
RWBY: The Tale Of Ash Grey

A young man who lived an average life died at the hands of Truck-kun finds himself reincarnated in a world that is different from his original world. Now he has to not only survive, but to also thrive in this new world. No deity to explain to him the reason for his reincarnation, and no gifts were given to him in the beginning, just his knowledge of future events and whatever knowledge that he accumulates during his journey towards achieving his goals. Author's Note: I do not own RWBY or any of its characters. RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, but the OC Characters are owned by me.

Ash_Grey_858 · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chapter 5: Evernight

Timeskip: 4 Months Later

Location: Land Of Darkness.

POV: Ash Grey

The Land Of Darkness.

It is the home of the creatures known as Grimm, the creation of the God Of Darkness.

A dangerous land that has been refered to other names.

The Evernight, The Grimm Lands, No Mans Land, The Land Of No Return, etc.

But in my eyes, it is the land of opportunities.

After months of traveling the world while killing & looting bandits, saving villages, navigating large forests, deserts, and a vast ocean, I am finally here, on a small boat, reaching shore as I waved goodbye to the old captain on the large fishing boat that I protected from pirates & aquatic Grimm.

After that, I finally reached shore, took my bag and put on my grey hooded coat, which is a gift that I got from Sister.

I looked at the lifeless land in front of me, and and after a deep breath, I said to myself.

Ash: "No turning back."

My eyes glow brightly as I start to navigate the Grimm-infested lands, preparing himself for the worst.

POV: Third Person

A few minutes after Ash starts navigating the lands, his glowing eyes widen when he saw what's in front of him.

Countless amount of Grimm of various shapes & sizes roaming around the lands.

On random parts of the land, Ash sees small black pools that spawns more Grimm, increasing the already massive horde.

For the first time in a while, Ash felt hesitant.

During his journey, he witnessed firsthand the dangers of this world.

He even experience what its like to kill for the first time, in which he felt a bit of discomfort and few nightmares, but he got used to it later on.

He even tortured a bandit leader for three days for attempting to r*** a little girl in front of her father who is the village chief.

But this?

This is different.

Anything could happen here.

He could probably die here, and he's not sure if he gets another chance in reincarnating.

But would this stop him from reaching his goal?


He didn't spend 15 years learning magic and how to fight just to stay put and do nothing.

He is going to live his new life to the fullest and with no regrets.

And the only thing that stops him from achieving his goal is this Grimm horde.

He shook his head, and with eyes filled with determination, he said with resolve.

Ash: "Time to rip and tear."

He snapped his fingers, which alerted the nearby Grimm, at the same time, summoned a magic orb that starts emitting a loud music, which grabbed the attention of the rest of the horde.

*Playing The Only Thing They Fear Is You*

The Grimm horde growled, and after a moment, charged towards the silver eyed warrior.

He started walking forward, in which he starts walking faster, and faster, until eventually, he starts running towards the incoming horde.

Using wind magic, he jumped until he's on top of the horde, his eyes glow brightly as he flashed the area with a bright light.

In an instant, all Grimm in the vicinity were petrified and turned to dust, blown away from the passing winds as he land safely at the center.

But that was just the beginning as more Grimm spawned from the small pools and start charging towards Ash.

A bunch of Creeps were about to attack the young man, but he smirks as he used Earth Magic to create spikes that impaled the incoming Grimm.

Three Boarbatusks used a spin attacks at the young man, but was struck by three pillars of lightning that disintegrates them.

An Ursa Major then charges at him attempting to kill him, but was met with a flying straight kick right at its forehead, killing it as it back crushes a few Grimm behind it.

Ash hears a shriek as he looks up and sees a couple of Nevermores fly towards him and bombarded him with a rain of feathers, in which he showed his left palm towards them.

With the use of Fire and Wind Magic he released a sea of flame that incinerated both the feathers and the Grimm.

His silver eyes glowed as he conjured a sheathed light katana as more Grimm charged towards him.

One lone Beowolf was clever enough to try to sneak his way behind Ash's back and pounced, only to be struck by Ash using the sheath a couple of times and is cut into petrified pieces.

Ash then decides to continue to navigate the Land Of Darkness, slashing Grimm on the way as they petrify from each cut he makes.

Slash after slash, cut after cut, the more Grimm Ash kills, the more they appear as they chase him.

Ash then stops on a small mountain top, being surrounded by land Grimm and being circled by aerial Grimm.

He smirks as he wipes the sweat on his forehead while also flipping his hair back with his free hand like a certain motivated swordsman and summons eight light swords which surrounds him in a barrier.


The Grimm horde roars as they charge towards him as he waits in excitement.

Ash: 'This is what I trained for. THIS is what I live for! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!'

With a devilish grin, he starts cutting down nearby Grimm and blasting them with Magic Bullets while his summoned swords mow down any approaching Grimm behind him as the sound of music erupt the battlefield.

Timeskip: 2 Hours & 34 Minutes Later

In a small mountain, there sat a lone warrior panting with his light katana on his side

Multiple cuts and bruises cover his entire being and a long diagonal cut was present on Ash's right eye.

Fortunately, the cut didn't reach his eye, but it would leave a pretty sick scar in the future.

Surrounding the tired warrior is hundreds of dead Grimm slowly dissipates into nothingness.

Ash takes a deep breath and stood up, doing a few stretches to loosen up his body.

His katana disappears into light particles as he said.

Ash: "As much fun as it was, I need to get back on track before these guys spawn back. No one alive has yet to successfully navigate these lands, and I only have enough supplies to last me a week, two weeks if I ration it carefully. I need to find uncle's shrine as soon as possible. But for now, I need to find a safe place to patch myself up and rest."

He then continues to traverse the land for a while.

A few minutes later, he discovers a cave.

After checking for any possible dangers inside, he sets up camp, patched himself up, and rest for tonight.

Timeskip: 1 Week & 5 Days Later

Location: GOD's Shrine

POV: Ash Grey

Ash: "Yes*Pant* I *pant* finally *pant* found it.*pant*"

I said tired as I drew and wrote down the location of the shrine on my journal, completing the map that I made of the Land Of Darkness.

After almost two weeks of traversing the Grimm-infested lands, almost getting myself killed from the Grimm or from the hazardous environment, and almost ran out of my rations, I finally found it.

After catching my breath, I made myself presentable as I could be and climb the stairs towards the location of the original black pool

As I reach to the top, I saw multiple land Grimm wandering the area.

I just sighed as I said to myself.

Ash: "What I'm about to do is going to be stupidly risky. May father bless my path."

I move down the stairs towards uncle.

Once I'm down, Grimm starts growling at my direction.

I just ignore them and moved forward, activating my silver eyes to intimidate the Grimm, which made them wary and stop advancing towards me.

Once I reach the black pool's edge, I waited for a bit.

After a minute, he finally rise from the black pool, twisting his body back in place like a puppet having its strings untangled.

Once he's done, he spoke.

GOD: "Now this is odd. A human, not only survived traversing my domain, but also found my shrine. And the strangest part is, your eyes, I can sense my brother's power within those. I'm honestly surprised that someone has paid this god a visit, especially someone who seems to be blessed by my brother."

He paused as I gulped in nervousness.

I wasn't sure what was gonna happen.

It either he thinks that I'm here to kill him for some reason or that he doesn't think I'm not worth the time.

He then continued.

GOD: "But still, visitors are always welcome, after all, I rarely have those around here. But may I ask, who are you? And what exactly prompted you to come here, child?"

I looked into his non-existing eyes as I spoke with reverence in my tone.

Ash: "God Of Darkness, my name is Ash Grey, adopted son of your brother, the God Of Light, and a Silver Eyed Warrior. I have come here, navigating your domain in order to seek an audience with you. You see, I was raised at the Domain Of Light. From the teachings of the God Of Light and his followers, I have learned that humanity was born from two aspects. Equal parts Light and Darkness. All my life I have learned of the Light, but I know little of the Darkness. So I am here in order to learn the other half of the balance from you, the God Of Darkness himself. As such, I hope to learn from you as I have learned from father. If you are willing of course."

After I said my piece, he stood there in silence for a while untill he spoke.

GOD: "Interesting. My brother's adopted child that's been blessed with his power, came to pray to me and ask me for guidance. This is definitely a first. And here I thought I've seen everything. Very well then, since you've been honest with me, and is perhaps the first human to understood the importance of balancing light and darkness, I shall accept you as my follower."

He smiled? as he accepted my request.

I was smiling as well, realizing that my effort in going here weren't in vain, and with no problems too.

He raised his left hand in a number one sign.

GOD: "In one condition."


Me and my fucking brain.

A bead of sweat appeared on my forehead as I waited for his request.

He then gestured his left hand in front of me for a hand shake.

GOD: "I ask of you to refer me as uncle. After all, your my brother's son. With means that you are my nephew. Can you do that, child?"

I internally sighed in relief.

Thankfully, he didn't demand something outrageous.

I just shook his hand and smiled.

Ash: "Very well. Thank you for accepting me as your follower, uncle."

He smiled? as he lets go and looks behind me for a bit and back towards me.

GOD: "It would seem that my creations are getting restless. So, as my follower and nephew, I need to understand what you have learned from my brother. My first task for you is to eliminate the Grimm that are near my shrine so I can analyze your capabilities and also remove the annoyances of your stay here."

I just smirked in response as I turned around and face the Grimm.

I summoned a pair of light blades as I said.

Ash: "As you command, uncle."

I charged towards them, ready to give my uncle a show to remember.

Later, I have forgotten how long I've fought as the sounds of music erupt from the magic orb as I continue to rip and tear until its done.

Hello readers. Sorry It took so long for me post another chapter. College is a HUGE pain in the ass.

Also, this is the first time I wrote a fighting scene, what do you readers think?

Like it ? Add to library!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anyway, write on the comments on your opinion of my work, and as always, have a good day/night.

Ash_Grey_858creators' thoughts