

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 31 Fans Inspired By My Song Singles.

After the release of Kara's new music album fans were inspired by the song single titled "Who Am I?? and "Life's What You Make It.

A lot of people who had lost faith in themselves found their faith again as a result of Kara's new music album.

Above all, a lot of people inspired by Kara's new music album felt compelled to be different and do better than they currently are.

(Somewhere in Pennsylvania)

"Mom! Look at this Kara's music video! A young girl named Lola said to her mother.

"Kara's music video?? Let me see, what's the title?? Lola's mother said as she hurriedly came to the couch Lola was sitting on.

"It's Who Am I?? Lola answered her mother while giving her phone to her mother for her mother to watch the music video.

Wow! This video is amazing," Lola's mother exclaimed as soon as she was done watching the music video.

"Mom, I think she was talking to me! Lola said to her mother.

"What do You mean by you think she was talking to you?? Lola's mother asked feeling confused.

"Mom, think about these particular lyrics in the song! Lola said to her mother.

"What lyrics??...I'm totally not getting you," Lola's mother said to Lola while raising her eyebrows.

"This particular lyrics that say...... Lola stopped Midway while playing the music video again for her mom to watch and listen to.

Can someone tell me, where am I??

Can someone tell me, where I stand??

Have I chosen the correct path??

Should I embark on this journey??


I fear my dreams,

Will they destroy me??

I fear those close to me,

Will they betray me??

Am I the moon??

Or the shadows in it??

Am I the ashes??

Or the raging fire??

Am I the drop or the mighty wave??

Do I bring tranquility???

Or do I bring a storm??

And with that, Lola paused the video while looking at her mother intently.

"Mom can't you see she was talking to me?? Lola asked her mom while looking at her inquisitively.

"I still can't see what you are trying to make me see, I know she was flawless in her lyrics but I'm not quite getting what you meant by she was talking to you," Lola's mother said to Lola.

"Mom, think about what she said at the start of the music video," Lola said while replaying the music video again.

(In the Who Am I?? Music Video)

Kara: How I wish I could be like them, Momma said that I'm not meant to be like them,"

Kara: If I'm not meant to be like them, then who am I meant to be like?? (Sighs)

Kara: Can someone tell me, where am I??

Can someone tell me, where I stand??

Have I chosen the correct path??

Should I embark on this journey??

And with that, Lola paused the music video again.

"Mom, I've always wanted to be an actress but I've been held back because of Dad's lecture of me not belonging to that world," Lola said to her mom.

"Oh! Now I understand what you were trying to say! Lola's mother said to Lola.

"I would have loved to pursue my dreams despite Dad's lecture, but I was filled with uncertainty due to how I always get bullied at school as at then, because of the low-quality dress I wore to school every day," Lola said to her mother in a somber voice.

"(Sighs) I'm sorry you had to go through that alone, if only we had money, we could have got you the best things life have to offer, but we didn't have the money," Lola's mother said to Lola sadly.

"It's okay, mother, don't blame yourself for me having the thought of not being able to fit in in anything, I was just naive then," Lola said to her mother.

"But still...........

"I said it's okay mother," Lola quickly interrupted her mother.

"Mother, when I watched this Kara's "Who Am I?? music video, I was inspired that I could open all doors till I get to my destination, Dad always said I don't belong to that world, but by listening to Kara's "Life's What You Make It," song, I knew Dad was totally wrong about his perspectives of me not belonging to that world," Lola said to her mother.

"Ao, what's your plan now??...How are you gonna actualize your dream of becoming an actress?? Lola's mother asked Lola.

"Mom! Remember when Kara said she was going to be helping her fans at her album party??

"Uh-huh! Lola's mother replied.

"When she said and I quote: "If there is anything at all, you will love me to help you with, be it financial assistance or resources assistance, You can let me know by sending me a message via my social media accounts," Lola said to her mother in imitation of Kara.

"So, You want to ask the Pop Princess for help?? Lola's mother asked Lola.

"Yeah, that's what I wanna do! Lola said to her mother happily.

"Okay, I wish You good luck," Lola's mother said to Lola.

And with that, Lola immediately went to her room, took her laptop, and logged into her Instagram account, she immediately sent Kara a message, telling her about her dreams and how she needs help in actualizing it.

(Kara's P.O.V)

I was sitting in my study room having a class with Mr.Phillip, my private home tutor, one Monday afternoon.

Ever since I released my new music album, and also signed some of my new music album C.D's, I became busy with my studies because I was trying to meet up with lost times during the recording and shooting of my music videos.

Mr.Phillip and I were having a serious math lesson and I for one was trying to get it right but I was failing due to his methods of teaching me.

I took the math formula from him and started rehearsing it like a song and in no time I got it right.

A Few minutes later, we were done with the lessons for today, I sat down on the couch thinking about Jeffrey, I have hired many private investigators to look for clues about his background, but all they kept telling me was that they have found nothing except for what was written in his resume.

I sat down on the couch thinking about how he must be feeling, he called in sick months ago and nobody have heard from him, I tried looking for his name in all patient files of hospitals located here in California, but all I got was a dead end.

"Where is he hospitalized?? This was the question I kept asking myself and I couldn't find an answer for it.

I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly I heard a sound from my Apple phone, I figured it might be some fans messaging me, so I decided to ignore it and continue with my thoughts.

Five minutes later, I took my phone and unlocked it, I didn't know why, but I just felt I needed to see whatever that Fan's message might be.

I logged into my Instagram account and clicked on the message icon and what I saw made me sad, the message was from one Pennsylvania girl named Lola.

She said in her message that she wanted to be a movie actress but she was held back, due to her father's constant words of her not belonging in this world.

She further said in her message that she still would have pursued her dreams, but she was terrified of not being able to fit in due to her poor background.

I felt a tinge of pain in my heart after reading that message, I was once in her shoes before but My Mom became the pillar and rock of my career and dream.

I read further and I was impressed to know that two of my inspirational songs inspired her to do something with her life.

I then told myself that I was gonna help her actualize her dreams, she was only asking me to let her star as one of my Extras in my next music video, but I vowed to myself that I was going to help her actualize her dreams sooner than she would have expected.

I took My phone and surfed through my phone contacts, I looked for one of my mom's female managers in charge of new talents who wants to be an actress or actor, I felt this Lola girl would feel at home and not be too tense up if she had a manager of her sex and age who could understand her like a friend if not a sister.

I replied to her message asking her to be on the next flight to Los Angeles, I told her not to bother about her flight ticket because she would be flying in one of my Private Jets.

"Miss Tara, I will be sending a new talent to you tomorrow, her name is "Lola Reuben," and she has potential in the movie industry, I want you to help build and manage her career for me please," I said to Miss Tara as soon as the call was connected.

"Yes, Ma'am! When will she be coming and where can I meet her?? Miss Tara asked me.

"She would be arriving at the airport in my private jet, I suggest you go and pick her up," I said to Miss Tara.

"Yes, Ma'am," Miss Tara replied while disconnecting the call.

Now there is only one person I have to convince to help me in actualizing this girl's dreams, and that person in question is my mom.

Hours later, My mom came back from the company and went upstairs to have her shower.

I sat down on the couch in the living room, memorizing what I was going to say to my mom in order to convince her in signing a contract with Lola.

My mom is the kind of woman that can't be impressed easily in the entertainment industry.

There are some times I compose songs and my mom just frowns at it, throwing the lyrics into the fireplace.

I couldn't help but shudder in fright, thinking of how my mom is gonna react when she lay her eyes on this Lola girl.

"Hey, Baby girl, how are you doing today?? I heard my mom talking to me while descending the stairs.

"I'm okay," I replied her as soon as she came to sit with me on the couch in our living room.

"How was your lesson with Mr.Phillip?? She asked me.

"It was fine," I replied warmly.

"Good! She said while switching on the TV.

"Mom can I ask you a favor?? I asked my mom.

"Yeah, sure, You can ask anything! My mom replied to me while turning her attention to me.

"Mom there's a girl from Pennsylvania who messaged me telling me that she wanted to be a movie actress, but she doesn't have the support she needs," I said to my mom while looking at her face to see any reactions that might make me hold my horse.

"So?? My mom asked.

"So, I told her that I'm gonna help her, I've already asked Miss Tara to be her manager," I said to my mom with a pause while observing her facial reaction.

"Go on! My mom said to me giving me the courage I need to tell her the rest of my story.

"Mom, I was wondering if you could sign a contract with her, she's a sweet and nice girl and she has the potentials of an actress," I said to my mom.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Have you met her before?? My mom asked me while laughing.

"N...No, I haven't," I stuttered.

"Then how did you know she has the potentials of been an actress?? My mom asked me while chuckling.


I kept silent not knowing what to say.

"Damn! She is not going to sign the contract, I've given Lola false hope!! Shit!! I caused inwardly.

"Oh Kara, You never cease to amaze me, I'll sign the girl's contract," My mom said to me shocking me to the core.

"You will?? I asked her, still not believing what I was hearing.

"Yes, I will! She answered nonchalantly while shrugging her shoulders.

"After all the company was built by my borrowed money, but turned into an Entertainment Empire with the fortunes made from your songs, you even paid my debt off, so you should feel free to help people like that girl, it's your company too! My mom said to me warmly.

"Thanks, Mom! I squeaked happily while hugging her tightly.

(Somewhere in Pennsylvania)

Lola was doing her Dad's laundry while playing songs from Kara's new music album when she suddenly heard a notification sound from her phone.

She took her phone and unlocked it, checking the notification, she saw a message coming from Kara's Verified Instagram account and it read as follows:-


Hi, Lola, I've read your message and I wanna help you.

I want you to be at the Philadelphia International Airport tomorrow morning and please don't be late, don't worry about the flight tickets because you won't need them.

One of my private jets would be waiting for you at the Philadelphia International Airport to pick you up.

You would be landing at the Los Angeles International Airport, A young lady will meet you there, just to confirm her identity, her name is Miss Tara.

She will bring you to K.S Records and you will be given a contract by my mom, sign the contract and start living your dream!

Remember, Life's What You Make It, so I advise you to hurry and make it right.

All Love

Kara Stewart

"Oh My God! Mom! Lola called after reading the message from Kara.

"What is it dear?? Lola's mother asked anxiously.

"Mom, she replied!! Lola squeaked happily.

"Who replied?? Lola's mother asked Lola confused.

"Kara Stewart replied me, Mom," Lola said to her mother happily.

"Wow! You are not kidding right?? Lola's mother asked.

"Mom, I'm not kidding, and guess what?? Lola asked her mom.

"Just tell me, Lola, please don't leave me hanging!! Lola's mother said to Lola in excitement.

"She says she wanna help me actualize my dream! Mom, look!! Lola said to her mother while showing her Kara's message from Kara's Verified Instagram account.

"Wow! You are going to be flying in a plane??This is wonderful news, I can't wait to tell your father about this wonderful news," Lola's mother said in excitement.

"Me too," Lola said in equal excitement.

The next day Lola came to the K.S Records and she was asked to portray some movie character and she blasted it with her terrific acting skills.

She was given a contract and the role of the movie character she portrayed earlier, she was even made to star as the female lead, all because of the inspirational song she listened to from Kara's new music album, inspiring her to take a step in actualizing her dreams by reaching out to someone who was in the position to help her, in this case, it was "Kara Stewart The Princess Of Pop.

Lots of people around the world were also inspired to take a step and do something good with their lives by listening to Kara's inspirational songs from her new music album.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

In this Chapter, there was the use of this(✓)

Please note that it was used to indicate Kara's blue verification badge on her Instagram account.

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky