
Shadow Allies

Existing but not living.... Hugh Mallory is an unfortunate child, a cursed transcendent being and a threat to the heavens. As every other kid, Hugh had always wanted a normal life. Till he got roped into a sadistic ritual that changed his life and that of everyone around him.....

Franktasy · 奇幻
50 Chs

Chapter One The End For a New Beginning

Boom! Boom! The continuous clash between the two super beings in the sky continues.

Indeed it seemed like the end of the world as "Omega man" the town's most cherished hero fought viciously with "Demolition". The most ferocious villian they've faced so far, He was able to subdue the rest of "The legion of Heroes". Omega man was Doomsville's last beacon of hope. Both were badly injured, which seemed ironical because due to their ni durability.

Demolition still had the upper hand...his punches enough to rip off a whole city, it's was miracle Doomsville was still standing.

"Just what are you!?" Omega man asked in both rage and bewilderment.

"Your doom" he replied smiling from ear to ear making him look like something from a horror story.

His costume did sent chills in the spine of any mortal. A purple and black mixture, predominantly purple, very tight fitting almost like it was his natural skin, two huge horns were visible his shoulders...he was two times the size of a bodybuilder.

His purple mask with two gigantic black horns. The mask covered both his eyes and nose it was a mystery how he was able to see and fight so well.

Omega man realizing their was no reasoning with the psychotic villian. He decided to do something he'd always done..."Being the Martyr

So he grabbed his rival tightly and shot up into the sky, out of Earth and into space. Flying straight towards the Sun. It was a suicide move and Demolition's attempts to stop him was fruitless.

A huge explosion erupted in the sky, and after what seemed like an hour. Something or someone was descending from the sky with great force.

Colliding with the earth...the impact was thunderous, causing ripples of waves. After the waves elapsed and their seemed to be no movement. People crawling out from their hiding places gathered creating a circular form around a yellow and black costumed entity. It didn't seem so yellow anymore, with it's burnt black cape. It was Omega man their symbol of hope or at least what was left of him.

The end of their Hero...it seemed like the end of the world, but it was only "The end for a new beginning..."

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