
Saving the worst timeline in Dragon ball

The most tragic timeline in dragon ball, the original, the death of Goku, the death of all Z warriors, no dragon balls, the death of future Gohan, the death of bulma, the annihilation of this timeline......... No Dragon ball fan wasn't sad.....The mc, dying early, fan of dragon ball reincarnates as Future Trunks, swore to never let that fate happen ! Warning before reading: I'm trying my luck with this, don't expect regular updates. As there is little Fan-fiction on this, I decided to try writing one. Cover is not mine.

idontknowdof_j · 漫画同人
19 Chs

Chapter 9 : Videl

I followed Hercules to town where he would show me several survivors so that we could lead them To the shelter.

Trunks was now heading slowly to the city with hercules as he wondered why he decided to help people as they would still be safe even without him. This is a part greatly taken lightly in dragon ball but z fighters had tendencies to let people die to gain some time. It was justified but as an earthling, what would trunks feel if he was in their place ?

This led trunks to actually trying to help. It could help people live better since he felt a bit guilty not being able to alert the Z fighters.

As they were approaching towards the destroyed orange city, they heard a loud noise.

A cry was heard, that of a girl, but it was a cry of anger.

She was accompanied by about thirty armed persons.


'What is she playing at?'



It was too late, they had all pulled the trigger already.

"Haaa, sigh.."

In a split second, the 10-year-old boy who was flying a few feet above the ground with Hercules cried out.

A very powerful shock wave propagated with a very great force.

All the bullets stopped in the open air.

"Wha- How did he do that, Monster !" one of the companions screamed.


'Quite a bit hurtful to hear that.'

"What do you want from us ?! Free my father !"

"Oi, Hercule, you didn't tell me your daughter had an army, anyway could you explain the situation to her."

"Yes, I'm going to do it right now."

As I let down Hercule on the ground, videl and her men were a little surprised but they were still on their guard.

"Oh, Videl my dear, how are you ? don't worry for your farther, I am in no danger."

"What ?! Isn't he a pawn of the androids ?"

"Yeah yeah, that's right !"

"Please, calm down all of you, it may seem strange but that boy is human, I think, maybe... Anyway, we met in the forest nearby. He is by no means an enemy."

"And how do you trust him?"

"I don't ask you to trust me, I just want to help people, if you don't believe me, do you know about capsule corporation ?"

"Who doesn't know about capsule corporation ? That big corporation that was destroyed with the appearance of the androids ?"

"Yes, exactly, then I assume you know of the owner of the company which is Bulma Brief."

"Where are you trying to get at ?"

"She is still alive and I'm her son."

"She is still alive ? hmmm, let us think about it."

"Hey, guys, come here !"

She then went a few meters away and starting whispering with her goons. Not that I couldn't hear them anyway. They discussed for a few minutes if they should trust me or not.

I mean, I'm not an android, and they don't even stand a chance against the androids, so they can't really deny the fact that I am not a foe. Anyway, the last ten minutes were boring as f*ck.

"Okay, for now we'll trust you !"

'What other choice do you have ?'

"Follow us to the base and behave, if you try something funny, we'll find a way to deal with you."

"No problem Sir !"

As we were advancing in the city completely in ruins, there was no one to be seen till we arrived until we come to a dead end. I knew it was not one, even if their ki is weak I still felt several people located below.

Videl approached the wall and pushed on it, then from this wall a sort of intercom came out where she entered a code that obviously she didn't let me see. a passage opened up and stairs led us to the underground passages. When we got in it was pretty dark.

People were piled up there and looked like they weren't doing well.

Sorry they did not look like it, they were not doing well.

"Look, it's Videl! Videl is back."

As we were entering, I got strange looks from a few people but nonetheless I still followed them to her "office".

"So what exactly do you want to help us with ?" Videl said.

"As your father Hercules said, I met him in the forest. I was building a shelter for survivors."

"A shelter ? And why would you do that ?"

"Because I wanted, it's a bit complicated of a situation, I will tell you why one day, maybe..."

"Hmmm, but we already have a shelter, why would we go through the trouble of moving so far and taking the risk of dying just because of some shelter in the forest ?"

"Because it's better."

"HUUUH?! Are you mocking us right now ?"

"Not at all, it has a lot of space, great aeration, and there is a supply of water and I've even got a lot of things for a lot of people."


"Yes I said food, and I will be coming regularly if there is a deficit. But it will mostly be some fish.

"That's more than perfect, but are you sure we are at least 500 people."

"That's not high and I planned on expanding it."

"Then let me organize something. But there is detail you left out. With this many people moving together we will surely attract the androids attention."

"That's not a problem. It quite amazes me that you have never seen him."

"Who ?"

"The one who has been fighting the androids since a few years."

"WHAAAT ???!!!!!" Everyone in the office screamed with astonishment and surprise.

"There is someone fighting the androids ???!!"

"Of course there is someone, anytime they are destroying a city, he comes to save people."

'It doesn't really surprise me but it always stayed in my head like how the hell didn't they spot Gohan or Trunks saving their ass'

"Maybe you'll meet him one day, he's a great warrior."

"Hmm, Seems like we haven't payed enough attention, but how does that affect the fact that they won't notice us ?"

"The moment he will be fighting them I will be escorting you all to the shelter. He keeps them occupied long enough for all of you to reach the shelter."

"Okay, then we will move when you give the signal."

Author note: haven't been here in a long time. I will be updating every Sunday till the 3rd October where I will be updating fourth a week. Leave a five star review guys.

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