
Chapter 447

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


'The difference between duelling and fighting?' Fleur repeated my question in her mind, frowning.

She then started thinking about her duelling classes and my fight against the death eaters in the Quidditch World Cup final, and with a thoughtful look she reflected on the two situations, comparing them.

And after a while of reflection she looked back at me, before slowly nodding, "I think I know the difference" she said.

"Great, so could you tell us what they are?" I asked.

"Well..." Fleur started to say, "I think the main difference is that duelling is something more organized, theatrical and formal, and most of the time it is seen as just a wizarding combat sport."

"As for the fight, it is more wild, messy, bloody and deadly... And I don't think it would be wrong to say that a fight is most of the time a battle between life and death" and listening to Fleur's response I nodded satisfied.

"Great answer Fleur" I said, which made the blonde Veela smile happily.

I then turned to the three Gryffindors, who were looking at Fleur and me intently.

"Listen, for most people there is no difference between duelling and fighting, but that's bullshit" I said, pursing my lips, "In a duel there are rules and formalities, which is why it is mostly seen in controlled situations, like tournaments and classes"

"But when we talk about real battles where life and death are at stake, we cannot limit ourselves to rules, as that would be stupid."

"In a battle in which your life and the lives of those you care about depend on your victory, you have to use all means to win, no matter if you have to play dirty or do something that you consider wrong, and that's what it means to fight."

And looking at the teenagers in front of me I could see that the golden trio and even Fleur were looking at me without blinking, paying full attention to me and my words.

"And now that you know this, you must understand that if at some point you fight against a dark wizard or someone who wants to harm you, you must not think about rules or what is fair."

"In a situation like this you should only think about your survival or eliminating the threat as quickly as possible, do you understand?" I asked them, finalizing my explanation.

"""Yes""", "Oui" the four respond, and hearing their affirmative response I nodded.

I then turned and looked at Harry, and when the green-eyed boy saw that I was looking at him, he straightened up, noticing the seriousness in my expression.

"And so Harry, now that you seem to understand the difference between duelling and fighting, I have to ask you…" I started to say, looking him straight in the eye, "Do you want me to teach you how to duel or fight? "

And Harry blinked in surprise when he heard my question, not expecting it.

But then he stopped, before looking down with a thoughtful frown, obviously reflecting on my question.

'Fight or duel?' he asked himself.

Harry then started thinking about my explanation and the other things I said, really taking my question seriously.

And as he thought about all this his mind kept reminding him of a specific part of my explanation.

'In a battle in which your life and the lives of those you care about depend on your victory, you have to use all means to win' my voice echoed in his mind, repeating the phrase that he considered the most important of the entire explanation.

And besides that phrase, Harry also kept thinking about the part where I talked about fighting dark wizards, and he knew that for him this wasn't just a hypothetical situation.

He knew that his future would be filled with battles against dark wizards who would want him dead, and he knew that in these battles his friends and family would be involved, and that they would be in danger because of it.

Harry didn't want this to happen, but this was the fate he was destined for.

And knowing this he finally knew what his answer to my question was, and with a decision made he lifted his head, looking at me.

"I want you to teach me how to fight" he said, with a determined and serious look.

And seeing this I smiled with satisfaction, "Great choice" I said.

'I'm sorry Headmaster Dumbledore, but Harry isn't going to be the fragile, harmless boy you expected' I thought.

"Uh, Ethan" I heard Hermione call me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I looked at her.

"Can Ron and I also participate in these training sessions?" She asked, which caused me to raise an eyebrow at her sudden request.

"Well, if Harry and Fleur don't mind" I said.

And with that we then looked at Harry and Fleur, and the two champions shook their heads, showing that they had no problem with Hermione's request.

"Since they don't see a problem with that then you can participate in training" I said, before looking curiously at Hermione, "But if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to participate in training too?"

"Well..." Hermione started to fidget, "I just think it would be very useful to know how to fight, as that way we could defend ourselves if something happens" she said, glancing at her two friends.

"Yes" Ron quickly agreed, "Knowing how to fight seems like a pretty good skill to have... Especially considering how much trouble we've gotten ourselves into" and when he said that Harry beside him snorted while Hermione frowned.

"And between you and me, knowing how to fight seems really cool too," Ron finished, and I could see an excited sparkle in his eyes.

"Hmm, I see" I said nodding.

And I could feel that their answer was true, but I could also feel that they had more reasons to want to learn how to fight, reasons that they decided not to talk about.

And from the way they looked at Harry I knew exactly what those reasons was, and I smiled slightly when I saw how loyal and sincere their friendship was.

But shaking my head I decided to let that go, before turning to Fleur, who was listening to our conversation with interest.

"And you Fleur?" I started to say, catching the beautiful Veela's attention, "What do you want to learn?" I asked.

And Fleur didn't need to think much about my question, answering almost immediately.

"I want to learn how to fight" she said, looking straight into my eyes, 'Just like you'

And feeling a touch of determination and conviction in Fleur's voice, I smiled.

"Good" I said to her.

I then turned around so I could look at all four teenagers, and looking at their determined expressions I felt satisfied, and I was very proud of them for choosing to learn how to fight.

In fact from the beginning I intended to teach them how to fight, as I didn't want them to go into battle against death eaters with the thought that they should just disarm them.

That's why in my explanation I said that they should defeat their enemies using any means.

Of course, I didn't explicitly tell them that they should kill their enemies, but my explanation implied that this was one of the options, and I knew that they were smart enough to realize that.

A bloody and cruel war was approaching, and I wanted to save as many people as possible and protect all my loved ones, and if to do that I needed to make them understand that killing was more effective than disarming, then so be it.

I didn't want my friends to bear the burden of having to kill someone, but the feeling of losing someone important to you because you decided not to eliminate the enemy immediately was a thousand times worse.

I knew very well how human feelings worked, and if there was any feeling that could completely destroy a person from the inside, It was regret and guilt, and that was what I wanted to avoid.

And now that Harry, Ron and Hermione, who will be the ones at the center of the entire war, have decided to learn how to defend themselves properly, I could feel that I was on the right path to changing the future.

'This time everything will be different, I can guarantee that' I thought, with an obstinate and resolute gleam in my eyes.

But shaking my head I decided to refocus on the now, remembering that we were all here in this classroom for a reason.

"Well..." I started to say, catching everyone's attention, "Now that we've resolved everything, I think it's finally time to start our first training session"

And upon hearing this, the golden trio and Fleur immediately got excited.

"And what are you going to teach us today?" Hermione asked, looking at me expectantly.

"Well, this first training session will be about something that Fleur probably already learned in her duelling classes, and that you three already learned, at least a little, from Professor Moody" I replied.

And hearing this, the four looked at each other in confusion, before looking back at me.

And seeing the confusion and curiosity in their eyes, I smiled, letting my magic flow, covering the room and its objects.

"Today you will learn... to dodge!" I exclaimed, with my smile turning into a sadistic grin.

And as soon as I finished saying that, the iron bats and balls that were scattered around the room began to float, pointing threateningly at the four teenagers.

And upon seeing this they immediately froze, feeling panic and fear take over them.

''''We're screwed'''' they thought.

