
Shadow Allies

Existing but not living.... Hugh Mallory is an unfortunate child, a cursed transcendent being and a threat to the heavens. As every other kid, Hugh had always wanted a normal life. Till he got roped into a sadistic ritual that changed his life and that of everyone around him.....

Franktasy · Fantasy
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Chapter Two The Quiet Kid

Everyone seemed to be grieving heavily after the death of their favorite hero, except for one strange kid who lived in the graveyard

Hugh Trail lost his mom at a very tender age and has just buried his Dad.

Hugh was suffering from Leukemia, he was dying. It seemed like a curse in the family nobody lived for long. He was The quiet kid in school and lived a very dull Life.

He was seen as a weirdo both in school and in the streets. Who could blame them after all his house was literally built on a graveyard.

Right before his dad passed away, he was considered the Graveyard Guardian, nobody attended his funeral though except for old man Chuck the sexton.

Hugh stuffed his bag with some snack, and was ready to leave for school. The house was messy as expected, pharmaceutical containers were littered everywhere and a punching bag which was smeared with dried blood, a way he dealt with his anger.

Putting on his black hooded jacket he walked out of the house. Hopped on his Dad's motor bike and sped off.

In Doomsville highschool, during the history class...whispers about Omega man's heroic death filled the atmosphere.

Hugh sitting in his private spot the back corner of the class, with his gloomy face and dark eyes not because of crying but due to sleepless nights. Hugh was a complicated kid, and had his own strange way of dealing with grieve.

"Hey man" a young fella greeted "How you doin' ?"

Bill Cruse son of Iron klaw who was one of the top heroes, expect his family no one else knew about it since it was a classified information. Bill was seen as a nerd and an easy prey for the bullies.

Till he met Hugh, strangely the bullies seemed to fear Hugh and Bill didn't really care to know why, he just knew he was safe around the werido and so decides to stick close.

Hugh didn't respond to Bill's greetings however Bill nonchalantly continues to talk.

"Look am sorry about your Dad, I know how it feels believe me" then he paused obviously thinking of what else to say

"just know that am here for you man" he finally added before proceeding to sit with him while staring at the wall clock, hoping for time to run faster.

Hugh didn't seem to care, he just had the lost look in his eyes. Bill followed him throughout that day in school, it wasn't a new thing though.

"Hey guys" a cheery voice chipped in " Billy co'mon let's go home...you don't wanna be late..mum's preparing our favorite today" she said giggling.

"Fuck..Amy grow up already" Bill said trying to sound cool.

Amy Cruse Billy's twin sister, She was fair in complexion, but unlike he brother she had little freckles that circled round her cheeks, and her brown hair was braided in a twins tail deluxe hairstyle. She also wore glasses like her twin brother.

Although they seemed a bit identical their personalities was the extreme opposite.

Amy simply giggled again slightly showcasing her fancy silver braces.

"Alright Bro...I'll make sure to keep your own share" she said smiling mischievously before running out.

"Hey! Amy wait up!" Bill roared while going after her.

Hugh could only sigh, these two were actually the only people who actually acted like he exists, not that he needed that. But if he were to wake up one day and decide to shoot up the whole school, they weren't gonna be on his list.

He didn't want people to mourn his death, he just wanted to pass out quietly like his oldman.

He started to walk out of the school premises quietly, not seeming to mind what was going on around him.

His routine was simple, from school to work. oh yes he did lots of part timing, A pizza delivery guy, Waiter and a shop assistant, sometimes a drug dealer...but that was back in the day.

He had to work everyday after all he got nobody to fend for him, and after work he retires to his shit hole, beats the shit out of his punching bag and goes to sleep.

Sucidal thoughts kept popping into his mind as he slept off waiting for when death will come for him...