
Shun Uchiha: One Click Upgrade

An Otaku gets his soul transformed through a ripple in time and space. This guy’s name is Shun Uchiha! With the help of the One Click System, Shun quickly becomes an existence for beyond the level of Shinobi. Join us as we watch him grow up into the next Madara, and becomes the God of the Narutoverse and the God of the….Uchiha! Era: Warring State Period Other Stories: Naruto:Gojo Satoru in the Narutoverse, Aizen Uchiha: Strongest Instant Upgrade System

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Tobirama’s plan

Senju Main Camp


Tobirama slammed his fist on the wooden table breaking it in half, ever since Shun Uchiha has risen, the Senju have been losing.

And being use to winning, Tobirama can't take it anymore, just awhile ago a battle report came in, it said that Shun Uchiha had lead a group of Uchiha to attack their supplies.

Tobirama was in rage, because that supplies is very important for the strength and health of the Clan seeing it been taken away, Tobirama is ordering a plan to attack the Uchiha.

"Brother stop, we should think of a plan first…"

Hearing his Elder Brother's words, Tobirama barely controls his emotions, the Senju Clan is starting to lose badly especially with Shun Uchiha there.

"What if separate Shun Uchiha from the rest of the squad?"


"That sounds plausible, separating Shun from the group would give us a lot of time to get those supplies back."


After everyone agreed with the plan, Hashirama and Tobirama started to plan a course of action, if Shun is gone, the Uchiha will easily get slaughtered, because without a strong backing, the group would almost instantly fall apart.

"I'll ambush Shun myself, and you'll have all the time in the world to get those supplies and kill a few Uchiha."

"Tobirama, you're no match for Shun, he's probably on the same level as me and Madara, said Hashirama.

Hashirama is very worried for his brother, if his hypothesis is correct, if Shun is on the same level as himself, then Tobirama won't have a chance.

"Brother don't worry, I've just improved my Flying Thunder God Jutsu."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Next Day

A group of Senju with weapons ready are ready to trap the Uchiha, their plan is to separate Shun from the group, so Lord Tobirama can get enough time to hold him back.

Uchiha Camp

Shun and his group are coming back from a battle with the Senju with a mountain of supplies, that can be enough to fill them up for months.

"Even though I don't like those Senju-bastards, they come in handy with supplies, haha."

"Yeah, it's all thanks to Lord Shun."

Said one of the Uchiha, they have full confidence of going against any Uchiha with Shun Uchiha on their side, without him though, well you'll see.

"By the way, where is Lord Shun?"

"He is currently writing a report about the success of the mission to Lord Madara."

Said one of the Uchiha, they're all eating a good days meal after all the hard work and the genius planning by Lord Shun.

Senju Side

"Lord Tobirama, they're here eating our supplies."

"Huh, those Uchiha-scum."

Lots of the Senju are bridling with rage after seeing those Uchiha eating their food, they can't wait to kill all of them and take back whats theirs.


"Now, I've heard that Shun is in his private quarters about 50 to 60 meters away from them, I want you to ambush them when they're at their lowest."



Tobirama disappears with a flash of blue light, he is going to try to hold Shun Uchiha back, he has full confidence that he again with his new ability.

Shun's Private Quarters

Shun is currently on the finishing touches of his letter, Shun knows that those Senju will be back with vengeance, so Shun secretly put Explosive Tags underground.

Even people with the Sharingan can't see them nor can sensors like Tobirama can sense them, all of this going according to Shun's plan.


"I'm here again you bastard…"

Said Tobirama with a cold voice, his eyes are burning with killing intent and rage, ever since that disastrous and humiliating defeat by Shun, Tobirama has been throwing himself into finding improvements for his Flying Thunder God Jutsu.


Just by his gaze, the entire grounds started to shake, even the Earth is starting to rise up and break apart.


"What is this?"

Said Tobirama horrified, he never thought that Shun's strength has quickly increased to such a level that it even rivals his Elder Brother.


A horrifying thought came to Tobirama's head, if Shun's strength reaches his Elder Brother's level then with Madara and Shun, the Senju Clan won't have a chance.

"I got to put you down, before you get too strong."


A battle for Tobirama's life is about to happen…




Enemy attack!!!!

Said of the Uchiha, they were having a good time enjoying their feast, when one of their brethren died with his head blown off with a Kunai.

"Kenjutsu Style: Slicing Air Waves!!!!"

A Senju with his sword raised it up in the air and slices down with it, a white light shaped like a slice compressed in the air, it was a like a mini-slice tornado.


After the first real attack, the Senju started to slaughter the Uchiha with precise precision. They all want to kill them because of what happen.


"Die you Uchiha scum…"


Other Battlefield

"You see, my Senju are attacking your Uchiha, I'll kill you and then finish helping my Clansmen kill your soldiers."

Said Tobirama with a confident smile on his face, he knows that Shun can't counter it now, now all he has to do is kill Shun.

"You're wrong…"

Said Shun with a cold smile and his face, he slowly raises his right hand in the air with a sign on it, Tobirama backs away in confusion.

"I knew you were coming, that's why, I took counter measures earlier, do you really think those soldiers your people are killing is mine?"




A huge explosion happened wiping out all the Senju Tobirama came with, the entire explosion caused all of the Senju to die a brutal and horrible death.

Livers, organs, bones, flesh were all over the battlefield causing the entire battlefield to look like hell, the whole time they ran into a trap.

A plan that Shun orchestrated all this time, Tobirama also known by his extraordinary intellect, fell in a trap by Shun.

Right now though, his arm is bloody with cuts all over them, he barely escaped alive luckily, with his Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Tobirama escapes.

"All this time, it was a trap, I got too arrogant and cocky, I've should've listened to Elder Brother."

"That, you should've…"

Said Shun with his infamous and mysterious sword out, his sword is humming a spark of Dark-red energy, Tobirama can fell the aura of that sword.

"Ready for round 2, Tobirama…"

(I've heard in the comments that Shun isn't smart and only battles without thinking or planning so, I'll show you.)