

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 53 Being Treated like A Porcelain Doll By My Romantic Husband.

(Kara's P.O.V)

It's been three months since I and my husband, Prince Joffrey alongside my family members got the news of my pregnancy.

During these three months, I was being treated like a porcelain doll by Joffrey.

Joffrey was so romantic and doting, never allowing me to do anything by myself, without coming to the rescue or without coming to do them for me.

He normally bathes me whenever I want to have a shower, and gives me body massage anytime I feel like I need them.

He even cooks me various Intercontinental dishes of my wishes.

Though I enjoyed his love and attention, but I still felt like I still needed to be that independent woman I was before my pregnancy, the one that doesn't allow anyone help her in doing chores that were meant for her to do.

One Monday morning, the day of Prince Xavier and Anna's Pre-wedding party, I woke up after having a nice and peaceful sleep, I got up from the bed carefully without waking up Joffrey, picking up my bathrobe, I walked straight towards the bathroom to get my shower.

Just as I was about to open the door of the bathroom, I felt a warm hand on my hand, preventing me from opening the door.

I looked back to see the owner of the hand, preventing me to get inside the bathroom, but I was shocked to see Joffrey standing behind me, butt naked.

"What the hell??? Joffrey I wanna shower," I said to him feeling annoyed.

"Honey! Did you actually think I would allow you to get your shower all by yourself??? What if you get stressed up and you collapse again?? Huh?? Joffrey asked me angrily.

"I'm sorry, Honey! I just wanted to have my shower this morning without your help," I explained apologetically to Joffrey.

"You remember Doctor Tracy said that your body broke down because it was stressed out with work," Joffrey said to me in a reasoning manner.

"I know, but........

"Uh-huh!! No more words from you, Honey, I'm going to bathe you and there's nothing you can do about it," Joffrey said to me, interrupting what I was going to say while carrying me in his arms in a bridal manner into the bathroom.

Placing me under the showerhead, he took a bar of soap and started rubbing it on a sponge, creating a foam bubble with it.

"Honey, when did you wake up??? I asked him anxiously, trying to know if he was awake when I got up from the bed.

...........Joffrey kept me quiet, not taking his attention away from the foam bubble he was making with the soap and sponge.

"Joffrey! When did you wake up??? I asked again, my voice high-pitched this time, but none of my questions got acknowledged.

"Honey are you mad at me??! I asked sadly, trying to figure out if that's the reason for him keeping me quiet.

"Honey! I'm not mad at you, I can never be mad at you, okay?? Joffrey said to me after minutes of keeping me quiet.

"Now turn your back let me scrub your body," Joffrey said to me while approaching me.

In no time, Joffrey started scrubbing my body.

A few minutes later, he was done scrubbing my body, he turned on the shower, allowing the water to cascade down my naked body.

After painstakingly bathing me, Joffrey started having his bath while I just stared at his well-shaped abs, drooling over him.

After having his bath, he took me out of the bathroom in his arms in a bridal manner and brought me to our dressing room.

He took a clean towel and wiped my wet naked body dry.

Just as he was about to get my outfit from the walk-in closet, Susan, my personal maid stopped him from doing so.

"My apologies, Your Royal Highness! But I'm afraid I can't let you do this, you are the Crown Prince of Echancia Empire, not a servant, leave it to me and I'll make sure Her Royal Highness gets properly dressed," Susan said to Joffrey sternly but politely.

"Susan! You work under my wife and whatever she orders you to do, you do, so I'm afraid I can't leave this to you," Joffrey said to Susan sternly.

"Now leave!!! Joffrey said further to Susan sternly in an ordering manner.

"But Your Royal Highness......Okay, Your wish is my command," Susan replied Joffrey fearfully, seeing his cold glare.

And with that, Susan left our presence while Joffrey started dressing me up.

Ten minutes later, Joffrey was done dressing me, I looked at the full view mirror and I was impressed with the way he dressed me, but still, I wanted to look dissatisfied with the way he dressed me, so he could stop dressing me.

I was putting on a golden gown designed with ermine and sarsnet, and from my reflection showing on the full view mirror, I was looking astoundingly gorgeous in the dress.

"Honey!! I hate this gown, I can't wear this to Anna and Xavier's Pre-wedding party, it doesn't fit my taste, you know my favorite color is red, why did you choose this kind of outfit??? I asked Joffrey, pouting while pretending to be irritated with the dress.

"Okay...I'm sorry for choosing a gown that doesn't fit your taste.....please forgive me....please just hold on let me get another gown for you," Joffrey said to me apologetically while ransacking my closet.

"What nonsense??? Kara that gown is nice and it gives a royalty vibe! It definitely should fit your taste because you, my dear, are a Princess!! A Crown Princess to be exact," Empress Margareth said to me sternly as soon as she got into our chamber.

"Joffrey!! Don't you dare change that gown, besides we are getting late for Annabelle's Pre-wedding party," Empress Margareth said to Joffrey sternly.

"Kara....I'm sorry things are just changing for you so fast but you should understand that you are no longer a Pop Princess anymore, you are now a Crown Princess of Echancia Empire, and you always have to appear regal in public, a lot of people are looking up to you to be their Princess, so you can't just dress anyhow! Okay??? Empress Margareth said to me in a reasoning manner while caressing my face softly, trying to cheer me up.

"Mom! I understand what you mean, to be honest, this gown is astoundingly stunning and I love it, but I just pretended I hated it so Joffrey can stop worrying himself with my outfits," I said to Empress Margareth, confessing my real intention to her.

"What??? You loved it and you pretended you hated it??? Joffrey asked me feeling shocked.

"Hahaha!!! Kara if you are uncomfortable with the way he does things, you should let him know," Empress Margareth said to me while laughing.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, Honey, I just wanted you to stop treating me like a porcelain doll," I apologetically said to Joffrey while looking at him with sad eyes.

"It's okay, Honey! But I don't care if you like it or not, I'm still gonna be treating you this way, if I should leave you just for a second to do things yourself, you are going to overwork yourself and I don't want that," Joffrey said to me, trying to reason with me.

"Hmmph!! Not fair!!! I said out while storming out of our chamber, heading towards the driveway.

"It's okay, Joffrey! That's how pregnant women behave, they get angry at every little thing," I could hear Empress Margareth talking to Joffrey on my way out.

"I also had mood swings like that when I was conceiving you and your sister, so don't be upset about what she did, just try to let her do some things herself, remember pregnant women are very emotional during their pregnancy, any little thing could make her angry with you, and you, my dear, you don't want to know the end result," I could hear Empress Margareth explaining to Joffrey.

Just as I arrived at the Palace lobby where our limousines were parked, Joffrey appeared suddenly and opened the passenger door of one of the limousines for me.

I felt speechless when my eyes fell on him, one minute he was in our chamber, another minute he is here opening a car door for me.

"What are you guys waiting for??? Get in already," I heard Emperor Jethro talking to Joffrey and myself.

I quickly got into the limousine, seeing my beloved Father-in-law losing his patience.

In no time our limousine zoomed off away from the Palace into the streets of Chadcia with ten other limousines containing the other Royal Guards, accompanying us as convoys.

Two hours later, we arrived at the venue of the Pre-wedding party.

The party was fun and I enjoyed every minute of it.

The party lasted for four hours before it came to an end.

Joffrey being a caring husband, saw that I was feeling tired, he hurriedly came to my seat and carried me in his arms in a bridal manner straight to the limousine.

We got into the limousine and in no time, Joffrey sped off away from the Pre-wedding party venue into the streets, heading towards the Palace.

Two hours later, we arrived at the Palace, Joffrey hurriedly came down from the limousine, opened the front passenger door, and carried me in his arms in a bridal manner straight into the Palace.

A few minutes later, we arrived at our chamber, Joffrey immediately placed me on our King-Size bed carefully, and in no time, he undressed me and started to massage my body.

Fifteen minutes later, he was done massaging my body, he looked at my face and worriedly asked:-

"Honey, how are You feeling now???

"I'm feeling better, thanks to you," I replied him sweetly.

"Please lie down to get some rest, okay?? Joffrey said to me, concern and worry were seen etching on his face.

"Okay! I softly replied Joffrey.

Joffrey sat down beside me and sang me some lullabies, and in no time, I fell asleep.

I woke up feeling energetic, I turned to my left to check the time while still lying down, and I was shocked to see that I slept for six straight hours.

"Wow! Time does fly fast," I said to myself softly.

"Good evening My angel! You are awake! "You slept 2 pm this afternoon and woke up at 8 pm! Wow, you really were tired," Joffrey said to me while caressing My face tenderly.

"Here! I brought you your dinner," Joffrey said to me while taking a spoon and advancing to feed me.

This has been the way Joffrey has been behaving, he loves feeding me and no matter how much I protest, he never succumbs to my wishes.

"Honey! Don't worry yourself, I can feed myself," I pitifully said to Joffrey, trying to see if he would succumb to my wishes this time.

"Honey for you, I'm meant to worry myself," Joffrey replied me while feeding me.

He really was romantic and doting with this behavior, and I myself couldn't get tired of it.

A few minutes later, Joffrey was done feeding me, he carried me out of the bed, and took me straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

Five minutes later, Joffrey was done freshening me up, he carried me in his arms in a bridal manner, and headed towards the Palace living room.

"Honey put me down! Please! I begged Joffrey, knowing fully well that My parents-in-law wouldn't stop teasing me if they should see Joffrey carrying me in his arms like this.

"If I put you down, you might miss a step and fall down," Joffrey replied me, still carrying me in his arms in a bridal manner while descending the stairs.

"No, I won't," I protested.

"Sure you will, you can have some contractions while descending the stairs," Joffrey said to me, refusing my wish.

"But I'm not due for labor yet," I protested.

"I know! but still, I have to make sure you don't stress yourself with anything at all, and when I say anything, I mean "ANYTHING. Joffrey said to me while placing me on the couch.

"Wow!! Prince Joffrey has been enslaved with a love spell," Sebastin said to Joffrey in a teasing manner.

"Hahahaha!!! That's ridiculous Sebastin! Joffrey is not in a love spell," Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth chorously said to Sebastin while laughing heartily.

"Forgive me, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! But he is, and I know it," Sebastin said to Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth firmly.

"Sebastin!!!! What the hell are you talking about????...Just you wait for me!! I'm gonna beat you up!!! Joffrey yelled angrily at Sebastin while chasing after him like a child, making me to chuckle.

"What???...Why do you want to beat me up??...Can't you see the way you are so smitten with Princess Kara???...Attending to her every need like a servant???...What should I call you??...if not a love slave?? Sebastin said to Joffrey while smirking at him and running for his life.

"Save me, Princess Kara!!! Save me!! Please!!! Sebastin begged me while running for his life around the couch, away from Joffrey.

"Honey, that's enough! Stop behaving like a child," I said to Joffrey, pretending to be irritated with his behavior.

Joffrey immediately stopped chasing after Sebastin as soon as he saw that I was getting angry.

Joffrey immediately got on his knees and begged me to forgive him, telling me he wouldn't behave like how he behaved again.

"Do You believe me now, Your Imperial Royal Majesties??...Can you see the way he stopped upon the command of Princess Kara???...Apart from Your Imperial Royal Majesties command!! Has Joffrey ever succumbed to anyone's command this way??? Sebastin asked out while smirking at Joffrey.

"Sebastin!! That is the power of love," Emperor Jethro replied Sebastin warmly.

Me wanting to piss Sebastin off suddenly turned at Sebastin and asked:-

"Sebastin don't you do the same thing for Becca??

Sebastin and Becca have started dating each other, but seeing Joffrey being teased by Sebastin, I decided to tease him also.

"Didn't you run to get Becca some Italian meal in the middle of the night a month ago??? I asked further while smirking at him.

"How.....did.....you....know....about...that??? Sebastin asked me in a stuttering manner while putting on a shocked expression.

"I knew because Becca told me, she was comparing your romantic skill with my husband's romantic skill, and according to her, you still have a lot to learn from my husband," I said to Sebastin while smirking at him.

"Thanks, Honey! Joffrey mouthed to me while smirking at Sebastin.

"You are welcome!! I mouthed back while chuckling at Sebastin's puzzled expression.

"Fine, I still have a lot to learn from Prince Joffrey, but still, we loved teasing ourselves when we were young," Sebastin said to me while mumbling.

"You can tease yourself however you want, but don't you dare tease his romantic side," I replied Sebastin curtly.

"Honey!! Leave the asshole! Let's go for a walk in the garden," Joffrey said to me in a suggesting manner.

"Okay! I really do need some fresh air," I replied Joffrey sweetly.

And with that, Joffrey strapped his hands on my waist, leading me towards the door connecting to the Palace garden while I cuddled my head on his well-shaped chest and inhaled his sweet scent.

Joffrey on the other hand used his coat to cover me as soon as we came out of the Palace.

Joffrey and I took a walk for some minutes before I started getting exhausted.

Joffrey seeing this, made me sit down on a bench in the garden.

I sat down on the bench and cuddled myself in his hands, enjoying the cool breeze the wind was emanating while Joffrey just looked at me with love filled in his eyes.

"I looked at him with the same love-filled eyes and in no time, the sparks lighted between us, our face started etching closer slowly, in no time our lips met and we both shared a passionate kiss.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky