
Secrets between us

Linda Lee, the adopted child of Lee family, first her sister snatched away her boyfriend and second... marrying with a stranger to pay the family debt.. she has never seen that man before.. how will Linda lead her life with such a stranger? Read it to find more....

jhnxh_niah · 现代言情
81 Chs


Nanny Yun already came for her duty...

"Nanny Yun, please keep breakfast ready for Linda. I'm coming and do not wake her up." said William and he left..

" ok sir"

[ In the hospital ]

' excuse me.. is Doctor Sylvia available now. " asked William in the counter..

"yes sir, please wait. I'm calling her. "

In a minute, Sylvia came to see that William was waiting for her..

"yes Mr Jones please come to my cabin. "

Sylvia and William went inside the cabin..

"Mr Jones.. how is Sylvia? will she come to work?"

"actually her fever got high.. she is resting at home. "said William.

" why doesn't she listen to me at al!! I've told her so many times not to do overwork." said Sylvia.

"is Linda always like this?"

"oh yes, to her patients are more important...she care more about their lives. "

"but why?" asked William. "because when she was a 8 years old, her mother died of heart attack.. her mother was the only member alive, but she failed to keep her, then at 10 years old she was adopted by Mr and Mrs Lee... Linda couldn't forget how she lost her mother.. she doesnt want anyone to experience such life so she decided to become a doctor and save others.... I really appreciate her... " said Sylvia and paused.

"I never knew she was like this.. " said William..

" she feared of losing her loved ones... but something again happened.. which made her little strict and like this... the Linda I used to know was always cheerful."

" what happened?! "

"actually l and Linda became friends since we were in college. that time she fell in love with a guy name Allen.. everyone in the college appreciated this couple... but one day Allen left without a word.. Linda tried to call him so much but she couldn't get in contact with her. This led her in a state of trauma, then everything changed."


"hmm... I saw Linda each and every night how she spend.. it was not easy for her... after a few months .. she changed in to a completely different person... she kept distance from people, she used to talk less... and did not contact much with her adoptive parents also.. "

" why is Linda reacting weird,since yesterday"

"I know what happened to Linda.. actually Linda met Alexa, she is an old enemy of me and Linda.. and Alexa and Allen were married and then returned back to city. " thank you Doctor Sylvia, for providing this information... I guess I can help Linda now. "said William, standing up.

" just call me Sylvia.. bro.. and I hope Linda can let go off the past and live happily...I hope you can take care about the rest... "

William went out of the hospital and he sat inside the car...

"whoever made Linda cry. I will sue him away from Linda's Iife, stupid worman crying for another man..."

William drove his car and went back home