
Scavenging In A Waste World

An overpowered bot, a body of an alien boy, a waste world and a system that turns scraps into useful things, Devon Sparks' second life was straight out of a webnovel. But with the presence of danger in the form of mutated beasts, will he survive the second time around? Will he be able to use the system to its fullness? Will he unravel the mysteries concerning the owner of the body and the waste world? One thing is for sure, an interesting journey awaits. +++ My entry for the WPC#310. If you like it, please vote with your powerstones. :)

horse_radish · Fantasy
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18 Chs


My heart rate only started to go down when I, at last, reached the top of the plateau. Caesar's rapid-firing turret dealt with most of the pursuers, with the rats not standing a chance against the machine. Elevated on Tiberius' saddle, and with a head that rotates on every direction, only few would escape his wrath.

But with the use of the helmet, I saw a number of rats still continuing the chase, though the upward climb had slowed them down immensely. The bot had reached the peak with me, and it seemed that he had no long ranged capabilities.

I could order him back down, but there was a better idea. The pistols were put back to the inventory and I summoned the Ghrut-50. Through the scopes, I had a closer look at the pursuers: five common rats and two mutated ones. The latter having more difficulties because of their weight, but the other five were not progressing much either. Perfect for practicing my sniping.

The helmet provided the distance of every target, making it easier to calculate the bullet drop. Still, it had nothing to help me against the wild gusts of wind.


The first shot was a miss, just barely hitting the left ear of the rat that was leading the way. All it did was startle, then infuriate the rodents. I was a little hasty and the wind took advantage, and it did not help that it was my first time shooting standing up. The rifle's weight had to be taken into account.

An empty shell popped out of the chamber when I brought the breech block down, and the scent of the gunpowder reached my nostrils. As soon as I thought of it, another bullet appeared in my hand, having mastered mentally summoning the objects out of the inventory. I wasted no time and inserted the cartridge for a second try.

The second shot rung out, and to my relief, it hit the chest, though I was aiming for the head. The dead rodent tumbled down the slope, bumping unto another rat, which it brought with it to the bottom of the plateau. Yet, I had only dealt with one, as the fallen rodent persistently made the climb again.

Having gained some proficiency, I was quick in my reloading. I soon made the third shot, which was also a bit off, but still hit the side of the rodent's face, enough to kill it.

Several more shots rung out, and with increasing accuracy. The common rodents were dealt with in no time.

I was able to relax more, knowing that the remaining ones were large targets. The mutated rats struggled to move up, as everything they held and stepped unto collapsed. It delighted me how pissed off they were.

Fairly confident that I couldn't miss, I was almost certain I could take them down with a single bullet each.

I made my shot and did aim for the head, but when it hit the shoulder, I still considered it good enough. Until I noticed it was not a killing blow and only paralyzed a foot. The wounded beast hissed at my direction.

To no effect, however, I knew it was an empty threat.

Though disappointed that I could not one-shot it, now immobile, it was an easy target. I aimed at it again, this time with more effort. Even before the bullet reached its destination, I could feel it was a perfectly timed. For the first time that night, I hit right exactly where I positioned the dot of the scope.

The wounded rat was put out of its misery with a bullet in its forehead. Stiffly, it fell backwards, leaving its companion alone on the climbing trail.

The last of the pursuers became even more aggressive, and input all its strength in a hopeless attempt to reach me. Still fifty meters away, its fate was already sealed, not intelligent enough to know when to withdraw.

A single shot to the neck ended my ordeal. Corpses of rats decorated the foot of the plateau, reminding me of the mistake that could have gone terribly wrong. It was the closest the beast have ever gotten to the shelter.

I looked over to the horizon, and I could no longer see the giant centipede that sent me running. It wasn't near to the level one zone, but it was so gigantic that I was able to see it even from kilometers away.

Then I heard it, the same deathly howl. I have heard it the previous nights, but having discovered from where it comes from, hearing it sent shivers down my spine.

Admittedly horrified and further disturbed by the freezing nightly breeze, I decided to call it a day. I dismounted Caesar, then led Tiberius and Titus to their cages.

The warmth of the fireplace that, for some reason, didn't need any more fuel to keep on burning, greeted me at the door. I was physically and mentally exhausted, and I hastily conjured a supper of leeks and melons.

While I ate, the blurry and distant of image of the gigantic centipede entered my thoughts, and I remembered to ask the bot.

"What was it? Why couldn't I identify it?" I turned to Caesar, who always seats himself in front of me on the table.

<Creatures 10 levels ahead of you or your equipment cannot be appraised.>

"Levels, huh." I mused, then it must be high-leveled.

"How can I see my level again?"

<Say "Profile">


[Name: James Gaithlund

Level: 10

Exp: 425/25000


Strength: 139

Agility: 120

Intellect: 54 (-56)

Charisma: 60


Scavenger: 25

Gunslinger: 60

Builder: 9

Crafter: 16

Melee: 45]

It was ridiculous that it was the last window I opened, when it most RPG video games it should've been the first.

And it brought with plenty of questions.

Am I overpowered or the system just like big numbers? Why is my intellect my lowest stat? What is charisma for?

Most of all, who is James Gaithlund? Is that the name of the boy?