

"Here you go Vivi, have this den den mushi. We can keep in touch that way!"-Y/n

"Yes!!! But how did you know about my decision?"-Vivi

"I can just tell by looking at you."-Y/n

Vivi and Y/n shared their goodbyes and Y/n went back to her room. She hadn't told Vivi they'd be setting out in the middle of the night.

'I'll just take some of this stuff from the castle then I guess~ After all, I think I need get paid for all the work I did!

Granted it was the others who did all the fighting but hey! I stopped a bomb! And Pell from dying too. Did he really die though? I don't know, I can't remember. Whatever I guess.'

Y/n roamed around the palace finding many secret doors and hidden information. Although since it was just old and useless data she began to get suspicious since there was no need to hide it like this.

'If I remember correctly there was another of those poneglyphs here. I think I'll be able to make a trip there. But the hard part would to search for that in such a big desert. I guess I could just leave it. I mean I already know almost everything that we'd need. I did see Luffy become the pirate king and all that. Though I do want to find more about this place's history.

I guess it's fine to just let it go this time.'

Stealing some food and other necessities, Y/n decided to check out their weapons.

'Just as expected~!!! I found quite a treasure. Too bad I can't take all of it. I'll just grab these bombs, gunpowder, guns, some knives and a scythe.

They shouldn't notice this too quickly since I'm only taking a bit of it. Though I do wonder why a scythe is here. I'm guessing it hasn't been used in a long time because of all this dust. There are also some other weapons that normally wouldn't be found in a place like this. For example, this decorative hair pin which turns into a dagger and a couple of these DIY bombs.

Maybe they grabbed these from the prisoners they have? I haven't checked out the prison of this palace yet. Maybe I should go and see it? But I wouldn't really find anything useful. I guess I'll just take a look in my shadow form.'

Y/n headed towards the prison and what awaited her was...

A tea party between a prison guard and a criminal.

'What the f*ck-'

Deciding to just ignore the two she went forward and found that most of the cells were empty and usually all the other criminals would stay quietly in their cells.

Hey, how are you all???

Ivy_MGcreators' thoughts