
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Art of Transformation

Before I can go off and become James Bond. I had to deal with one little hiccup. Transformation jutsu.

The art of transformation is a strange thing, it is most often used to disguise yourself as another person, but you can also turn into an animal, plant, or inanimate object. When you transform you will gain the attributes and physical features of whatever you transform into so it is quite an odd jutsu as you can seemingly alter your very existence.

As opposed to my original thought the transformation can be kept even in heavy combat. If you get hit by a Rasengan it won't dispel the transformation. Not only can you keep the transformation going, upon impact you can choose to change to a different transformation just to screw with your opponent. The only way to guarantee you are not facing a transformed opponent is to knock them out.

As to why such a valuable jutsu is only used by Tsunade for cosmetic purposes?

Well it's a strange thing considering it's a basic academy jutsu. Most transformation jutsu use basic knowledge of an item or visual cues to shape their transformation. IE someone turning into a shuriken requires understanding on the items weight, sharpness and overall feel before taking on the transformation. Taking the shape of another human being also forces one to be familiar with their height, weight, scars, and any other identifying traits. It doesn't have to be perfect however as long as you can somewhat visually recreate things it can be counted as successful. At its base it's more of an external change than an internal one.

Tsunades version of the transformation jutsu is on another level however as it incorporates medical jutsu and knowledge to make a transformation both internal and external. Furthermore by tying the jutsu to her strength of a hundred seal it is kept in a passive permanent state as long as she still has chakra. In other words it's similar to the hydrification technique. A similarity I exploited through the natural bonuses of my Byakugan.

Overall Hydrification can be said to be an internal and external water transformation jutsu. The reality is my Hydrification technique is better said to be a passive water replacement jutsu. This is something that can be done by most water affinity ninja but by relying on my full body Tenketsu emission my version becomes much more refined. However in actuality the real Hydrification is a form of permanent body modification. Something I had not recreated perfectly as Tobirama's research wasn't completed.

Regardless I could be said to be extremely proficient in the art of transformation jutsu considering I applied its principles to my signature technique. I did have a hiccup however as I couldn't shape my physical change for specifically cosmetic purposes, in this case to change my eyes. Tsunade could fall back on her original brown eyes through transformation because she'd seen herself like that before. I hadn't seen myself with anything but the traditional Byakugan eyes however.

Naruto was actually a genius in transformation jutsu which could be demonstrated by his creation of the Sexy Jutsu. Even he however couldn't change his facial traits. The face is heavily attached to ones sense of self. Which is most likely why most ninja can't avoid leaving their facials traits on any transformation that doesn't have someone else's specific looks in mind.

All of that brings us to the moment in front of me. Tsunade was in the room with me, while carrying a set of hair dying tools and make up. There were currently two gurneys set up in the room which was covered in medical equipment. This was our personal medical lab. I say our but it was really more of just hers.

I've never wanted to pull the trigger on what I was about to do simply because the consequences could be extremely dire but here we go.

We cut off one finger each and I used a restoration load on ourselves and the fingers. Two perfect naked clones of ourselves where laying on the gurneys. I immediately caught a punch to the face. The words pervert being muttered under Tsunades breath. Can't blame a guy for taking a look right?

After the two clones were covered up we got to work. I withdrew the corpse of the Iwagakure explosive corps ninja from my storage scroll and loaded its save. Performing the eye transplant on the body I had stolen from the unnamed explosive release clone to myself took very little time with Tsunades help. With the procedure completed I immediately killed the clone I now dubbed boom boom and stored the corpse in my personal scroll again. After this was completed we moved on to part two. Dying our personal clones hair into white and black respectively allowed us to see our selves in a slightly different look especially when Tsunade used some make up to cover our hundred seals marks.

A version of myself with white hair and blue eyes appeared. Tsunade was now a black haired and brown eyed beauty. Some further make up applications gave the two clones slightly different facial traits. Then using the two clones as a reference we transformed ourselves into these two new versions of ourselves. These would be our new forms for the one year mission we had been assigned. By virtue of Tsunades unique take on transformation these were perfect disguises that couldn't be undone by anything other than chakra exhaustion.

That isn't to say they didn't have some issues. Our eyes now had colors for the pupils but using the Byakugan we had in our true forms would still show its effects. Fully unleashing the strength stored in our hundred seals had the same issue as well. Though a simple headband would take care of that one.

The inability to use Byakugan didn't really limit our combat strength but it did limit our overall tools. Tsunade and I weren't natural sensor ninjas and we had to limit the use of our medical ninjutsu to not draw parallels to our real identities. We were really going into this fairly shackled down. Regardless with the transformations completed we were ready for this mission for all intents and purposes.

After killing the two clones and storing them in my storage scroll we set off to the Hokages office. On the walk over to the office the fact my clone was sitting in the storage scroll still worried me.

Anyone whose anyone knows sentient clones of yourself are never a good idea. This particular worry intensified when seeing the Kenzorama clone grow so much during the battle at Uzushio. Not to mention what would happen if my so called soul trait was recreated. If these clones could also use save and load they would be terrifying. My solution to the problem was just never allowing a clone of myself to even be remotely created.

Today I had broken that self imposed restriction. Mostly because I believed my current self strong enough to deal with the consequences. That isn't to say such a thing wasn't nerve racking. Accidentally making a copy of myself that would later become this worlds real final boss would be a real kick to the nuts.

Ren continued to walk with a concerned face appearing every few minutes. Tsunade could see the worry on Rens face and knew why.

Seeing her own clone sprawled out on the gurney also made her uncomfortable. Clones in the world weren't normally a cause for concern, the various variation to clone jutsu desensitized the issue. The clones Ren made weren't just physical clones that could be dispelled at will however. They were fully living and breathing physical copies of themselves. Had her clone today not had various cosmetic changes she might have actually struggled to kill it.

She could never forget the day she found out Ren had such an ability.

Ren wasn't as foolish as he liked to seem and would often hold back on some key points even when he seemed forthcoming. The fact he confided such a grand secret like Save and Load was out of character and in the moment she wondered about the motivation behind it. Also in the moment she felt the impulse to eliminate Ren. The ability had too many implications especially when combined with his fathers jutsu.

She didn't however as he may not be extremely honest but who was? No, she didn't because most of all he wouldn't use it to abuse others. Apart from his past likely limiting him, he was simply too lazy or probably believed using it would kill his fun. Looking back it might have been Rens test to see if she could be trusted. The man also liked to gamble it seems.

[ Rens Character panel currently( AKA restoration save and load):

1. Ren (Byakugan + 100 seal)

2. Tsunade ( five years younger)

3. Tsunade ( current, Byakugan + 100 seal)

4. Boom boom ( explosion corps, explosion kekkei genkai)

5. Shuichi Kaguya ( Shikotsumyaku)

6. Kenzorama Senju ( Byakugan + 100 seal)

7. Mira Senju ( Byakugan + 100 seal)

8. Nawaki Senju ( Byakugan + 100 seal)

9. Mito Uzumaki

10. Empty ( used as a quick slot) ]

If you’re excited for the harem prospects… I hate to disappoint.

Clearly my romance plot with tsunade is weak and I can’t imagine trying to add even more characters into the mix.

This could change but I doubt it. That’s all I’ll say about the harem question at the moment.

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