
Scavenging In A Waste World

An overpowered bot, a body of an alien boy, a waste world and a system that turns scraps into useful things, Devon Sparks' second life was straight out of a webnovel. But with the presence of danger in the form of mutated beasts, will he survive the second time around? Will he be able to use the system to its fullness? Will he unravel the mysteries concerning the owner of the body and the waste world? One thing is for sure, an interesting journey awaits. +++ My entry for the WPC#310. If you like it, please vote with your powerstones. :)

horse_radish · 奇幻
18 Chs

Level 2

I was delighted to discover, early morn the next day, that the droppings of the tamed rats can be crafted into fertilizer. A few more domesticated rodents and I could have a steady supply.

The discovery, along with my dwindling ammunition storage, forced me again to go down the mountain and enter the level one area.

Because I let Caesar go on a rampage, there was no loot to be harvested from the slain beasts the night before. And I thought it wasn't much of a waste, until I completed touring the entirety of the area and did not find a single common rat. And I knew I didn't overlook anything because I used the features of the electronic helmet. The realization dawned unto me that we might have slain the last of them. That means, entering another area remained the only option.

I took out the map and took a look at an overview of the wasteland. The only other accessible areas were the two level-2 areas on the other side of the territory.

As expected, the areas had increased difficulty but also increased resources. Mutated rats were as numerous as the common rats, while there would be lesser metal piles but additional mounds of wastes. It was consistent with the themes of most RPGs. The riskier the zone, the greater the loot.

But I knew I was not ready yet. Maybe I could steamroll mobs with the op bot, but that would mean losing potential loot. I need to be stronger on my own, and there was only one thing to do; to upgrade all my gears to level two.

I would be needing a lot of High-Grade metal scraps, and that would mean resuming the tedious grind. Fed up with the boring and repetitive tasks, I threw a question to Caesar.

"Caesar, can you do the scavenging for me?"

The bot, having no other job to do, followed me around atop Tiberius.

<Like slaying mobs, I can deplete the health bar of the mound, but it will not yield resources> he readily answered.

I shook my head in dismay, but having no way around it, I located myself a mound, dismounted and started pounding away. My palms had started callousing, and my muscles had begun to despise the motion.

I started thinking of positive things to keep my mood from derailing and hampering the work that was needed to done.

"I do not need to upgrade my helmet, being already level 2. "

"No rats will disturb me, having cleared the area."

"High-Grade Metal Plate is the most common loot out of mounds."

"I need to do this, or I'll die."

It was somehow effective, being the same technique that I used to survive office work. The good drop rate also played in my favor. It felt great to scavenge high-grade metal scrap almost every other strike.

I started expecting it to last past midday, but it only took two hours and a half to upgrade all the gears.

The finished products did not only provide increased armor, it was also aesthetically better. The level one gears appeared faded and rusty, but the new one, shone even brighter than the steel walls of my shelter. It fitted beautifully with my helmet.

With the task done, I retreated to the shelter, for rest and lunch. At that point, eating was no longer as pleasurable, I've gotten sick of leeks and watermelons, and only ate, so I would not starve. I wondered if I could eat meat on Medreth.

After the hasty lunch, I headed to the nearest level two area, which was about 320 northeast. It was further than the first area, but not too far, as our mounts reached the level one area within ten minutes.

Even at first glance, one would quickly notice the differences. There were more mounds, metal piles were more separated from each other and mutated rats can be seen right at the outer area.

I was intimidated, and rightly so, and decided to go with what I have previously planned. A shallow run. I wouldn't go deep, I would hope to find enough mutated rats at the outer area, and then jump right out after obtaining the loot. I instructed Caesar to not intervene, except with the unlikely event that the mobs are too much for me.

As I advanced nearer, it was revealed to me that what I spotted was a pack of mutated rats instead of just a duo or a trio, which was the case in the level one area.

Halting about thirty meters, the mutated rats could have not sensed me through smell, but one of them had noticed my approach. I pulled out my Lochmann pistols and readied myself for battle.

To my horror, the same mutated rat let out a shriek, seemingly to inform all others of my presence. All heads turned and the pack of six mutated rodents ran towards where I was.

The ground beneath me shook, adding to my fright. I could run away, and they wouldn't be able to chase me, but that would be cowardly. I chose to stand my ground and cocked the pistols, and began shooting left and right.

Though my resolve was unwavering, my hand weren't. And still not used to shooting a pistol with one hand, some of the shots missed the head. But I had eighteen bullets in my disposal and the rat that was not finished by the first shot, was slain by the second or the third.

None reached me.

I rode towards the corpses, and I did not need to dismount to take the loot. As if I were a magnet, the loot chased me as I pass by, even if I was speeding.

[Obtained Gunpowder x45]

[Obtained Rat Poison x20]

[Obtained Rat Fur x5]

[Obtained Leather x2]

[Obtained Bone x2]

[Daily Tasks Completed]

[Obtained Rat Bone Bow]

I had no time to read the notifications, as the helmet displayed rats coming towards my direction. Unwilling to waste any more bullet, I hastily withdrew.