
Rwby:A Sembalance of Enchantment (Archived version)

------Being completely rewritten, this is the Archived version------

ZeOwl · 漫画同人
32 Chs

Hate for Fangs

We were leaving for beacon literally today. "I feel like I just got to stay in a very expensive hotel! Although I haven't really been in one was never really allowed in the ones in the places I visited."

"Why haven't you stayed in a hotel?"

"Oh asking questions now Emerald! Well, I don't mind it. You clearly want to create conversation on this long awkward flight! Soooooo..."

"Just get on with it!"

"Ah, fine. It's because I am a faunus, and Atlas Hotel's often are run by bigoted assholes who saw me less than human. Vale is much more open, but the few places I have visited around here unfortunately were close minded as well. Telling that I only been to Atlas and Vale, I haven't seen any Hotels that allowed me to enter."

She frowned slightly clearly not prepared for my answer. I rolled my eyes anticipating her next question. "I stayed in Faunus Work Order buildings or stayed where My Grandfather was. He had many friends, this allowed us to stay in a few people's homes."

"Are Faunus really that mistreated? My only interactions with them have been the White Fang and Tyrian. One is basically a violent group who honestly I don't know if they exaggerate and Tyrian...i prefer not to talk to."

"I have no idea Tyrian is, but the White Fang do exaggerate. There is the more violent bullies, but those are all children. People don't often attack the Faunus like the White Fang describes. Faunus do however are often banned from places or just straight up berated and insulted. So yes they are mistreated, but the White Fang are idiots who focus on a minor problem that causes more places to ban Faunus. It's a endless cycle."

"So you don't like the White Fang?"

She really was trying to get to know me more, so I obliged. "Yeah I hate the White Fang. The Peaceful route may have been slower, but it would've allowed for a much better solution. Violence only begs more violence, Death brings Death, and Leaving nothing but Grim behind. That's what my grandfather told me, and from what I've seen he was right. Faunus will never be treated with respect while the White Fang try to commit genocide."

"Yet you have no problem with killing people?" Cinder spoke from the co-pilot seat looking back where me and Emerald sit. "If you are so against violence why join us, why use your semblance as a murder weapon?"

She meant why kill mercury if I believe in such words. "Committing Genocide and killing enemies are two different things. Not all of the White Fang want to kill everyone, but many are turning to absolute dominance over innocent people. Faunus aren't they only ones enslaved, yet the White Fang don't help those people. They don't care for those destroyed lives. That's why my actions and the White Fang's are different. They believe they are better than those who they kill, but they aren't they are just like them. They forget who they are..."

She stared further into me, "Would you work with them?"

"Work with them? What do you mean?"

She turned back to the console, not replying.

I turned to Emerald and raised my eyebrow. She however just smirked and stayed quiet. So fuck me guess I wasn't finding out. So I shrugged and let myself fall asleep, passing into dreamland.


"Hey Jackass wake up!"

"5 more minutes!"

I was kicked out of my seat onto the floor, "Your a bitch."

Cinder stared down at me, "So I am a Bitch?"

"Thought you were Emerald, no you...you are much more! Didn't expect a bikini as underwear, but you go girl your rock it!"

She shook her head and walked away. I could see the embarrassment though, she clearly didn't mean to reveal what was under her dress. Cinder was a prim and proper lady, and I now know how to bend her around. Getting up, i saw Emerald smiling at me. *Sucks to be you...*

She whispered into my ear as she walked out the ship. Sucks to be me, ha! I'll show her. She wanted to set me up, with calling out to me...Wait did she call me a Jackass or did Cinder...

"AGHHH! Which one of you called me a Jackass?"

"Whose this kid what happened to the silver hair fellow!"

"Dead with his severed legs on display in my shop."

Emerald flicked towards me, "Still? Seriously? What the fuck Why?"

"What you didn't buy them. Not my fault you didn't want to use them as a burial."

Cinder shut me and Emerald up and turned to the new guy, and new girl...

"You can call him Mars, how is the collection going?"

"Oh let me tell you! Is what I would like to say, we have a plan going on tonight. I hired some goons from a local crime organization. We got them all night and we are going to grab dust from 17 dust location in one night! Can you believe it! What efficiency!"

"I am inclined to agree...So I gotta ask, what about me an Emerald?"

"Well, Mars was it. I have no idea who you are so you will likely stay here with little miss green and do nothing."

"I see...your cane would look good in my shop."

"Your shop?"

Cinder looked at me, "You will not be killing anyone without my order to."

I relented to show some good will, she needed some trust towards me after all. "Fine, but I still want something better to do."

"You will be picking up your weapon with Emerald, she knows the place."

Emerald wanted to object it seems, but Cinder mentioning that I didn't know and she wasn't going to tell me. Gave Emerald no room to say her peace.

"Fine we are leaving now then, less time I spend with you the better."

"Awww and I thought we bonded during the flight over! How about as we walk you tell me your your resolves and ideals."

She just walked out the building leaving Cinder and the other two behind and me to catch up.