
Shifting (MHA x OP!Fem!Reader)

"ᴡʜᴏ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ? ᴡᴀɪᴛ! ʜᴏʟʏ ꜱʜɪᴛ!!! ᴍʀ. ᴀɪᴢᴀᴡᴀ?!" (Y/n) has loved the anime My Hero Academia for as long as she could remember. She's heard of people being able to shift or have lucid dreams in her favorite anime world. She finally learns how to do it herself but finds she is there longer than expected... This is my first book so the first few chapters won't be too great, though I promise the longer you read the better my writing is and the longer the chapters become. I update kinda slow but if you yell at me I promise I'll update. If you are worried about "hair flowed in the wind" don't. This story won't have any of those scenes. The reader will be fairly op in this book, however, it should balance out in the end.

Hi_Hi_There · 漫画同人
38 Chs


3rd Person/ (Y/N) POV

*RINGGGG* The school bell chimed signaling that school was over.

(Y/n) sat in the far in the back right corner of the room next to the window. Lost in thought (Y/n) started out the window as she watched the birds dance around in the sky. She could hear the birds' songs, the wind through the trees, and footsteps. Wait, footsteps?

"Hey (Y/n)! Class is over, come on!" a girl yelled behind her.

(Y/n) groaned and turned her body slowly to be met with sparkling blue eyes right in her face.

"Ah! Geez Akemi I know. Now get out of my face!" (Y/n) laughed as she shoved her best friend away. She put her books and sketchpad back into her bag and stood up to follow her friend out the door. Now, who was this lazy artist? That would be My Hero Academia's number 1 fan, (Y/n) (L/n).

The girl in question was wearing a stylish black shirt with one of her favorite villains printed on the front, Toga. (Y/n) was also wearing ripped jeans, a black belt, and (f/c) converse.

The two made their way out of the school as (Y/n) had her nose in a MHA manga book. Akemi had to basically drag her friend out of the school and make sure she didn't hit anything, because once (Y/n) started reading or watching MHA, there were very few things that could pull her out of her trance.

(Y/n)... hello? (Y/n) "(Y/n)!" One of those things being Akemi.

Startled (Y/n) awakened from her anime trance and found herself outside leaning against a wall. 'What? how did I- Akemi?' Akemi was standing in front of her friend trying to get her attention.

"Ah good! The dragon has awakened!" Akemi laughed at her friend. "We're at your house (Y/n). Geez how clueless can you be? I won't be around forever you know, you're going to have to start taking care of yourself mo-"

"NO!" (Y/n) cut her off. "You have to! You have to be here forever! I WON'T LET YOU GO!" (Y/n) pouted.

Akemi laugh, "Yeah yeah whatever. Now go home. And make sure you do your homework! Pages 55 and 56 for math and we have a reading log due Friday ok!" She yelled walking farther and farther away from (Y/n)'s house.

"Yeah yeah I will! Thank you! See you at school tomorrow!" (Y/n) yelled back as she watched her friend round the corner.

'Geez! Did I really just say that? Come on (Y/n) don't be so soft! ACK! I hate that side of me! thank god only Akemi sees that or else I would be so humiliated!' (Y/n) though as she unlocked the door to her house and stepped inside.

(Y/n) lived alone even though she was only 15. Well.... I guess she didn't live completely alone. She lived with her aunt but she was almost never home because she worked 3 jobs and liked to "partayyy". So (Y/n) basically did take care of herself despite what Akemi says, just (Y/n) didn't tell her about some aspects of her home life. Her mother died while giving birth so her dad took care of her till she was about 6. That was short-lived since her father was arrested shifting her legal guardian to her aunt. But yeah enough sad background, it's getting a little depressing in here!)

(Y/c) took off her shoes and run up the steps to her room. As soon as she got inside she closed the door, dropped her backpack, and flopped onto her (f/c) bed. She sighed and rolled over to her back and pulled her phone out of her pocket. 4:05 pm it read. She slowly sat up and walked over to her (f/c) desk. It was covered in paint, paper, markers, pencil, and eraser shavings from recent projects she had worked on. (Y/n) then pulled out a small speaker from one of the drawers, connected it to her phone, and started to play music.

As the song started to play (Y/n) pulled out a new sheet of paper and began to sketch a few of her favorite MHA characters. She started with Denki Kaminari, a simple drawing that she didn't think was too good. He was her favorite character overall because of his personality. It was kind of opposite of her, but he reminded her of Akemi. He was funny, chaotic, dumb, and cared for others a lot. She felt as though he would make the most energetic friend anyone could ask for. She knew, however, that he was fake so she tried to keep the attachment small.

She was about to start on Shoto Todorki next when she heard the door downstairs open. She checked her phone again 5:56 pm. She didn't realize but she had spent 10 minutes on the Denki drawing and another hour or so vibing to songs and zoning out. What surprised her even more was the her aunt was home early. Usually she would come back really late at night either from a job or a party. So this was a rare occasion that she was home at a reasonable time.

(Y/n) made her way downstairs to meet her aunt in the kitchen.

"Ah.... ummm.... hey kiddo!" Kei (L/n) chuckled nervously. (Y/n) looked next to her aunt just to be met with a pair of dark brown eyes. The eyes belong to a pretty tall man with black gelled back hair in a... a suit?

"What's going one here?" (Y/n) asked taking a step back away from the two.

"Well you see... (Y/n) this is y boyfriend... heh." Kei laughed turning towards the man.

"I- ok then. I'm gonna skip dinner tonight then" (Y/n) said as she turned away and made her way back to her room.

"You could at least say hi or introduce yourself!" Kei yelled back from the kitchen.

"No thanks!" (Y/n) rolled her eyes as she yelled back, already in her bedroom doorway. Before Kei could yell back (Y/n) closed the door rather harshly and flopped back on her bed. 'I really don't want to deal with her shit today!' (Y/n) though as she opened tik tok on her phone.

The first video that played said:

"Guys! I just came back from shifting! It was so cool! Follow me to learn how I did it!"

This caught (Y/n) attention as she shifted into a more comfortable position knowing she would be watching for a while. She clicked on the user's account and found their videos on how to shift. (Y/n) knew it wouldn't work but it couldn't help to try and get out of this retched world she lived in. I mean the worst that could happen if she did end up shifting into MHA would be that she has a shit quirk and was basically weak right? It would probably be better than having to hear her aunt bang all night.

Time skip: a few hours 10:55 pm

After "studying" how to shift (Y/n) believed she could do it so she spent to next hour trying to no avail. She eventually gave up and just decided to sleep. She closed her eyes and was swallowed by the darkness of sleep...


HEY! I'm originally a Wattpad writer, but I wanted to expand where people read my book. This book is basically just be copying and pasting what I've already written. I haven't finished my book so I will be regularly updating. If you want faster and more accurate updates follow me and read on my Wattpad account: @Hi_Hi_There

Hopefully, I don't forget about this account! XD

I hope you enjoy my story!!!
