Amir read the paper in his hand and nodded his head. The paper in his hand is the profile of the gang called Emerald Snake. They are the ones that lure the Grimm to attack the slum where the Ambassador does their business.
It looks like before the Ambassador took the slum under their wing, the Emerald Snake occupied this slum and declared it as their territory. In fact, the people that attack Ambassador's territory are the people from Emerald Snake.
"It looks like we take the territory of the Emerald Snake, and they decide to exact their revenge by using the Grimm."
Amir begins to think about how they are able to do that. As far as he knows, Grimm cannot be lured that easily. They are mindless beasts. They can only be lured with negative emotion, and right now, his territory is happy.
Grimm luring is a long-term strategy used by bandits. The bandit gathers their group together, stands in front of their target, and declares their intention. Even when the villagers did not want to do it, the thought of a massive amount of bandits wanting to rob them terrified them. That thought releases a large amount of negative emotion that attracts Grimm.
The bandit then goes into hiding before the Grimm comes to the village and waits for the Grimm either to kill the villager or the villager evacuating and leaving their valuables behind. Those two scenarios are a win-win situation.
"However, without any negative emotion released by the people in my territory, there should be no way they can lure the Grimm here."
After thinking about it for a few seconds, Amir decides that he needs more information. He did not want to be unprepared when he decided to attack the Emerald Snake. There is still what if he needs to check before he attacks them.
"Aki, I want you to gather more information about the Emerald Snake gang. Send some of our spies there and gather as much information as you can and make sure to take note of controlling Grimm coming up."
"Yes, sir."
"I also want you to make a plan that can cause the maximum damage, financially, for them. I want them to suffer for what they try to do to us."
"Understood. Should we kill him immediately?"
"Not now. Will there be a problem with your plan if he is not killed right away?"
"Not really. However, the chance the plan will work decreased by three point five percent."
"From what?"
"Seventy point thirty-five percent."
"Hmmm, do what you need to do for your plan to work. Take as many men as you want, or take as many weapons as you need. Just make sure you destroy that gang and set an example to the others."
"Of course, sir. I will do that immediately."
"Good. Also, inform Haru that I need him to come with me. I need him to accompany me to meet the infamous Gentleman Thief, Roman Torchwick."
Roman releases a puff of smoke from his mouth and says.
"You say that this man is wearing a mask in the meeting? What kind of man does that? Who does he think he is? Some supervillain?"
"I don't really know."
Roman looks at his trusted informant, Junior, for a second and knows that the gang leader did not give him a full answer.
"Junior, my buddy. We have been business partners for more than five years. You should know that I can read your expression. Your poker face has been improved, but it still cannot fool me. I know you did not tell me something. How much do you want for this information?"
"Nothing because I can't tell you."
"Can't or Won't?"
"The first. I can't. However, I can arrange a meeting between the two of you."
"Oh? Can you? That's good because they are ghosts even with my information network. I can't get any information on them."
"They are called the Ambassador."
"Ambassador? Really? That's lame."
"However, before I arrange this meeting, I need to tell you something."
"Never sign a contract coming from him."
"Contract? What?"
Junior ignores Roman and walks away from the room with his phone in hand. Junior types some numbers and calls the Ambassador.
Roman, sitting inside the room alone, looks at the corner of the room before saying.
"Neo, what do you think?"
Suddenly, coming from the corner of the room is a young woman. She wears a white cropped wide, broad-tailed jacket with a pink interior, collar, a single pink button, and large pink cuffs. She wears brown pants with a dark belt with a gray buckle and an additional narrow belt. Under her jacket is a brown corset, curved in the middle and at the bottom, exposing her hips. She also wears a multitude of black beaded necklaces, which hang haphazardly around her neck. Neo also wears black and white spat styled under the knee boots alongside black gloves. Her hair color is half pink and half brown, with white streaks on the pink side.
She is Neopolitan, the Silent Assassin. She is the partner to Roman Torchwick, who helps him on his job. The job is from stealing dust to smuggling. Not only that, but she also takes an assassination job from time to time.
Neo tilted her head and did some movement with her finger.
"You thought that he was hiding something too, huh? Your honorary uncle hid something from us, and by the look of his face, I know that he is telling the truth about not signing any contract with the Ambassador. I wonder why?"
Neo tilted her head to the right and made another gesture with her hands before taking out something from her cleavage.
It was a folder.
"Oh? You have something? Great!"
Roman takes the file from Neo and opens it. The file is filled with a lot of paper, and Roman takes one of the papers before starting to read it.
After a minute of reading, Roman frowned at the information he had just got. All of the information in the paper is about people dead by unknown means. However, there is one thing all of them have: writing on their body. The writing said.
"They broke the Contract."
Roman now knows the reason why Junior did not want to talk about the Ambassador. He did not know how they did it, but they could do it without anyone noticing and without any trace. After reading the paper for another five seconds, Roman put down his cigar and said.
"This must be the work of Semblance. No way in hell that this man is able to do it without a trace or do it from far away."
Neo nods her head and moves her finger.
"A Devil Contract, huh?"
Neo nodded her head.
"It is fit. As long as you did not break the contract, you are safe. However, if you break the contract, you will be dead. However, there is one thing that I notice from reading this. That man always fulfills his end of the contract. These people that died are traitors and the ones that cannot control their greed or the people that were sent to spy on this Ambassador."
True to Roman's word, all of these people are the people that try to betray the Ambassador and give some information to the other gang or the police. They decide to betray Amir after they get what they want and are promised bigger money from the other gang.
Everyone who did it was granted a painful death.
"I guess I can understand why Junior says never to sign a contract with him."
After saying that, Junior gets inside the room once again, and when he sees the paper on the table, he frowns for a second before shaking his head.
"Your meeting will happen in three hours. Don't go too far."
"Heh. Let's face the devil."
You can find the advanced chapter here:
Or if you want to give me some coffee.