
It was meant to be

Ethan woke up and looked around until he was sure it was safe to get down, the day earlier he had jumped down and he was suddenly attacked by a purple beast. It seemed like it had tried to protect the blue beast it was with when they got spooked.

He opened his status window and looked at the berries and the fish that he had collected during the three days that he had been moving across the forest. He had more than enough fruits but his supply of fish was pretty low.

He looked at the river and spotted the giant red fish that he had seen two days ago. At first, he had been interested in the funny crown they seemed to have, he had even started calling them King Fish. Ethan had tried to catch one with a wooden spear that he had made with his dagger which was made of Lindwyrm claws. The moment that the spear hit its scales it snapped in half, he was surprised by it and the damn fish had swum away.

'With those scales, I might be able to make a shield of some kind, I feel pretty exposed without any method of defense.'

After having been chased by tens of those bee-like creatures which had spears for arms he had been frightened. He still remembered when he dodged one of the bee's attacks, its attack had made a literal hole in the tree. Since then the confidence in the durability of his armor began to waiver. It's not that he had not seen attacks that strong before the problem was that he was in a new world, the scales of the Lindwyrm were strong but who knows what kind of creature he could encounter that could break through it.

Ethan wasn't sure how strong the King Fish's scales were so he had to test it out.

He waited on the side of the river, once there was a King Fish near the edge of the river he used his body strengthening and garbed it, and threw it out of the river. As soon as the large fish felt someone touch him it began to splash wildly and it was harder to throw so it was still near the river.

It kept on flopping up and down and slowly getting closer to the river but Ethan was able to kick it away from the river just in time.

"Hey little buddy, sorry about this."

Ethan grabbed his dagger and was about to stab the fish. As his dagger was about to touch the body of the King Fish it suddenly a bright bluish and white light wrapped around it.

Ethan used body enhancement and ran to take cover behind a tree, he remembered how something similar occurred when the Hundred Thorned Fox would use its skill. The fox would use mana and the thorns on its body would create deadly projectiles. It usually is easy to avoid but they are almost always found in groups. Most troubling is that the horns would grow back after about half an hour. The foxes themselves were strong and their hit and run tactics are deadly.

Once he had cover he took a sneak peek at what was going on, as soon as the light disappeared he was left with his mouth wide open. Where the powerless King Fish once stood a ferocious sea serpent took its place.

To make things worse as soon as it appeared it moved its body to look directly at him, it then gave a tremendous roar and opened its mouth which seemed to be getting ready to release fire. Luckily he was wearing his armor but that didn't mean that he was safe, first, there was a bee that was strong enough to make a hole in a tree, he did not want to wait and see what a giant sea serpent could do.

He used his body enhancement to the max and began running away from the river, suddenly a ray of red light flew past him. A second later he heard an explosion come from wherever the light touched, that one beam was later followed by more, and soon a portion of the forest had turned into nothing but craters.

He looked at the long trails of nothing that that serpent had left. "Boy am I glad that I didn't get cocky and try to take its attack. How is that possible though one minute it's a funny fish and then the next it's a monster."

Ethan figured that for now he should stay away from the water, luckily the sea serpent had stopped attacking after a few explosions. He followed the trail of disaster because he imagined that it was the one place where the creatures wouldn't be. They should all have been spooked away and at the moment it was the safest place to be.

If he walked anywhere else he might meet up with numerous beasts that are trying to avoid the giant craters.

After running along the long creator he came across an odd-looking red carriage. It looked like a tree had fallen from the impact of the sea serpent's attack. Inside there was a kid and 4 women that were inside.

Fun Fact:

Thorny Devils can drink water through their back and the bottom of their feet.

DemonicReader101creators' thoughts