
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · 漫画同人
79 Chs

Everyone’s a Scammer

The mission briefing continued after Rens slightly embarrassing moment of ineptitude. All the details were ironed out and a concrete plan was set in place. Eventually the meeting ended and everyone returned to their respective homes.

(Senju Compound)

Ren genuinely, whole heartedly, and definitively could not believe what the hell was going on. How had a mere joke become this situation?

Admittedly with the Senju family gone he was merely going to wait a bit more time to leave Konoha. There really wasn't anything extremely useful to him here at the moment. Short of attempting to kill Grandma Mito and stealing the nine tails, he wanted for nothing else.

Tsunades ninjutsu was his, the shadow clone his, flying thunder god sort of his, and the Eight Gates also his. He also had Byakugan as a result of semi good luck. The only remaining jutsu of note were Rasengan and Summoning jutsu.

With Jiraya icing him out after his marriage to Tsunade he wasn't counting on the Toads. The Snakes seem annoying and the last remaining summon was the Slug. The Slug seemed to have a connection to Hashirama. Considering Tsunade is the only one to have the slug contract without the hard work Jiraya or Orochimaru underwent, it seemed plausible. Orochimaru had his shortcut for whatever summon he chose in the end though so that could wait.

Ren could acquire Rasengan at any time so it really wasn't a priority. The only things left he really coveted from Konoha was the known Mangekyo Sharingan abilities. It was the main reason he would not take the chance to make drastic changes to canon and Konoha.

Should they develop differently from the original canon, things could change in unexpected ways. This was a real world now and messing with these sharingan jackasses could result in Mangekyo abilities that differ greatly from his preferences. Only a fool would not covet Kamui, as long as he acquired it he was willing to let a lot of things slide.

Above all else what Ren coveted was Shin Uchiha. A body that could 100% accept genetic and body modification was incredible. The possible alternative he had for Shin could be possible to acquire with this trip, but such a great physical trait that requires no jutsu was hard to not desire. Especially when it would assist with the result of his acquisition of the Sharingan.

So Ren waited and plotted his future up until the third ninja war came his way. Particularly at that time Orochimaru would lead him to several incredible specimens. With no other friends his hand reaching out with safety would be well received. Not to mention Hiruko would be no different.

Overall things had reached an end for Rens stay in Konoha. The only reason he didn't just leave the place was Tsunade and the fact he needed some final pieces to fall in place to leave with no hassle. Becoming a missing-nin just seemed inconvenient for the future. In his ideal world he would only return to Konoha during the third ninja war.

What he didn't expect is this ridiculous opportunity to leave with Tsunade to appear. He understood these people couldn't contain him if he decided to just teleport and not come back. However the anchor that is Tsunade was their big trump card. It was an effective strategy but what happens if Tsunade chooses him over the village?

(In the Hokages office)

Hiruzen liked to be a great pretender but there's no way he hadn't noticed how suspicious Ren was. His original intent was to have Tsunade monitor and reform the child, lest he need to be culled. Who would have thought a pity case resulted in a great medical talent. During his studies Rens ever growing aptitude in medical jutsu solidified him to be someone who could do good for the village. It was only natural Hiruzen came to value him.

Soon after that however they had developed a subtle give and take relationship. The change came the day Ren had developed his unique flying thunder god technique. At that moment Rens containment to the village became unlikely, especially with his past. The boy acted a fool but he gave just enough information on his thunder god technique to subtly instill the idea he could leave the village at anytime. A fact he had later proven over the years. This was a move someone of his age should not have the foresight to plan.

Hiruzen could only guarantee a few things about Ren at the moment.

The boy had little desire to be a ninja. The only reason he stayed in Konoha is because it would be too annoying not to. Honestly had he not known Rens lineage he would of assumed he came from the Nara clan. The boys only real ambition was to live comfortably. Without the attachment to Tsunade and her family he would have likely left Konoha long ago.

During the mission briefing he subtly highlighted the lack of ambition to Danzo. This was a relationship that had to be kept neutral, he wouldn't allow his friends own ambitions to sour his own relationship with Ren.

Just like Hiruzen had lowered his own ambitions for Ren after noticing his personality flaw. Danzo would likely do the same. Hiruzen genuinely didn't expect Ren to become Hokage or to be extremely loyal, especially after this event with Uzushiokagure. Hiruzen merely hoped by showing trust in Ren to take upon this mission, their relationship would continue. At the very least he wanted to ensure they would not become enemies.

( Root headquarters)

Danzo was having mixed emotions over the boy named Ren. After the events of the mission briefing today he realized a few new things about Ren.

Danzo had made a mistake in the assessment of Ren. He had mistaken the boys grand feats for ambition.

The boy had an interest in science like Orochimaru and medicine like Tsunade. Yet the commonality he had in their interests actually stopped at mere interest. Tsunade pursued the medical arts and her ambitions laid in reforming the medical ninja system. Orochimaru had even grander ambitions in his desire to create and learn all the jutsu possible. Not only science, Orochimaru would resort to just about anything for his ambition. Opposed to the clear ambition the two had, Ren would only pursue the subjects these two devoted themselves to because he was bored.

Yes, Danzo made a clear mistake. The boy was not going to be another ambitious genius like Orochimaru or beacon of change like Tsunade.

It turned out Ren actually had the most in common with Jiraya. Nothing more than an unfocused slacker that did things to entertain himself. Like Jiraya, the kid could be serious if necessary but overall only cared about his own entertainment.

On this day he had come to acknowledge the boy was no real threat to the Hokage position. Truly similar to Hiruzens other disciple Jiraya, the boy merely had no interest.

His original intentions in the proposal of the mission was actually to eliminate any credit Ren would receive for his upcoming military achievements. Not only would he eliminate Rens credit he would claim it for himself. After all he was the master mind behind this mission. Additionally making Ren such a prominent figure in the Land of Fire would make him a target for assassination. This plan was one of his better impromptu decisions.

What irony it was that all his plans were unnecessary. The result of the new information he acquired today made Danzo reassess his stance on Ren.

Such an asset needed to be bound to the village. He was loathe to admit it but Hiruzens foresight once again seemed to be greater than his. He also noticed something peculiar between the interactions of Hiruzen and Ren. It seemed the two were not completely aligned. The boy only had true loyalty to Tsunade.

It seems the cracks between Orochimaru and Hiruzen were also present with Ren. Danzo felt like a series of windfalls kept coming his way recently. Who would have thought it may actually be possible to take three supporters from Hiruzen instead of one.

While all reports from the refusal to aid Uzushiogakure were ordered to be destroyed. Not all were. Holding the scroll in his hand Danzo felt things had turned out far better than he could ever have expected. The relation between Senju and Sarutobi would end soon.

Not to mention if that wasn't enough he had a backup plan.

The boy Ren may not know it but Hiruzen had a second intention with this mission. By being recognized as the Fire Daimyo's son he had gained a benefit some men desired.

The ability to legally take more than one wife.

Hiruzen likely wanted to pair him with the new jinchuriki. However would Tsunade one of the most possessive women he'd ever met allow such a thing?

Ren may not be a thorn in his side. No, Ren may be the key to his future.



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

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