She always dreamed of being in another world and living another life, but definitely not this kind of life, where her life is always in danger and filled with handsome boys, she doesn't mind the handsome boys, but falling in love with one of them in another thing. Now she is standing in front of him as he is on one knee, while her 'husband' is watching with a proud smile and her 'daughter' is holding hands with her lover, looking excited and happy. "Did I miss a step or something? What is happening right now?" "I am proposing to you. Will you be my wife?” "No! Corey, you are engaged to Bella." "But she loves someone else and I do too, I love you." "And I don't." “She doesn't love you, accept that." "I don't want to hear that from you, Jack." "Can't you see that you are making her uncomfortable? Let's go somewhere else, my love." "You are not taking her anywhere, Jonathan." 'Lyn! What is happening here?' 'Why are you asking me?' 'Because you are the......' Notice: The cover is not mine.
In a faraway space, never seen or known by a human being or soul, sat three unknown faces, discussing the future of a world, a world created by someone who couldn't even control it, which lead to the destruction of several worlds, not only that one. This topic has been discussed for hundreds of years, with no clue how to fix it.
After facing so many disappointments with various souls, this was their last trial, if this soul does not succeed, they let those worlds vanish from existence. To have the best candidate, they let the last soul who failed their task, decide who will take their place.
Alex was sitting on her bed, wondering what would she eat for dinner, ramen or noddle cup, hmm, tough choice, but she decided on the later and got up to check if she had any left, she didn't, so she had to get up and buy some from the convenience store.
Walking in the dazzling sun, wearing black, it is not the right choice to make but she didn't bother changing. She walked down the street, her phone in her pocket and money in the other one, while listening to music, putting one earphone in, so she could notice if someone called out for her.
Suddenly, a strong wind came by, making her wobble and lose her balance, however she was in the sidewalk, thus she wasn't facing any danger other than falling on the ground, in that case can someone explain why is she starting to lose conscious while falling?
"My phone..." Alex whispered, as her body dropped on the ground and she started seeing darkness all around here.
In her last moments of life, in her world, everything she could think of was her cat, because she was the only important thing to her heart, after her parents died a year ago, she had friends but she didn't think they will care much about her or her death.
The only sad thing about what happened is that she wasn't able to eat her ramen, like why couldn't she 'die' after eating and making her stomach happy, is that too much to ask? No, it's not, but what happened anyway? She can't feel anything.
A woman's whispers could be heard but she didn't their source, she believed it was either an angel, telling her she is walked in heave, or a demon telling her go stop dreaming and get in hell, but it.
The voice got louder and louder, making Alex wake up in reflex, looking around her in a daze, searching for the source of the voice.
Alex looked ahead of her and saw a beautiful young girl calling out for her, saying "second mother" over and over again, and when she saw her look up, she stopped calling the name and asked her: "Second mother, what happened to you? You suddenly stopped talking." the girl said to her.
'Why is she calling me second mother, last time I checked I didn't have children, nor did I volunteer to be someone's mother, where am I anyway? Wasn't I going to the convenience store? Why am I in the middle of a garden?' Alex thought looking around her.
The scenery is a beautiful garden in the middle of a grand, what he believed was, house yard, the sky is deep blue, their flowers everywhere, and she was sitting on a table, that have two tea cups, and plates full of sweets and patisseries.
It actually gave her the vibes of happiness and calmness, this kind of scene bought her back the memory of looking through his computer screen, at a fairytale precisely, where two princesses are drinking tea and chatting.
And the girl appeared to be in a fancy dress, a beautiful night sky blue dress, pink hair and light brown eyes. 'This girl must be a model, she has the alluring body and a pleasant looking face, even the most imperfections on her face make her look even more perfect. But why am sitting with her? I don't know such a person, and why do I feel like my clothes are heavy?' Alex looked down at her outfit, whispering: "Holy shit."
The girl looked at her second mother, she looked different, she doesn't have that cold aura surrounding her, she usually frowns, but now she is even smiling slightly looking around.
While thinking of her mother strange change of aura, the girl suddenly heard her screaming, while clutching her head looking in so much pain.
Alex was admiring the view in front of me, because she thought she will never see it again in real life, as this is obviously a dream.
It was beautiful, actually too beautiful to be a part of the world she was living in, because the world she was living in wasn't this gorgeous, it was dull and sad.
Suddenly a sharp pain shot up to her head, as if someone is banging her head with a rock or a hard object, making her scream in agony.
"Second mother, what's wrong? Should I call for someone?" the girl said getting up from her seat, getting closer to Alex, to check on her.
"Pain, painful." Alex said a pained expression on her face, as she continued to scream and cry because of the pain.
The girl got up quickly, and started yelling different names, while Alex sat on the ground still holding my head.
After 5 minutes of unbearable pain, finally someone came running with the girl from before, towards her.
But before they reached Alex, she started to slowly lose her conscious from the extreme pain, after not being able to endure the pain anymore, she fainted and hit the ground with a hard thud.
"Second mother !!!" The girl shouted as she looked at her mother's falling figure.
'No, no. You can't leave me too; I don't want to lose another mother.'
The girl had a desperate look on her face, like her whole world just collapsed, for her it did and it will if she loses her mother, her second one, the only thing she longed for was a family, even if it's a fake one, where a father doesn't love the mother, and the mother doesn't care about the husband and daughter, so what if her mother was cold to her? She still had one and that what mattered the most, at least for her.
Why did this happen? Was it her fault for begging her second mother to spend time with her, even when she clearly didn't want to but agreed anyway? A lot of questions, but not too many answered. In the norm, having a step-mom is a curse, but for her, it's a blessing, a blessing she won't give up on, no matter what.