

By releasing her words, she released Lola's worries as well, she is not ready to have a sister-in-law that is married, that's wrong, but along with that, Jack got stabbed in the heart, not with an arrow but by her words were a bit too harsh, he wasn't expecting her to confirm the statement, but not to deny it that strongly, it made him disappointed but there is nothing he could do about it.

 "You didn't have to say it that way, I am not that bad of a guy, right Lola?" Jack said, glancing at his sister, wanting to make sure he isn't, by any chance, a horrible person.

 "Yes! Brother is the best; I would totally fall in love with you in another world." Lola gave Jack a big thumbs up, smiling.

"Thank you. We should get going." Jack got up from his place, to go fetch a carriage to get them to their destination, with Lola following behind him.

 'I shouldn't have said like that.' Roselyn thought, as she went to her room, to get her bag.