
Shapeshifter's Evolution

(cover will be updated soon to match the new title) After dying in his original world, Azazel is reborn in a dark fantasy world, a fantastical world filled to the brim with all sorts of magic, monsters, dangers, and mysteries. Maybe he is actually one of the mysteries himelf.

Ezero · 奇幻
17 Chs


We walked to the house, I say house, but it was more like a small mansion, it had two stories and was decently big, but it looked old like it was here for a long time.

The old man entered first, but I turned to the dragon.

"Are you coming in?"

*Yes, just keep the door open for me.*

I did as he said, but through the door, a young man wearing shorts and a shirt entered. His body had some patches of scales and he had a tail and horns that were way bigger than mine.

"You look, different."

He just looked at me. Inside there were a few more people I haven't met.

A woman with the same features as the dragon approached me, she was wearing pants and a shirt, and her eyes were white like snow, but their top was dark like a raging storm.

Behind her a girl was eyeing me, curious, she looked younger than me, but because I was so short we were actually the same height.

I instinctively looked at her eyes, trying to guess what they were but I was soon fixated on them, they were like the abyss, a deep dark that seemed to just drag you in with no chance of escape. She realized I was trapped by her eyes so she covered them.

"I'm sorry, please don't look into my eyes, it's not safe for humans."

"Oh, I should be the one apologizing for staring, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay, are you feeling alright? People usually go to sleep for days when they look at me."

"I'm okay, don't worry."

"Are you really okay?" She didn't seem to believe me.

"Yes! I'm fine."

She looked at Chilalea, then at the other woman, then she ran to her room.

'Well, that was weird.'

"Is he..." The woman looked at Chilalea.

He just nodded and made a sign to not say anything. She nodded and dropped the matter.

"I am Yukiharu, I see that you already met my bond, Chilalea. That back there was our daughter, Yukina."

"My name is Azazel, it's nice to meet you."

"Come meet grandma, she's at the table."

I followed her to a big dining table where a woman was sitting, she was wearing warm clothing, seemingly not as accustomed to the cold, but her eyes were closed so I couldn't get a good look at them.

"Hello, my name is Azazel."

"Ohh... my name is Anne." She slightly opened one of her eyes to look at me. "Oh my, have you met my granddaughter yet, she is the same age as you, I bet you would get along well."

Chilalea stomped to the table and slammed his palm on it.

"I brought him here because he could be a great bond for my daughter, he already passed the test with flying colors, there were even dragons that became ill after looking into her eyes!"

"Haaa! How dare you talk to me like that! Don't you see him? He's way too young for your daughter! He should spend his days with a girl his age, not with an old hag!"

I slowly backed away, not wanting to get their attention.

"You dare say that about my daughter!? How about we have a duel for him? Then we will see who truly is the old hag here!"

"As You Wish! Let's go!"

They both left the house, stomping on the ground.

"What's up with them? Ha..."

"Oh you know how old people can be." The woman said.

"Yeah, they are the troublemakers of this house. By the way, my name is Geralt, nice to meet you." The man from before spoke, I could now see his eyes, they were the same pale pink as William but they had some gold in the middle, like a spark.

"Same here."

"Oh, right, you said my son sent you? For what reason?"

"To... train."

"What!? Is he crazy sending a kid through the forest alone?"

I just smiled.

"You didn't lie when he said he didn't like you. But still, there must be a good reason for it. Are you a weapon master?"

"That involves skill, right? Then no, I guess it's just raw strength with me."

The man raised an eyebrow.

"Well see tomorrow, this storm should end by then. If you want I can send you back there."

"No thanks, I feel that he would just throw me out again."

"Yeah, that's something he would do."

"Enough of that!" The woman interrupted. "Sooo, what do you think about my daughter?"

"Hehe... She is cute, but a little too young for me."

"Hahaha!" Geralt burst out laughing.

"Ahem... You don't have to worry about that, she is more than two hundred years old. She is just a little shy and is always caught up in her books."


"Haha! That old hag is older than me! But she still acts like a little child, hiding behind her mother at every chance!"

"That's only because she can't go out very often! She's perfectly mature on the inside, she just hasn't met the right person yet." She gave me a wink.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right, I'm sorry for talking bad about her."

*BOOM* *CRASH* *BANG* A fight was ensuing outside, then soon after, the door opened and Anne walked through the door, dragging Chilalea. She walked him to the table then made him tell me something.

"I'm... sorry... *Sobbing* You... should... choose their granddaughter..." He shifted his gaze to Anne. "Can I go now?"


He ran to a door then looked at me and shook his head before entering.

"See, there you have it!"


"Excuse me but I'm going to comfort my husband." Yukiharu said as she got up from her seat.

"We would offer you some food but there isn't anything left from dinner. I'll be sure to make more tomorrow." Anne said.

"It's alright, I'm not that hungry."

'Wait, dinner? System, how long have I been sleeping?'

{1 day 5 hours 23 minutes and 48 seconds.}

'Wow, I must have been really sleepy.'

{It is now 8:54 PM}

"We are going to sleep soon, I'll show you to the guest room." Anne stood up.

"Alright, this would be the first time I sleep in a bed since I lost my memories."

"Oh dear, what happened?"

"Umm, I fell from a cliff and hit my head on a rock."

"My... I'm so sorry to hear that."

"No, it's no big deal."

"Here it is. I at least keep it clean, unlike that lazy bum Lisa."

'Family drama...'

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, thank you. Oh right, where can I get water from?"

"Here." She handed me a glass. "Just leave it outside and wait for it to melt, we don't have a well."

"I see, good night."

"Good night to you too, see you in the morning." She closed the door and I sat on the bed.

I could sleep in the chitin armor but I didn't really want to so I made it into a cube that I put next to the bed and did the same with the bone plates. I was now naked and laying on the bed, unable to sleep.

'Ahh, my first night on a bed in this world but I can't sleep because I woke up an hour ago.'

I just laid in bed for a few hours but then I hear the doorknob click and in was pushed a girl. She looked at me for a second then looked away.

"W-why are y-you naked? I thought you just wanted to get to know each other."

"What are you talking about!? I had no idea you were coming!" I tried my best to cover myself.

"Huh?... Oh, so my dad did this. I'm sorry, I will leave now." She tried to open the door but it was blocked by something, and I could hear giggling outside.

"I don't mind you being here. I actually can't sleep right now so it would be great if you would keep me company."

"Okay... Ah, I'm so sorry, I ran off earlier and forgot to introduce myself. My name is Yukina."

"I'm Azazel." I reached down to the chitin and got some of it to make shorts, as uncomfortable as they were.

"H-how did you do that?"

"Hmm? Oh, it's just one of my powers."

She walked closer to me until she was basically in my face.

"Powers? But your eyes are still gray."

Being so close to her made me look into her eyes, but I had to show her that they don't bother me, I blinked a couple of times until I got used to the feeling then turned my head to the bed and patted it for her to take a seat.

After a couple moments without a response, I finally looked at her and she was in shock.

"You really aren't bothered by my eyes? "

"They are very pretty." I smiled.

She took a step back, calmed down, then sat next to me, still examining me.

*Sniff* "You smell... odd. Humans don't smell like this.

"I thought you were going to say I smell bad. Well, I'm not really a human..."