

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 20 Unification Day Ceremony.

It was Monday morning, the day of the annual unification day ceremony of Echancia Empire.

Prince Joffrey had woken up that morning very early because he needed to be up on time to work out in the gym as usual before preparing for the ceremony.

After an hour of working out, Prince Joffrey came out from the gym and went straight to the bathroom to have his bath.

About fifteen minutes later he came out of the bathroom and went to the dressing room to get dressed for the ceremony, servants were already in his dressing room waiting patiently for him to arrive and as soon as they saw him they immediately greeted him.

Greetings Your Royal Highness! The future Lion of Echancia Empire! The servants greeted Prince Joffrey and he responded with a nod.

He was having this cold and aloof vibe around him scaring the servants like hell.

It has been weeks since he last saw the love of his life, Kara Stewart, to him it looked like the days were passing slowly and they were lots of things he needed to put in place before going back to the United States to meet the love of his life.

"If Your Royal Highness would allow, we would love to prepare you for the Unification Ceremony! They said to Prince Joffrey while shivering from fright.

"You may proceed! He ordered sternly.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! The servants responded and with that, they started preparing him for the Unification Ceremony.

After about thirty minutes of painstakingly dressing Prince Joffrey, the servants were finally done dressing him for the grand parade.

Prince Joffrey was looking so hot and handsome in his royal regalia.

The royal regalia was designed perfectly with pure gold, ermine, sarsnet, damask, satin, mantua, and silk.

Prince Joffrey's royal regalia was decorated with three gold medals awarded by his father the Emperor of Echancia Empire.

The three golden medals stand for "Bravery, Merit, and Courage.

He had on his head his crown made with gold and designed with seven blue sapphires weighing 425-carat (86 g) each and thirty-six tourmaline stones, making the crown look echanting.

He had on his left little finger a signet ring made with pure gold embellished with the Echancian Royal Crest.

After checking out himself on the full view mirror prince Joffrey was impressed and satisfied with his appearance.

He came downstairs to the dining room to have breakfast with the rest of his family.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! The Lion and Lioness of Echancia Empire!. Prince Joffrey greeted his parents while curtsying.

"Greetings to You too, Son! I must say You look stunning and handsome! Emperor Jethro responded while commending Prince Joffrey's appearance.

"Thanks, Dad! Prince Joffrey replied while taking his seat on his place at the dining table.

And with that, the Royal Family started eating their breakfast gracefully.

Fifteen minutes later, they were done with their breakfast.

They came out of the Royal Palace and walked straight to the golden carriage waiting for them just outside the Royal Palace gate.

Lots of Echancian Royal Guards and Armies were already lined neatly outside and inside the Palace, lots of Echancian Citizens were seen cheering and waving flags upon the sight of the Imperial Royal Family.

Press, Magazine Companies, and TV Stations from all types of media companies were already there to cover the event including the "Echancian Television" (E.T.V) and the Echancian Press.

Emperor Jethro was looking dashingly handsome for his age wearing his golden ceremonial robe and crown.

While Empress Margareth was looking unsurprisingly beautiful with her black hair flowing gracefully down her waist, she also was wearing her golden ceremonial robe and crown.

The Emperor and Empress were both looking like Greek gods of Olympus with the domineering and authoritative vibe surrounding them.

Princess Annabelle was also among them wearing a golden gown like her brother and Parents.

Slowly but majestically they were walking towards the golden carriage embellished with the Royal Crest of Echancia Empire.

After about fifteen minutes of walking from the main palace to the gate, Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Princess Annabelle, and Prince Joffrey boarded the golden carriage.

"Forward match! Tyler, the Captain of the Royal Guards yelled at the rest of the Royal Guards.

And with that, the golden carriage started moving slowly while the Royal Guards were matching elegantly, escorting them from the front and back sides of the carriage.

"Here we are live at Chadcia the Capital of Echancia Empire reporting to You live the 856th annual Unification Day Ceremony holding here at the streets of Chadcia,"

"The Imperial Royal Family are seen patrolling and waving at the crowd of Echancian Citizens gathered here today for the Unification Day Ceremony!

"I'm Brien, E.T.V News reporting! A Female reporter was seen reporting the event.

The event was live streamed for those who don't have televisions at home but have their mobile phones to watch freely.

Prince Joffrey, Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle were busy waving at the crowd while the carriage kept moving towards the Stadium with the Royal Guards escorting them.

Some of the Royal Guards were playing drums and trumpets while parading the streets of Chadcia.

The Citizens of Echancia were joyously singing the Echancian national anthem while waving the national flag.

The Echancian National Anthem was as thus:-

(Echancian National Anthem lyrics)

In a land so great and strong!.

Echancia, the land I call my home,

From the green clear summers

To blossoming pear trees,

Magnificent her mountains and seas,

Echancia, Echancia!

You're noble, proud, and brave,

Echancia, Echancia, together we are strong!

Echancia, Echancia!

Forever will Your banner wave!

The Echancian Citizen kept singing the national anthem and waving the national flag at the Imperial Royal Family.

After about an hour of patrolling the streets of Chadcia, the Imperial Royal Family and Royal Guards accompanying them arrived at the Chadcia International Stadium, the venue for the Unification Day Ceremony.

Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Princess Annabelle, and Prince Joffrey alighted the carriage and they were ushered to the high table with golden seats prepared for them by the Prime minister beforehand

Without wasting much time, Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Princess Annabelle, and Prince Joffrey were immediately seated on their respective seats alongside the Prime minister, Ministers, Dukes, Lords, Marquess, Earls, Barons, and Viscounts of the Echancia Empire.

Emperor Jethro Immediately signaled the Prime minister to proceed with the ceremony and with that, the ceremony started.

The first event on the list was the military match past.

The Echancian Armies were the first to parade, followed by the Echancian Air Force, then the Echancian Navy Officers, the Echancian Police Force, and lastly the Echancian Royal Guards.

The second event on the list was the match past of various schools all over the empire.

After about two hours of matching, they proceeded to the next event on the list which was drama acting by kids from various schools, the kids were portraying the Imperial Royal Family in their dramas.

The dramas acted by the kids from various schools of the Empire were astoundingly thrilling, that Emperor Jethro had to state that there was no first position during the announcement of the results.

Next on the list was a speech that would be made by the Crown Prince.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!

"Please, let's welcome the future Lion of Echancia Empire!

"Crown Prince Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean! The Prime minister announced to the crowd in a loud voice.

And with that, Prince Joffrey got up from his seat and walked straight to the podium embellished with the Royal Crest, and started to address the crowd.

(Prince Joffrey's speech)

"Distinguished Guests,

"My Fellow Echancians,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and students from all over the Empire Celebrating the 856th annual Unification Day Ceremony with us today.

"Good Morning!

"I feel honored to address You all on this occasion in Chadcia International Stadium today!.

"First of all,

I would like to start by welcoming those citizens that took it upon themselves to be here today!

"I am extremely happy with the gracious presence of the Prime minister, the Dukes, the Lords, the Marquess, Earls, Barons, and Viscounts of the Echancia Empire, and all the attendees from the Citizens of Echancia.

"We are celebrating the 856th Annual Unification Day Ceremony of the Echancia Empire.

"A lot had happened lately to the Echancia Economy.

"We've built a ladder of opportunities for the Echancian Citizens to climb, and stretched out a safety net beneath so that if we fell, it wouldn't be too far, and we could bounce back. And as a result, Echancia built the largest middle class the world has ever known, Industries, Factories, Refineries, Tourist sites, and attractions.

"And for the seven decades after the Great War, it was the engine of our prosperity.

"Now, we can't look at the past through rose-colored glasses. The economy didn't always work for everyone. Racial discrimination locked millions out of the Empire's Fortune to the clutches of poverty, during the time we were still hostile to each other.

"Lots of Echancian Citizens opportunities to be great men and great women were lost given to that hostility that was lurking around the air as at then.

"But after our coming together as one, unified into one great and powerful Empire by the gods of Olympus, hence the "Unification Day" the economic ground felt more stable and secure for most Echancians, and the future looked brighter than the past.

"After many years of working together as a United Empire, the Echancian Empire is now one of the richest and Powerful Empires in the world with a very impressive Economy to brag about.

The Citizens of Echancia Empire applauded his speech.

"Now, the idea that so many children are born into poverty in the wealthiest nation on Earth is heartbreaking enough, some are unfortunate to lose their parents at a very tender age, making them orphans who are supposed to be helped by we Echancians.

"The idea that a child may never be able to escape that poverty because he or she lacks a decent education or health care, or a community that views his or her future as their own, that should offend all of us and it should compel us to action. We are a better country than this!

"So, this is an issue that we have to tackle head-on

"So, if we're going to take on growing inequality and try to improve upward mobility for all orphans and less privileged people, we've got to move beyond the false notion that this is an issue exclusively of minority concern and help them.

The Citizens of Echancia Empire applauded his speech.

"So, we can make a difference on this. In fact, that's our generation's task! To rebuild Echancian's economic and civic foundation and to continue the expansion of opportunity for this generation and the next generation to come.

The Citizens of Echancia Empire applauded his speech.

"I'm proud to announce that the Imperial Royal Family would be opening a Charity Organization called "Cleaning The Streets Foundation," to help clean the streets of Chadcia and the Empire as a whole, and help these kids to actualize their dreams! Prince Joffrey said to the crowd while coming down from the podium and walking towards his seat.

The Citizens of Echancia Empire applauded Prince Joffrey's speech with a standing ovation as soon as he was through with his speech.

The Emperor made the closing remarks, closing the celebration, after having lasted for the whole day.

And with that, the Imperial Royal Family left the Stadium and headed straight to the Royal Palace riding in the golden carriage.

It took an hour before they finally arrived at the Royal Palace of Echancia.

Prince Joffrey immediately went to his Chambers after having his bath and freshening up, to his King Size Bed diving into the seas of the dream world.

After about two weeks of preparation for the Unification Day Ceremony, the Unification Day Ceremony finally came and left swiftly.

Prince Joffrey kept busying himself in the building of the Royal Charity Organization and the amusement park he was intending to build for kids.

He couldn't help but hasten his pace with his part in the building of the amusement park and the Royal Charity Organization, so he could leave to see Kara again, he was already missing her like crazy.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

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You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky