
RWBY: Gamer Guild

This is a story about a sinful man getting killed on the Earth after getting betrayed by his so-called friend. He already accepts that he will meet his demise and get transported into a never-ending torture chamber. However, he did not get into Hell. When he opens his eyes, he is in the other world altogether. The world that very different than Earth but very familiar at the same time. *NOTE! This is a self-indulgence novel. Don't take this story very seriously*

LuxVonDeux · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

It was a strange sight but a rather familiar one for the people in the southeast slum in Vale. It was the sight of the Ambassador moving through the street of the slum. At first, the sight of a well-armed thug will scare them, but it was not for the Ambassador.

While they are a criminal organization that gets money from protection rackets and drug money, they did not terrorize the people under their protection, unlike the other gang. Their protection money will guarantee protection from the Ambassador.

Not only that, but the people of the slum also know that the job they are getting is coming from the Ambassador. The legal work as a farmer and fisherman. Some of them get offered to join the gang, but the people that reject the offer can walk free after signing a Contract of Silence.

So when the people of the slum see a well-dressed gang carrying many kinds of weapons, they are curious instead of getting scared. One of those people is Grau, a middle-aged man who once offered a job in the gang but decided to reject it.

Grau walks toward one of the gang members and asks them.

"Hey, what's happened? A gang wants to attack this place?"

"Nope, worst."


"Grimm. The big boss gets accurate information saying that a rival gang from the other side of the slum decided to use Grimm to weaken us."

"Grimm?! Coming here?! How?! I thought the hunter had already swept across the nearby Grimm-infested area."

"Nope. It looks like they are busy. The boss gets information that most of the hunters in this city are placed inside the city to secure most of the Dust Shop."

"The recent robbery."

"Yup. It looks like someone decided to one-up the local Gentlemen Thief by robbing the biggest Dust Shop in Vale and taking more than one ton worth of Dust. Anyway, you don't need to worry about it. The Big Boss already ordered his left and right hand to predict the Grimm movement and then placed the other in that place to counter the Grimm. Hell, even the big boss joined the fight."

"Ahhh, I see. This is the reason why there are only a few of you here, right?"

"Yup. While the Big Boss trusts the calculation, he decides to let a few of us be stationed here to protect you guys."

"What about the police?"

"Nah, they won't come here. If you saw the news this morning, the police will guard the wall in the north. There is a massive explosion happening this morning on the wall. The police are investigating the explosion and will not come. We also do this very carefully, and no one knows about this operation."

"Then why did you tell me about it?"

"I already know about you. You already signed the Contract of Silence, right?"


"Then I did not need to fear you telling others about us. If you decide to break the contract… Well, the last one that decided to do it has yet to stop screaming in the hospital."

When the man in front of him says that, Grau shudders a little as if cold steel is pressed on his back. He remembers the man that decided to break the contract. To this day, the man is still screaming in pain and begging for the other to kill him and end his suffering.

Grau did know the reason why the doctor had yet to use the lethal injection to end the poor soul's suffering.

Grau did not know that the doctor had already done that, but the man's body was immune to the lethal injection. The contract said that the body could not be killed from an inside attack. If they want to kill the offender, they need to do it by shooting the man. Sadly, Vale's law prohibited an external execution. That means they cannot use guns, swords, and other execution tools.

Anyone who tries to kill the man with a gun or a knife will be branded as a murderer and get at least twenty years of imprisonment even though their intention is for the good of the tortured man.

When Grau sees the video of the offender suffering, he decides to close his mouth shut.

"Anyway, you need to stay inside your house. I don't want to gather more attention than the one we already have. There are only a few dozen people here, but it was already too much."

After saying that, Grau sees the man walk away from him with an automatic gun on his back.

While nothing is going on in the city of Vale, a few kilometers away from the city there is a battle currently going on. A few hundred Grimm are currently charging toward the small fortress made of a solidified chemical substance Haru made using his power.

"Take the one on the left! Don't let those fucker get up here!"

Amir orders his men to take the group of Grimm that is coming from the left side of the fort. He and his man had already fought for one hour and killed more than two hundred Grimm. With the help of Aki power, they are able to fight the Grimm in a place where not many people know about and away from the camera that Vale owns.

Amir and his group decide to fight the Grimm here out of place because he does not want to give the police and the Vale government to know the strength of his gang. He was not ready to get the attention of a bigger gang like the Bloodryder or the Red River. Their greatest strength is their anonymity.

"Come on! Blast those bastards up! There are only a few of them left!"

Amir shouted while firing his gun at full power and blasting every Grimm he could see. While his gun is not using Dust as its ammo, it has the same effect as the other gun. It was effective in killing Grimm.

After another thirty minutes of fighting, the Grimm finally stops coming at them. When the fight is over, Amir looks at his lieutenant and says.

"Aki. Haru. I need you to gather as much information as possible about the people that do this."

"Of course, sir. Do you want me to kill them once we get that information?"

Amir looked at Haru before shaking his head.

"No. Not yet, at least. I want to steal all their riches first. Take all dear to him. I want him to suffer first. Let's use them as an example for the other gang not to underestimate us."

"Yes, sir"

You can find the advanced chapter here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee.



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