

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 25 Shooting OF The Music Video (2)

(At the shooting venue of ''Kara's music video.)

The music video director, Mr.Larry and the crew members were patiently and enthusiastically waiting for Kara to arrive.

Rebecca, Kara's manager was already at the shooting venue, she is seen frantically giving orders to the extras that were going to be used for the shooting of the music video.

The title of the first music video to be shot is "Could be the one," and Jake was already waiting at the venue, impatiently waiting for Kara to arrive.

"What am I gonna say to her?? Jake asked to no one in particular.

"I think You shouldn't even bother thinking of what You are gonna say to her, she's taken already," A male voice who turned out to be Tyler, Joffrey's Head of Security said to Jake, startling him in the process.

Joffrey has been so restless in Chadcia, the Capital of Echancia Empire while carrying out his promises to his countrymen, so he sent Tyler his Head of Security and left-hand man, to come and watch over the love of his life, while he is away.

He knew that Kara would be shooting her music video with Jake, so he sent Tyler to the shooting venue of the music video, though he had forgiven Jake for his sins of trying to flirt with the love of his life, but he still needed to send Jake a warning message, hence Tyler's reason for showing up at the shooting venue of the music video.

"W...What are You talking about?? Jake asked Tyler in a stuttering tone.

"You know what I'm talking about, don't even think of looking at her with those disgusting eyes of yours, except you want them plucked out for You! Tyler said to Jake firmly in a cold voice, sending shivers down Jake's spine.

"Who the hell are You??...And who is this guy that owns Kara apart from me, the most handsome guy in America?? Jake asked rudely.

"I'm sorry man, but you don't need to know who I am, but I can tell you as a friend that you should stay away from the Pop Princess, the guy who owns her is someone you don't wanna mess with," Tyler said to Jake coldly.

"W...What do You mean?? Jake asked Tyler in a stuttering tone.

"Well, Bro, do you want all your achievements to go down the drain?? Tyler asked coldly to Jake.

"The person I work for can make you penny less, that a church rat would be considered more richer than you, he can make you lose all your fans with a snap of his finger and you will be forgotten, you will become useless in a blink of an eye, and your family and loved ones could suffer for your sins, my boss is that ruthless when you get on his bad side, when he considers you as an enemy, so, let me ask you??...Will You love to be on his bad side?? Tyler asked further to Jake coldly.

"No, not at all, Sir! I've worked too hard to be where I am now," Jake said to Tyler in a fearful voice.

"Good choice! Now be a good boy and play your scene very well in an astoundingly thrilling and perfect manner, if my boss Princess gets hurt due to your incompetence, he could get hurt, and if he gets hurt, you could get squashed, understand?? Tyler asked coldly to Jake.

"Y...Yes, Sir," Jake said to Tyler in a stuttering tone, completely terrified.

"Now go and make Yourself useful," Tyler ordered Jake coldly.

Jake Immediately left the scene where Tyler was currently standing on and went to meet the music video director with the intention of asking when Kara would be arriving.

Fans of Kara were seen outside the shooting venue, looking intently at every passing limousine entering the venue, hoping to get a glimpse of their Pop Idol Princess.

Kara's convoys have started arriving but because of security reasons unknown to her, her limousine was to be the last to arrive at the shooting venue.

One by one, her convoys of limousines were arriving at the shooting venue, making fans who were hoping to get a selfie, or an autograph frustrated with the slow process of their entrance.

After about fifteen minutes, Kara's limousine finally arrived at the shooting venue, making fans frantically screaming her name with so much excitement, clicking their phone cameras in the process.

As soon as Kara stepped out of the limousine, Joshua and ten other bodyguards immediately formed a protective wall around her, shielding her from the multitude of frenzied fans while ushering her into the building of the shooting location, shattering the dreams of many frenzied fans in the process.

As soon as Kara got into the building, all eyes fell on her, they were stunned by her appearance, except for one guy (Jake) who was been watched by a hawk(Tyler).

Kara was too beautiful even without make-up, but in this case, she was looking like an Olympian goddess of beauty.

She was having this charming and echanting aura around her, making everyone to be comfortable around her and wanting to get close to her except for one guy(Jake) who was been watched intently by a hawk (Tyler) like a hungry hawk who was monitoring the moves of his prey, not batting an eye for any reason.

"God! Why is she this beautiful??...Her beauty is killing me and this asshole (referring to Tyler) is not even giving me the chance to make a move, damn it! Jake cursed inwardly.

"Who is this boss of his??...Why do I feel this helpless, when I heard the capabilities of his so-called boss?? Jake asked inwardly.

"Am I ready to give up my fame and fortunes for a girl?? He asked inwardly.

"I guess I will just have to do away with her, no way am I risking my reputation and fame for a girl, not happening, I will just do with those girls that throw themselves at my feet," Jake said to himself while smiling at one of the female extra, who was looking at him in a flirty way.

"Hello, Director Larry," Kara greeted the music video director as soon as she got to where he was standing at.

"Ain't this the most beautiful girl on the planet?? You are looking stunning today," Director Larry commended Kara while smiling at her.

"Thanks, Director Larry, that means a lot coming from You," Kara said to Director Larry while smiling gratefully.

"No need to thank me, Kara, I was just being honest and realistic, You really are an epitome of beauty, I'm sure when you are all grown up and matured, a lot of guys would be dying and fighting to go out with you," Director Larry said to Kara while smiling warmly to her.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! She laughed while blushing deeply thinking of how enticing she would be to Jeffrey in the future.

"You should probably go and get dressed, so your video shoot can begin," Director Larry said to Kara while preparing to leave to check on the props.

"Oh, Yes! I probably should go and get dressed, we really do have a lot to do today and little time to do it," Kara said to Director Larry while leaving and heading towards the direction of Rebecca, her manager.

"There You Are! let's get You dressed up for the first scene ASAP! Rebecca said to Kara while ushering her to the dressing room.

The cameras, video cameras, drones, tripods, video lighting kits, interchangeable lenses, music player, microphones, speakers, external camera monitor, digital audio recorder, video editing software, extra batteries, and memory cards were already placed in order ready for action, upon the orders of Director Larry.

(In the Dressing room)

"I'm getting nervous with Jake around, how am I supposed to shoot a music video with this disgust brewing inside me?? Kara asked Rebecca while the makeup artist was making her up.

"Just pretend he isn't there with You, You can do that envisioning thing you normally do but don't you dare space out, while the shot is being captured," Rebecca replied Kara warmly.

"Ha ha ha! I won't space out this time I promise," Kara said to Rebecca while laughing softly.

"Do you hate Jake that much?" Rebecca asked Kara anxiously.

"You think?? Seeing him alone makes me wanna puke, how can I not hate someone that makes me feel nauseous just by mere sight?? Kara asked Rebecca.

"Miss Stewart, Your shot is ready," Mr.Elias, Kara's music producer said to Kara from the outside of the dressing room, preventing Kara and Rebecca from discussing any further.

"She will be out in a minute," Rebecca said to Mr.Elias from the inside of the dressing room.

A few minutes later, Kara came out of the dressing room and head straight to the location venue the first scene of "Could be the one," was to be shot.

"Miss Stewart, we will be taking your first shot now, remember, you are going to be portraying a high school student in love with her best friend, your best friend is going to be a guy who loves playing guitars in a local bar for some little money, remember you can't tell him about your feelings, you will just keep admiring him from afar, Kara you have to give this shot your very best because we have a lot to do and little time to do them," Director Larry said to Kara as soon as Kara arrived at the scene of the shooting location.

"Jake, You on the order hand will portray Kara's best friend as a high school student, remember you both are high school students, and you are best friends, you are going to be portraying a student who loves playing guitars at a local bar for some little money, you, on the other hand, will have feelings for Kara but you won't be able to confess your feelings to her, because of fear that your friendship might get ruined, so you will just keep your feelings to yourself and keep admiring her from afar," Director Larry said to Jake

"Remember Jake, you have to give this shot your very best because we have a lot to do and a little time to do them," Director Larry said further to Jake.

"Okay! Sir," Jake replied to Director Larry.

"Do You two, have any questions on what I just explained?" Director Larry asked.

"No, Sir, we totally understand! Kara and Jake replied chorously to Director Larry.

"Alright, listen up people, You all are going to act as the fellow students passing through the school hallway that Kara and Jake are going to be having a conversation at, why four of you will act as Jake's friends from the music club, Do you all understand?? Director Larry asked the extras

"Yes, Sir," The extras replied chorously.

"Okay! Roll Cameras, We are ready to take this shot in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and ACTION!! Director Larry yelled, his voice echoing all over the hall.

Immediately the Extras started acting their part, walking to and fro the school hall.

(Scene 1)

Author's Note: "In this Chapter, Kara would be envisioning Jeffrey (Joffrey) while shooting her music videos with Jake, please do not get confused with her reactions towards Jake, she totally hates Jake, Just that she will be seeing Jake as Jeffrey through out the two music video shoot," My dear readers please take note and thank you very much for your journey with me on the story so far, I hope you enjoy this part and the future parts to come.

(First Scene of Could be the one music video)

The background of the first scene of "Could be the one," is set in a school hallway, Kara is seen admiring and staring lovingly at Jake dreamily, who was seen talking to some of his friends in the music club of the school.

Jake: "Hi Kara what are you doing?? Jake asked Kara as soon as he got to where Kara was sitting, startling her in the process.

Kara: "Jake! Hi, when did You get here?? Kara asked Jake while trying to calm herself down from the shock she just received from Jake.

Jake: "Are you kidding?? You didn't notice when I arrived?? Jake asked Kara in a surprised manner.

Kara: "I'm sorry, but I didn't see You coming," Kara said to Jake in an embarrassed manner.

Jake: "Okay, fine, if You say so, to answer your question, I just came recently, and I wanted to ask if you will be coming to see me perform in the bar, this evening?? Jake asked Kara, who was busy staring at him lovingly, but unknown to him.

Kara: "Oh! bar, if I would come to the bar??...To see you perform??...Sure, I'll surely be there this evening," Kara said to Jake blushing while trying to recompose herself.

Jake: "Okay, see You this evening at the bar, I'll be going to the music class now, Bye! Jake said to Kara smiling while preparing to leave the scene of the school hallway.

Kara: "Bye, I'll see You this evening at the bar," Kara said, smiling at the departing Jake.

And with that, the music beat started playing for Kara to sing her part, while the drones were immediately programmed to follow her dancing steps, upon the signal of Director Larry.

(Kara's part)


Smooth talkin', so rockin'

He's got everything that a girl's wantin'

Guitar cutie, he plays it groovy

And I can't keep myself from doin' somethin' stupid

Think I'm really fallin' for his smile

Get butterflies when he says my name


He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special

And when he's lookin' at me

I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special

I can hardly breathe, something's tellin' me

Tellin' me maybe he could be the one


He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one for me!!!...

He's lightnin', sparks are flyin'

Everywhere I go he's always on my mind and

I'm goin' crazy about him lately

And I can't help myself from how my heart is racin'

Think I'm really diggin' on his vibe

He really blows me away, hey!

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special

And when he's lookin' at me

I wanna get all sentimental

He's got somethin' special

He's got somethin' special

I can hardly breathe, something's tellin' me

Tellin' me maybe he could be the one


He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one, he could be the one

He could be the one for me!!!...

"Cut! That's a wrap, perfect shot Miss Kara, now let's head out for lunch and rest a little while, we will be back in the evening for the next shot," Director Larry said to Kara and Jake.

"Okay, Sir," Kara and Jake replied to Director Larry chorously.

"Pack up! Pack up! Pack up, people! let's move out," Director Larry yelled at the crew and extras clapping his hands in the process.

"You were amazing in there," Rebecca said to Kara as soon as Kara came to her.

"Thanks, Becca! Kara said to Rebecca while smiling gratefully.

"How were You now able to give a perfect shot to the director without stressing him?" Rebecca asked Kara.

"I just envisioned Jake as Jeffrey, so it wasn't that difficult for me to give a perfect shot," Kara said to Rebecca while shrugging her shoulders.

"Hmmm, Your love for this Jeffrey guy is really something," Rebecca said to Kara while taking her seat at the cafeteria.

"I only just hope he gets well soon, I can't wait to tell him about my feelings for him, it's torture to me, that he isn't here," Kara said to Rebecca while taking her seat opposite to Rebecca, at the cafeteria.

Minutes later, they were done with their lunch, they immediately headed straight to the hotel located some miles away from the shooting venue, to have some rest.

Jake on the other hand went straight to the female extra, who was flirting with him earlier, he seduced her with his charms and sugar-coated tongue and the girl fell for him, they immediately went to their own hotel, Jake didn't even wait to get inside his hotel room, before kissing the girl hardly and bitting the earlobe of the girl, he was staring at the girl lustfully, pressing and squeezing her breasts softly but firmly, in no time he threw the girl on the bed while removing his shirt and pants speedily, like a lion pouncing on his prey, he pounced on top of the girl, kissing her lips and licking the girl's pussy at the same time, while his hands were busy exploring the girl's body, in no time their body started intertwining with each other, sounds of pleasure and ecstasy were heard all over the room.

Meanwhile, Tyler was busy reporting his status to Jeffrey (Joffrey) concerning the improvement of Jake who has finally abstained from Kara.

"Good job, Tyler! keep your eyes on him and make sure he stays that way till I come back," Jeffrey (Joffrey) said to Tyler in an ordering tone through the phone conversation.

"Protect Miss Kara with your life, but do it in a low profile, she's the love of my life, the Queen of my heart and the future Empress of Echancia Empire, I don't want a strand of her hair to get hurt, Do you understand?? Joffrey asked Tyler in a commanding tone through the phone conversation.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I understand," Tyler said to Jeffrey (Joffrey) while disconnecting the call.

Hours later, it was time to shoot the final scene of the music video titled "Could be the one."

It was 5 pm in the evening, Director Larry and the crews and extras were already at the location of the next shoot, waiting for the Pop royalties to arrive at the shooting venue.

New extras were already hired for the shooting of the final scene of the music video "Could be the one."

Earlier, Director Larry came to the location of the next shoot to call in some favors.

"Hi, Good day, Sir, I'm Director Larry from K.S Records, I and my crew were just wondering if we could make use of your bar for some hours, maybe two hours depending on their performance, the Pop Princess is almost on her way here, she could pay whatever fee you might charge," Director Larry said to the bar owner.

"It's okay, I don't need to take money from the Pop Princess before lending you my bar for the next two hours, but I'll like to ask a favor in exchange for the bar rentage," The bar owner said to Director Larry.

"What could that be Sir?" Director Larry asked the bar owner anxiously.

"I will like to ask for two free concert tickets for my two daughters, they are one of Kara's biggest fans, and it broke their heart when they heard the concert was to be held in Echancia, so, if you could please just help me with this one, I will be glad and I will just focus on getting their flight tickets, not that I'm trying to take advantage of you good people, it's just that I'm poor and don't have the money to buy flight tickets for two girls and at the same time, buy two Kara concert tickets," The bar owner said to Director Larry

"It's okay, Sir, I will personally pay for your daughters' flight tickets and your daughters are also going to get two Kara concert tickets, with a meet and greet pass," Director Larry said to the bar owner.

"Thank You very much, Sir, the bar is now yours for the next four hours, consider it as my gratitude for your Goodwill," The bar owner said to Director Larry.

"Thank You very much, Sir, if you would excuse me, I'll love to go now, so I can set everything up before her arrival," Director Larry said to the bar owner while heading towards the crew.

In no time, Director Larry and the crew were done setting up everything in order.

Thirty minutes later, Kara and her convoys arrived at the shooting venue of the final part of the music video, it was a local bar located at the outskirts of Los Angeles, the bar was local but exquisite, making it fit for the music video.

Kara walked into the bar with her manager, while Joshua and ten other bodyguards accompanied her, forming a protective circle around her.

Kara greeted some of the extras as soon as she got to where the extras were standing at, because she never got the chance to greet them earlier, now the person they were waiting for was Jake who was busy in his hotel room, having the time of his life.

Twenty minutes later, Tyler and the female extra came to the location of the final shoot for the music video titled "Could be the one."

"I'm so sorry for being late, I was held up," Jake apologized as soon as he got to where Director Larry, Kara, Rebecca, and the rest of the crews and extras were standing at, waiting for him to arrive.

"Oh, I see, it just happened that You both were busy at the same time," Director Larry sarcastically said to Jake, while glaring at the female extra who was standing behind Jake.

"I'm sorry Sir, it won't happen again," Jake apologetically said to Director Larry.

"Whatever, take your sorry ass out of my sight and go get ready for your shot, you've delayed us with your, "I'm so held up time," Director Larry sarcastically said to Jake while rolling his eyes on the duo.

"Okay, Sir," Jake replied.

"I hope you remember your script?" Director Larry asked Jake.

"Yes, Sir," Jake replied warmly.

"Alright, listen up people, You all are going to act as the fellow customers having a good time in the bar, they should be chattering and laughter heard from the bar, you guys should make it look real, Alright?? Director Larry asked the new set of extras.

"Yes, Sir," The new set of extras replied chorously.

"Jake! Just in case you forgot about your scene during the course of being held up, here's what you are gonna do, these extras here are going to walk into that bar, filling it up and making it lively with their laughter and chattering, you, on the other hand, will walk in there with your guitar and start playing in front of the crowd, Kara is gonna show up but she won't come inside the bar because of her morals, she's going to be a little far away from the bar, but in close range where you can easily get a full view of her, remember you have feelings for her, but you are keeping it to yourself, admiring her from afar! Understood?? Director Larry asked Jake while looking intently at him.

"Yes, Sir, I understand," Jake replied firmly to Director Larry.

"Miss Kara, just in case you have forgotten about your script during the course of your rest, here's what you are gonna do, you are going to stand afar from the bar, far but close enough for Jake to get a clear view of you while he's playing his guitar in front of the crowd, Do you understand?? Director Larry asked Kara.

"Yes, Sir," Kara replied firmly to Director Larry.

"Do anybody have questions about their respective roles?? Director Larry asked looking intently at the two main cast and all the extras assigned for the shooting of the final scene.

"No, Sir," Kara, Jake, and the extras replied chorously.

"Okay! Roll Cameras, We are ready to take this shot in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and ACTION! Director Larry yelled, his voice echoing all over the bar.

Immediately the Extras started acting their part, drinking, chattering, laughing, and having a good time in the bar.

(Final Scene of "Could be the one" music video)

The background of the final scene of "Could be the one," was set in a local bar, filled with lots of people who were drinking, chattering, laughing, and having a good time in the bar, Jake had just walked up from his sit in the bar and have climbed up the stage, preparing to start playing his guitar.

On one side of the bar, Kara is seen standing outside the bar, she was admiring and staring lovingly at Jake dreamily, who was seen standing on stage about to play his guitar.

Jake: "Hi Guys! How are you all doing tonight?? Jaked asked the crowd while connecting his guitar.

Bar Crowd: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! They kept chattering and laughing, totally ignoring Jake who was about to start playing his guitar.

Jake: "Well, I guess y'all are doin' great," Jake said to the crowd while adjusting the mini stage microphone.

Bar Crowd: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! They laughed the more.

Jake: "Well, I want to entertain you guys with my song, I hope y'all are gonna like it," Jake said to the bar crowd.

Bar Crowd: "Get the hell away from there! A man from the crowd yelled.

"We are having a good time here, don't you dare ruin it," A woman from the crowd yelled.

"Yeah, Don't You dare ruin our good time, you prick," A man from the crowd yelled.

Jake: "Forgive me fellas, but I assure you, y'all are gonna love this song," Jake said while beginning to play the guitar.

And with that, the song began to play from the music player upon Director Larry's signal, it played all over again until it got to the part where Jake was to sing his part before Jake started singing and dancing according to his role as a guitar lover.

("Could be the one, Jake's Part")

And she's got a way of makin' me feel

Like everything I do is perfectly fine

The stars are aligned when I'm with her

And I'm so into her

She's got somethin' special

She's got somethin' special

And when she's lookin' at me

I wanna get all sentimental

She's got somethin' special

She's got somethin' special

I can hardly breathe, something's tellin' me

Tellin' me maybe she could be the one


She could be the one, she could be the one

She could be the one, she could be the one

She could be the one (be the one) She could be the one for me!!!

And with that, the final shot of the "Could be the one," music video was taken, the shoot was supposed to be ten minutes while shooting, but Jake had screwed up multiple times before they were finally able to take the perfect shot.

"Cut! Alright, that's a wrap people, we've got a perfect shot, at last, great job guys, now let's pack up! pack up! pack up, people! let's move out," Director Larry yelled at the crew and extras clapping his hands in the process.

In no time, Kara, Jake, and their managers alongside the crew and extras dispersed the bar.

"Wow, I'm glad this particular duet music video is finally over, I didn't believe I'll be able to shoot it with you know who?? Kara said to Rebecca as soon as they got home.

"Well, it's all thanks to Jeffrey who you envisioned," Rebecca said to Kara while preparing to leave Kara's room to her own room, with the intention of getting a sound sleep, today was really hectic for her.

"Now, I just have to worry about the video shoot of Lipstick," Kara said to Rebecca.

"I'm sure you will get it done perfectly, you are after all the Princess of Pop," Rebecca said to Kara with a smile while bidding her good night.

"(Sighs) I hope so," Kara said to Rebecca while sighing and yawning deeply.

And with that, Rebecca went to her room to get some sleep, while Kara dropped dead on her bed like a falling tree, she was after all tired from today's ordeal and she needed to get some sleep in order to look fresh and energetic for tomorrow's video shoot.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

I want to let My readers know that the song used In this chapter were collected from the web.

I only changed some words and added some lyrics to the lyrics making the song perfect for this chapter.

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky