
Royal Love.

"...Father please...!" Prince Andrew pleaded with his Father; the King from banishing him form the Palace. Prince Andrew lost beloved Mother at a young age of twelve (12) but is unaware of the fact that his wife was dead and her body was possessed by a spirit casting a spell on his Father making him to not spend time him... The King would be conscious for a short time, but is unaware that the woman beside him was a witch, who was trying to destroy your his Kingdom... The onlymly person aware of this fact was the Prince, Andrew, who, found out by accident, and in order to execute her plan, the Prince would have to away form yhe castle so as to not expose her identity... Unknown to her, using the Prince's Father, the King to banish him from the Palace and the Kingdom for a temporary amount of time, was in the Prince's favour as he had his own time to get himself back, meet this girl who, he could see his Mother through... What would happen next...? Would Andrew be able to expose the witch and her evil misdeeds? Find out in this interesting story...

The_Game1212 · 历史言情
40 Chs

Memory Lane...!

The Queen asked the King a question, but the King's mind was in a different thing...

He was smiling.

The Queen and Andrew looked at thee king before turning to look at each other.

"Mother, is...is Father alright?" Little Andrew asked with concern in his voice as he looked up at his mother.

"Of course he is dear, why wouldn't he..."

"Because, Father had once told me not to come into both your chambers again if it weren't for something important...and he also said for my age, what could possibly be important...?"

Little Andrew sighed as he recalled what his father had told him some time ago as he cut in before the his mother could even complete her statement.

He expected his mother to at least say something, but she didn't.

He waited for some few seconds before finally raising his head to look at his mother, who gently smiled at him.

Once his mother's eyes caught his, he held her gaze.

But when he discovered he couldn't anymore after five (5) seconds, he looked left, and then right, before finally blinking and then turning his head away.

"Mother, why aren't you saying anything...?!" He muttered.

Smiling, his mother responded;

"Andrew, how many times have I taught you to not interrupt an elder when they're in the middle of talking?" The Queen asked sweetly.

Little Andrew gulped as he lowered his gaze from his mother's.

Feeling guilty, little Andrew apologized.

"I'm sorry Mother...!"

"I...I...just felt...!" He wept.

"What father said really hurt me, so...!" His voice trailed as he spoke.

Pouting, Andrew wanted to cry.

"Don't tell me the 'Almighty' Andrew that was trying to woo a girl just some moments ago wants to to start crying...?" His mother deliberately asked in order to tease him.

Hearing what his mother said, and with the drama he put in as 'The Prince', he rapidly blinked his eyes so as to avoid tears from rolling down his eyes.

"M...Mother, w...what do you mean?" He stammered as he asked.

His mother smiled.

"I thought you wanted to cry...!" His mother said.

Andrew looked behind him, both left and right as if looking for who his mother was talking to, before turning to look at his mother with a surprise looked and pointed at himself and asked;

"W...Were you talking to me, Mother?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, the Queen laughed gently and said;

"Don't make me repeat myself...!"

Then Andrew laughed.

"Who else is here that I could be talking to if not you?" The Queen asked then she tickle Andrew again.

Laughing as he tried to push his mother's hand away but couldn't, Andrew said;

"Alright Mother, Okay Mother, you win...haha, you win!" His voice was loud.

Because of his loud voice, the Queen abruptly stopped as she shushed him.

"Shhhh, Andrew, you're disrupting the peace of the Castle with your laughter...!" The Queen said seriously.

Andrew stopped laughing as he looked up at his Mother's stern face and pouted.

"I'm sorry Mother...!" Andrew apologized as he looked down with a look of guilt.

Seeing this little act, the Queen's heart melted as she smiled and hugged Andrew.

Little Andrew was stunned as his Mother hugged h, but he enjoyed the hug as it brought warmth to him and he smiled.

After some time, both Mother and son, reluctantly let go of each other and looked at each other as they smiled at each other.

Then turning back to look at the King, the Queen called;


No response.

The Queen frowned.

"Dear...!" She called again.

No response.

"Dear...!" She called a third time.

"Are...Are you alright...?"

She asked with hints of concern and worry as she gently pulled Andrew off of her lap and placed him into the floor, hit up from the bed where she sat and with gentle and graceful steps, she walked towards him and looked into both his eyes.

When he didn't move, she brought her hand up, and waved it in front of him and called him.

"Dear, are you alright? What's wrong?" She asked.

The King on the other hand had been watching the drama between his wife and his son.

He was truly blessed, to have a wife that is so caring, loving; loves, plays and cares for children, he was truly the luckiest and happiest man alive.

Not only was his wife extremely caring, loving and easy play with, she was also beautiful.

His wife was tall and slender and also light-skinned. Her skin shinny when under the sun.

She wasn't fat, but slender and graceful. Whenever she walked, her legs walked with grace and majesty.

The dress she wore revealed her perfect figure.

It was an off-shoulder mermaid dress that was purple with decorative stones in the middle of the dress from top to bottom.

Whenever she walked, the dress flowed gracefully with her.

This time her hair was in a bow hairstyle so it flowed down her back freely, causing the majesty that she had to bee felt by those around her.

Her beauty alone, had the King in a trance.

Once she stood in front of the King, the King only stared at her though his mind was somewhere else.

Her was thinking about what he could have done in his previous life that God had blessed him with a perfect family that consisted of a loving and wonderful wife, and a wonderful son....

His life was complete...

He couldn't have asked for anything more, or less.

But when his wife called him, he had heard her, but was to entranced in his thoughts to even respond, which left the Queen worried.

As she placed her hands on both shoulders of his and called him once more;

"Dear...!" He could sense the hints of worry in her voice as she called.

But thank God, once she called this time, the King responded as he shook his head slightly and looked at her this time his senses present as he looked at her amd them asked;

"Were you talking to me, Dear?"