu]

["Does host want to learn and max out the Water Sucking Hole Jutsu?"]

"Yes, max out the Water Sucking Hole Jutsu"


["Host has max out the Water Sucking Hole Jutsu"]

After learning and maxing out the New Jutsu, Shun's Ninjutsu arsenal expanded causing his already extremely strong attack power to further increase.


"It's time to end this Tobirama"

Said Shun with a cold and serious look on his face, right now; he is definitely not playing around anymore.

"Getsuga Tensho"

A huge dark-crimson slash came from the sword causing part of the sky to turn red with red lightning coming out.

"Th-This attack"

Tobirama tried to flash away with his Kunai; but it was all for naught, the extremely strong and mysterious attack directly tore open Tobirama's arm.



A painful howl sounded throughout the battlefield, a single arm flew up in the air with blood flowing out.

"Bye, Bye, Tobirama"



With a slash of his sword, a blood-red vertical line appeared from his lower-body all the way to his head.

"I die-died, Elder Brother, I hope you kill those Uchiha scum and avenge me."


With a thud, Tobirama's body hit the ground, while blood is oozing from Tobirama's warm corpse, the entire battlefield is silence.


A squadron of Uchiha appeared from their previous battle.

"Tobirama is dead"

A huge shock appeared in the eyes of the surrounding soldiers; they never would've thought that Tobirama would've died.

"Hashirama will be furious"

Said one of the Uchiha, after seeing this legendary battle, Shun's name will spread all throughout time causing the future descendants to be in awe.

Senju Main Camp

Hashirama is currently outside with a storm of soldiers there with their weapons in their hands, they're preparing for the plan from Lord Tobirama.

"When we get to battle, we will kill all those evil Uchiha scum, and we will bathed in their blood.

Said of the Senju, his entire family was also killed by Shun, so seeing Shun being killed will be the happiest day of his life.

But; they don't know is that their second-in-command is dead on the battlefield.

While they were pumped and ready for some action, Hashirama is trying to sense his brother's Chakra.

Hashirama know that his brother is not a match for Shun, so seeing him battle Shun is heartbreaking to see let alone watch.


Said Hashirama his pupils enlarged causing all of his soldiers to act confuse, they're at most Elite Jonin level, so they can't sense people who are from long range.


"How, they killed you"

Tears started to pour out from Hashirama's eyes, he currently cannot sense his brother's Chakra which made him worry, but now seeing his Chakra gone, Hashirama has broke down.


With a green trail of leafs, Hashirama disappears heading towards the battlefield, if his brother is dead, then the soldier's morale will be broken.

The entire Senju Clan will be vulnerable to outside attacks, just imagining it made Hashirama pale with worry.


Shun and his squad of Uchiha are currently picking up the valuables left behind by the Senju, ever since Shun's power was recognized, the Uchiha are respecting him more than their Clan Leader.