
Chapter 446

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Friday afternoon – Abandoned Classroom on the fifth floor-

Today was a Friday, the day when students had the most free time without counting weekends, and so today Harry and Fleur's first training session would take place, and I was very excited to teach and train them.

I had already sent a letter to each of them at breakfast today letting them know where the classroom where the training would take place was, and after arriving in this room a few minutes before the agreed time, I waited for them.

The room was big and spacious, just like I wanted, and I had already organized it with all the items and equipment needed for the lessons and training that I would give to my two fellow champions.

Compared to the Room of Requirement training room the room I was in didn't seem as amazing or complete.

However, that didn't matter much, since I wouldn't be teaching Harry and Fleur very advanced or complex things, at least not at the beginning of their training.

But of course, just because this room wasn't as complete as the Room of Requirement doesn't mean it was bad or mediocre.

Actually, for a room intended for training and studies it was very good, and I was sure that with the equipment and materials I had here I would be able to train Harry and Fleur to the level where they would be able to defend themselves against a trained adult wizard.

'How good will they be after training ends?' I wondered, sitting on top of the desk I had prepared for myself as I looked ahead thoughtfully.

And it was at this exact moment that I felt the magical signatures of the golden trio reaching the fifth floor.

And not a second later I could also feel Fleur's magical signature approaching.

The four then met at the end of the corridor, and together they started heading towards the room I was in.

"Right on time" I said, looking at my ATLAS which was in watch mode.

I then stood up, standing in front of my desk as I looked at the classroom door, and when I felt the four teenagers finally arrive at the front of the room I snapped my fingers, opening the door with some wandless magic.

And as soon as the door opened I could see Fleur, Hermione, Ron, and Harry at the entrance to the classroom, with the black-haired boy standing with his hand raised, as if he was about to knock on the door.

"Uh," Harry blinked, looking alternately between the door and me with a confused look.

And seeing this a mischievous smile appeared on my face, 'I have to say, these little Headmaster tricks to impress people are really fun to do' I thought.

And looking at the quartet who were still standing at the entrance of the room I took a step forward, "Welcome, my friends, the first training session of the Beauxbatons and Hogwarts champions!" I said, opening my arms invitingly, "Come on, come in. We have a lot to do"

And upon hearing this, the members of the golden trio looked at each other, finding my excitement a little strange.

"Hmm, someone seems very excited," Fleur said, looking at me with a small smile as she walked past the Gryffindors and into the room.

"What can I say... I like teaching" I shrugged, smiling back at her.

I then looked behind her, "And you guys? Aren't you going in?" I asked the golden trio.

"Huh... Oh yes" Hermione said, before entering the room, with the two boys soon following her.

And when they entered the room they immediately began to look around with interest.

"Hmm, this really looks like a training room" Ron commented, walking over to one of the training dummies in the room and touching it.

"Yes" Hermione agreed, "And it actually looks nicer and more professional than the DADA classroom when Professor Moody turned it into a training room for one of his practical lessons" she said, looking at some iron bats and balls that were on the floor with a curious look.

"Don't remind me of that lessons" Harry said with a grimace, "I'm sure Professor Moody was having a lot of fun while hitting us with those contusion spells."

"I have no doubt about that" Ron said, also with a grimace on his face.

And without paying attention to the three Gryffindors who were starting to remember their traumas with DADA teachers, Fleur came to me, stopping next to me.

"It looks like you really worked hard to make this classroom perfect for our training" she said, looking around the room.

"Well, if I'm going to train you guys then I have to do it to the best of my abilities, and that also includes a proper training room" I shrugged.

"I know, and I'm very grateful for that," she said, bumping her shoulder against mine affectionately.

"Now Fleur, this way you'll make me blush" I said, smiling slightly at her.

"Well, maybe I want that," she said, smiling cheekily.

And upon hearing this I raised an eyebrow in amusement, "Oh, it seems like you've become more sassy"

And Fleur shrugged, "I blame the bad influence I befriended" she said, looking clearly at me.

"Really? And who would be this bad influence?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Hmm..." Fleur then placed a finger on her delicate chin, "I don't remember very well... All I can remember is that he is a tall, strong boy, with black hair and amber eyes, who is very intelligent, who likes to get into trouble, and who has a passion for irritating and provoking people."

"Hmm, that's a pretty good description" I said, rubbing my chin, "But unfortunately I can't think of anyone who has that appearance or personality."

"I see" Fleur snorted in amusement.

And Fleur and I were so involved in our conversation that we didn't even notice that the other three people in the room had already finished their conversation and were now looking at us.

"Err... They still remember we're here, right?" Ron asked his two friends in a whisper, looking at me and Fleur with a strange look.

"I don't think so" Harry replied with a wry smile.

And Hermione, instead of answering, just continued looking at both of us with a knowing and analytical look, and no one knew what that studious little head full of thick brown hair was thinking.

"Ahem" Ron cleared his throat, catching my and Fleur's attention, "Shouldn't you three have already started training?" he asked.

"Everything in its time, young Padawan" I said with a calm look, before starting to walk to the middle of the room.

"Padawan?" Ron repeated confused.

And Hermione thought about explaining to him what the word meant, but she saw that I had gone into my teacher mode, so she remained silent, looking intently at me.

"Before we start training, we first need to make a few things clear," I said, before turning to Harry.

"You asked me to train you, but I want to know, do you want to learn to duel or fight?" I asked him.

"Huh? And is there any difference between them?" Harry asked.

"There are actually a lot of differences between the two" I said, and then I looked at the French girl, who was now standing next to the other three teenagers, "Fleur, could you tell us the difference between duelling and fighting?"

"Me?" Fleur asked in surprise, pointing to herself.

"Yes, you" I nodded, "You are the only one who has had any duelling experience because of Beauxbatons' curriculum, and besides, you already told me that your father taught you a little about duelling too, didn't you?"

"Yes, my father wanted me to know how to defend myself if necessary, and my school teaches duelling to students from the fifth year onwards as an elective subject" she replied.

"I see," I said, feeling a small sense of envy coming from the boys when she talked about her school having a duelling class.

But I didn't pay much attention to them, deciding to focus on the matter at hand, "But well, besides having some knowledge about duels, I also know that you have personally witnessed a real fight between wizards on your last summer vacation."

And upon hearing this, Fleur blinked in confusion for a moment, wondering which fight I was talking about.

But then she noticed my look at her, and in the next instant realization hit Fleur, and with that memories of the Quidditch World Cup final began to come to her mind.

And seeing the sparkle of realization in the blonde girl's eyes I nodded, before continuing, "And well, taking all this into account, and comparing the two situations, you should already know what the difference is between duelling and fighting, right?"

