
2. Darkness

[ DISCLAIMER : Some of you may think that snape acted out of character in this chapter and some things happened silly or whatever. I wrote how I thought snape would do in that case, also this is an AU. Libraries are taken ]


Severus walked in a hurry to the dungeons while wiping the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes furiously.

' Those fucking marauders. I swear I will kill every one of them. I will show them what real dark magic looks like ' thought Severus while forming into the Slytherin common room.

The common room was a dungeon-like room with greenish lamps and chairs. This dungeon extended partway under the lake, giving the light in the room a green tinge. The common room had lots of low-backed black and dark green button-tufted, leather sofas; skulls; and dark wood cupboards. It was decorated with tapestries featuring the adventures of famous Medieval Slytherins. It had quite a grand atmosphere, but also quite a cold one.

He tried to go to his room as quietly as possible without being found by the likes of rosier, Wilkes and other dunderheads.

" Look who's back, it's mudblood-loving snape. " said the mocking voice of Evan Rosier.

" What do you want, Rosier? " asked Severus, turning to look at rosier who was surrounded by other purebloods.

" Nothing, just to ask where did you disappear off to snape ?" asked Rosier.

" I bet he crawled back to his mudblood for forgiveness like a pathetic house elf," said Wilkes mockingly.

" I don't care for mudbloods, Wilkes," lied Severus with barely concealed anger, while his hand inched towards his wand in his robes.

" You know, I always wanted to ask you snape. Did you get to fuck her, if so is the mudblood fiery in bed too? For a mudblood, she sure is damn hot to fuck. " said rosier lewdly and laughed.

The other purebloods laughed at rosier's crude comments.

" Don't you dare talk about her like that, rosier" said Severus furiously.

" Oohhh..snape's getting angry. Don't want to share that bitch with us, snape. Don't worry snape, I promise to show her a good time." taunted rosier.

I couldn't control my anger anymore, and my body moved instinctively. I brought out my wand quickly and fired a stinging hex right at rosier's face

Rosier was knocked off his feet and fell on his back, while his face swelled in red. He screamed in pain while clutching his swollen face.

I sidestepped just in time as an orange spell flew past me. I gripped my wand tight as some students surrounded me, while some were helping rosier up from the floor.

I quickly cast a shielding charm around myself as dozens of known and unknown spells were fired at me from all directions.

I could see the shield crumbling due to the numerous attacks, I poured every bit of my magic into the shield while searching for a way from this predicament.

I cancelled my shield and rolled to the side just as a dozen spells fall on the place I was before. I cast fumos, which emitted thick smoke from my wand.

The entire common room is covered in smoke which hindered the visibility of the occupants. I cast a disillusionment charm on me and sneakily made my way towards the entrance of the common room.

I narrowly dodged a few spells, while some spells like a stinging jinx and pimple jinx( furnunculus) managed to hit me. I bit my tongue to not scream in pain and reached the entrance of the common room.

I opened the door and was about to escape when a strong gust of wind cleared the smoke in the common room. I looked back to see a 7th-year Slytherin waving his wand and clearing the smoke.

Making sure I was disillusioned properly, I stepped out of the door, when a spell hit my back. I froze like a statue and fell face-first onto the cold stone floor with a crack of my nose.

I heard footsteps nearing me and heard someone cast finite on me, cancelling the disillusionment charm.

" Fucking half-blood," said someone angrily and I felt pain as a kick connected to my ribs.

" Take him inside, it's going to be a pain if Slughorn comes to check," said the same voice.

I felt my body rise into the air and move into the common room. I looked around myself and saw the leather sofas were torn and the floor was charred in some places. The younger students were nowhere to be seen and the older students were repairing the common room.

Surrounding me were Wilkes, Rosier and several other faces which I can recognise as the heirs of the sacred 28 families.

I was dropped onto the stone floor in the bathroom, and my attackers started attacking me mercilessly, some used dark spells which burned my skin, and caused me pain like my insides are on fire, while others used the muggle approach of kicking me in various places.

My head collided on the stone floor due to someone's kick, and I felt myself blacking out. I struggled with all my might against the body-binding charm and succeeded in looking up at my attackers.

' I will kill you, every one of you inbred cunts' I thought while engraving every face in the deepest part of my mind before I succumbed to darkness.



I woke up with a fit of coughs and gasped in pain as my body felt like a herd of hippogriffs went over me. I felt the softness of a mattress instead of the cold stone floor from the previous night.

I tried to open my eyes and look around, but it proved to be difficult due to the bright light which pained my eyes. I shielded my eyes with my hands from the bright light and looked around the place I am in.

I sighed, finding myself in the place where I was a regular customer, the hospital wing. I looked down at my body which was mummified in bandages.

I grit my teeth in anger.

' Pathetic, weak ' I thought at the state of my body. I moved my body weakly to search for my wand.

" Finally, you're awake Severus. Also if you're searching for your wand, it's in the drawer beside your bed" I heard the voice of the Hogwarts matron.

I looked toward the voice and saw madam Pomfrey coming toward me. I then took my wand into my hand and breathed in relief seeing it was undamaged.

" Does it pain anywhere, Severus? " asked Pomfrey while casting diagnostic charms on me.

" No " I lied, not wanting to look any more pathetic than I currently am.

Pomfrey looked at me and I can tell she doesn't believe me.

" If you say so, Severus. But, you have to take these potions," ordered Pomfrey while holding a tray full of various potions.

I was about to disagree vehemently, but pain coursed through my body. I gritted my teeth and nodded my head in defeat.

Pomfrey poured every last drop of the potions into my mouth. I felt like vomiting due to the taste of some potions.

I can feel myself falling into sleep again due to the effects of the points, and I can feel the pains are relieved to an extent

" Take rest, Severus. We'll talk after you wake up " I heard Pomfrey say before drifting off into sleep.


I woke up again to the noise of people chattering. I groggily opened my eyes to see James fucking potter being rushed into the hospital wing with his cronies following him.

I quickly cast a disillusionment charm on myself to avoid unnecessary drama.

I watched madam Pomfrey fussing over Potter

for his idiotic behaviour, and potter narrating how he broke his arm in Quidditch practice while trying his new moves. I cringed as people awed at him like he was Merlin incarnate.

' Bloody Gryffindors, hope they get lost soon' I thought impatiently.

" It's good as new now, Mr.potter. You're good to go but, I advise you not to do any more of those idiotic flying moves " warned Pomfrey.

I heard potter's usual boasts about how any can't stop his awesomeness and heard as people started leaving the hospital wing. I waited sometime before confirming that the hospital wing is empty and those dunderheads won't come again and cancelled the disillusionment charm.

" You don't have to be afraid of them, Severus," said Pomfrey while walking towards my bed.

" I'm not afraid of those idiots. I'm afraid of losing my sanity while they are in my presence " I said as calmly as possible.

I relaxed into the bed, as Pomfrey brought a chair near my bed and sat on it.

" Now, let's get to the real issue here. What happened, Severus?" asked Pomfrey seriously.

" Nothing, madam Pomfrey. I was trying to invent a new spell, but it backfired" I lied again.

" We both know you're lying, Severus. I saw injuries made by some nasty dark spells on you, but if you don't want to tell the truth to me. You can tell to the headmaster when he comes to visit you " said Pomfrey sadly.

" Headmaster is coming to see me? " I asked startled.

Pomfrey was about to answer me when someone ran into the hospital wing disturbing the quiet atmosphere.

I looked irritated at the door, only to find the one person I was hoping to never see.

Standing at the entrance, in Gryffindor robes with her red hair tied in a ponytail and her emerald eyes looking in panic was lily.

" Madam Pomfrey, Where's potter?. I heard he was injured " asked Lily hurriedly breaking eye contact with me.

" I fixed him and sent him off, dear," said Pomfrey.

Lily nodded and left the hospital wing without giving me a second glance. My shoulders dropped in despair, seeing lily worried about potter and acting as if didn't exist.

" Dumbledore's going to be here in an hour, he's currently not in Hogwarts which is happening a lot these days. Take some rest or if you are hungry, just call me I will bring you some food " said Pomfrey, while closing the screens around my bed and going back to her work.

I just stared at the ceiling blankly and didn't respond to any of her words.

' So, at last, even lily, my only happiness in this world left me. Maybe I was destined to be like this weak, pathetic, bullied, hated, despised and forever alone with no one. ' I thought while chuckling.

I felt my cheeks damp and realised I was crying.

' Why so sad, Severus? ' suddenly I heard an eerie voice.

' what the fuck ' I thought looking around myself.

' I'm right here, Severus. Turn left ' said the same eerie voice.

I looked to the left and saw a drawer with some potion vials and a small mirror on it.

My reflection in the mirror is staring right back at me with a creepy toothy grin plastered on its face, while in reality, I was frowning if this was real or if was going mental.

' You're not mental, Severus ' said my reflection eerily.

" What the fuck are you? " I asked bewildered

" I'm you, Severus. Specifically the darkness you kept hidden inside you " said my reflection with the same creepy grin.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

BLACK_GLOOMcreators' thoughts