
Sudden Surprise

"They must not have been able to stop the carriage and crashed into the tree when it fell. This is strange though, how could the carriage have been moving if nothing was pulling it?"

Ethan remembered the stories his father told him about the metal carriages that could move by themselves, if he remembered correctly his father said that they were called cars.

He slowly pulled out the kid and the women from the car and laid them down on the grass. They seemed to only have suffered some bruises and scratches but other than that they should be fine. Since he was in a new world he didn't know what herbs could be used to make medicine.

He looked in the car and found some bags, after digging through them he found some bandages and he began wrapping their injuries. 'Thank god that at least the bandages are the same in this world.'

Once he was done dressing the injuries he looked through the items of the bags to pass the time. What got him interested was the red and white ball, all the other bags just had clothes, food, and make-up.

While he was playing around with it he accidentally pressed something and a red light came from it and hit the ground but nothing else happened.

'After everything that's happened today, it is probably for the best that I don't touch things If I don't know what they are.'

He looked at the knocked-out people and sighed, 'I wonder how long it will take for them to wake up, If a beast comes and they are still not awake I'll just have to leave them here. It was my fault they got hurt but I already dressed their wounds that's the most I can do at the moment.'

After waiting for about an hour he finally heard someone waking up, when he looked around he found one of the women had woken. She was wearing a red scarf and strange colorful clothing with tiger stripes.

Ethan found it strange, neither the kid nor the women were wearing armor. 'How did they expect to safely get out of the forest? A better question is how the hell have they been able to make it this long without having a beast attack them?'

"Hey, miss are you okay? You got into an accident, luckily you only suffered some scratches and bruises."

She looked at him with a confused expression, suddenly her eyes opened wide and she wildly began looking around. "Gary, is he okay? Did he get hurt?"

Ethan pointed at the brown-haired kid wearing a purple shirt, "He's alright, he had dislocated his arm but I popped it back in place. Other than the bruises on his face he should be alright."

The woman looked at Ethan with wide eyes "His face is bruised?..... Dislocated arm?..... Oh….. Gary"

Before he could reach her the woman had hit the floor once again. "The hell? Could it be that these people are just a group of rich kids that underestimated the wild. I remember hearing dad say that most rich kids have everything given to them turning them stupid and arrogant"

A few minutes later the other women woke up, this time he had learned to give them a simple nod when they asked about the boy's health. The last thing he needed was for all three of the redheads to faint like the other one did.

"Ow what happened... my Pokémon were are they"

Ethan turned away from the women whose injuries he was looking at and found the boy wide awake digging into his pockets and taking out four of the balls he had seen before. The boy also picked up a red object that seemed to have gotten broken in half.

"Nooo…. My Pokédex is broken. Well, I guess it's better than it getting stolen, once I talk to my grandpa he can just transfer the data to a new one."

The kid then looked at Ethan and then at the women, "Were you the one who bandaged us?"

Etan nodded and stood up, "Yes, I apologize though, I've been stuck in this forest for a long time and I didn't have anything so I had to look through your bags."

The kid smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry about that, thanks for the help. I'm Gary, the grandson of the great Professor Oak and future Pokémon master of Pallet Town."

"Pokémon what's that?"

Both Gray and the women looked at him as if he was an idiot.

'Crap I didn't mean to say that out loud.'

"You're kidding right?"

Ethan laughed nervously and scratched his head, "You see I was raised in a small village on top of the mountains. The Village has rules that don't allow outsiders to enter, I wanted to learn more about the world and well here I am."

Gary looked at him from head to toe and after a few seconds, he sighed, "Is that so, well that explains your choice of clothing but still doesn't explain you not knowing what a Pokémon is. Just where is that village of yours?"

Ethan shook his head with a serious expression, "Sorry but I can't tell you that. I decided to leave the village and I'm now no longer welcome there. I might not have liked their rules but that doesn't mean that I'm going to ruin lives for those who want to live like that."

The boy nodded and tried to get up but he felt pain in his right arm, "Ow"

"Don't use that arm for a while, I popped it back in place just now. You should put some ice on it and go to a doctor once we are out of here."

Gary nodded and stood up and began surveying the surrounding damage, "Well the damage of the forest was definitely created by a hyper beam, but I can't think about what kind of pokemon is big enough to create craters this size. Viridian Forest is usually home to the evolutions of Beedrill, Butterfree, Nidoking, and Nidoqueen none of these Pokémon can use hyper beam. The only one that I can imagine could create such a mess would be a Venasaur. That can't be though, Venasaurs need the sun, it wouldn't like such a dark place like the Viridian Forest.

'Pokémon? Is that what they call the magical beasts? He said that he wanted to become a Pokémon master, what exactly does that mean?'

"It seems like you really know your stuff, hey I'm curious, what does Pokémon master mean? How do you become one?"

Gary smiled and brought out the red and white ball, "To become a Pokémon master one has to enter and win a tournament called the Pokémon League. Only the best of the best are allowed to enter and once you win you will be known as an elite trainer."

'Trainer? Does he mean that he can tame these magical beasts? Could it be that there are people here that can control magical beasts? A Beast Tamer is the dream profession of everyone back in my world but to be able to get a master to teach you is no easy feat. No one really knows the method to becoming one, but there are stories that not everyone can become one. Not only do you have to find a master willing to teach you but according to rumors you need some sort of special body. If this world really has Beast Tamers and this kid is so sure that he can become one does that mean I might also have a chance?'

'If I really can somehow convince him then and become a strong beast tamer my reputation will soar through the roof. Then I could go back to my world and start my revenge on my father's enemies and "allies" who turned their back on my father. I don't care if I have to beg I must become a Beast Tamer.'

His father had taught him never to kneel to anyone but if this really was a chance to become stronger in this unfamiliar world then he had no choice. He couldn't let this opportunity go by.

He gulped down his pride and slowly got down on one knee "Gary…. No, I mean Sir Gary.... Do you think that you could teach me how to become a Pokémon trainer? I have left everything behind and I have no idea how things work in this world. Could you please consider….."

Gary, who seemed shocked first quickly pulled him up, "What the heck are you doing? Why are you kneeling? And what's all this Sir Gary stuff? Just call me Gary. If you want to become a trainer it's easy but first, tell me how old are you?"

'Easy? Could that be true? Is it possible that in this world the method to become a Beast Master is widely spread?'

"I'm .... I'm 10"

The brown-haired kid smiled and nodded, "Good then you can have your Pokémon training license. Hmm….. I'll get my grandfather to send the things that you need to start once we go to the Pokémon Center in Viridian City."

"Thank you so much, Gary, I'll never forget this."

The kid shook his head and smiled, "It's the least I can do, as the grandson of a famous Pokémon Researcher I have to make sure I return favors. You've saved me and my adoring fans there's nothing to thank me for. Isn't that right girls?"

The four women that were just looking at the side looking confused and somewhat miserable suddenly jumped up and ran to Gary.

"That's right, only Gary could be so kind."

"Gary you are so amazing"

"Gary is the best."

"I'm so happy to witness such an amazing thing ."

"We should go now? The beas.... Pokémon should be coming back soon. There might be a few that are angry about having their homes destroyed."

Gary and the women nodded and they began following the trail one of the women said would lead them to a city.

Well this one isn't much of a fact:

Do you know what a tardigrade (AKA: Water Bear) is? If not check them out they are pretty cool.

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