

Connor_Storer · 其他
10 Chs


"Okay this universe ruby is a substitute soul reaper they are race of spirits and they govern the flow of souls between the human world and the afterlife realms called the soul Society and ruby is a pure blooded soul reaper without knowing it until later in the future and she also has a hollow in her and it ruby complete opposite of ruby it brutal, arrogant and muderous and like to rush in it battle and not care about injuries and rather uses brute strength and force to win fights" zen explained

"That sounds badass and dangerous I like it" yang said

"Of course you like it" Weiss said

"Oh and you are going to see a fight between ruby and Tyrian is the same as ruby but not human like ruby" zen said

"Oh god not him again" ruby said

"Any way let's start" zen said.

"I wonder how strong Tyrian is in this universe" Salem thought.

The screen turned on, and the scene that everyone was meet with was odd. The sky was black but the clouds were still white. Velvet and Weiss had arrived to see tyrian, who had the appearance of a demon, he had black bats wings and black lines coming from his eyes, his tail was wrapped around Ruby's neck. Ruby's clothes were torn, her left leg was somewhat exposed as well as the left side of her torso, which showed off her abs. The two arrived and they both seemed shocked. Tyrian looked down to see them, there was no emotion on his face.

"No ruby" yang said worried and angry along with other staring at the scene shocked and others with anger.

"So you arrived woman" Tyrian told velvet "I want you to watch as the woman who you entrusted your hope too, dies"

Tyrian then pointed his index finger to ruby exposed chest. A blue and black ball of energy appeared and it was aimed at Ruby's chest. and there was a blast of and energy and then Ruby's body was shown, a huge hole in the middle of her chest was shown and her dumped lifeless.

"No not ruby I kill that bastard" yang said pissed and upset.

"Yang I'm fine" ruby said while hugging yang

"That good work kill the girl perfect" Salem thought while cinder was jealous of Tyrian being the one to kill her.

Everyone was crying or looking away from the screen the worst was yang, summer, tai and Qrow but Qrow Reyes to hide his emotions.

Velvet was shocked along with Weiss.

Tyrian then let Ruby's body fall from the pillar, Velvet ran to the falling body three orange ball's formed a triangle and caught the body of ruby.

"It's no use... your meager healing power can not save her from her fate" Tyrian said

"Come on velvet heal her please" yang said.

"Okay since this is going to be annoying to her all of you upset and celebrate just watch the universe and you will be shocked at what you see" zen said

"How can i not be upset that my little sister and he just killed her" yang said angry

"Just watch and you see what I mean" zen said

Velvet didn't listen and surrounded Ruby's body in an orange dome trying to heal Ruby's body. Tyrian then appeared in front of velvet and she stopped in her tracks, afraid of what he might do. Suddenly, in blinding speed, Weiss appeared behind Tyrian, she shot a large arrow of blue energy. However Tyrian blocked the attack with his wings and this made Weiss pissed.

"Light Regan!" Weiss cried

Many large arrows of blue energy shot from the bow and landed down onto Tyrian.

"Yeah kick his ass Weiss for ruby" Yang said cheering her.

Tyrian flew out of the smoke cloud that was created from arrows and landed near Weiss. Weiss had her bow lowered but her arrows was still notched.

"I was under the impression that you were the most level-headed of ruby roses friends" Tyrian said

"I am keeping my cool" Weiss said "I'm jelling my emotions in check so I can focus on killing you"

"As much as I want to be mad and sad that was a badass line from Weiss" yang Gaia faith others agreeing.

Tyrian said nothing, no emotion on his still. Velvet tried to heal Ruby's body but nothing seemed to work, she gasped and looked in horror. It wasn't working. Weiss was then thrown behind her, she was somewhat bruised but was still in an ok state.

"This was all my fault!" Velvet told herself "this is why I trained! I didn't want to rely on Ruby so much! yet I kept doing it! please..." Velvet thought to herself

"Oh god poor velvet blaming herself" ruby thought upset with herself

"Please ruby... please! HELP ME RUBY!" Velvet cried out

The lifeless body of ruby was shown "she needs me..." Ruby thought "don't let her die... don't be weak..." Ruby told herself

"I WILL...PROTECT YOU" ruby cried, her body rose up from the ground, her hair become longer and it reached her back, red and black energy covered her face. Velvet felt the presence behind her, she looked to see something that shocked her.

"What going on how is she not dead!" cinder shouted pissed

"Oh yeah that what I forgot to mention the hollow inside of ruby won't let her die because that will also kill it" zen said

Behind her was ruby, but a mask covered her entire head, only her hair was shown, the mask resembled a deers skull but with a more human appearance, and 4 black lines came out of the hole in Ruby's chest. Red fur-covered Ruby's wrist and ankles as well as the shoulder blades. Sharp horns protruded form the head at tyrian direction. Ruby's skin was also pure white

"So that what ruby would look like with long hair" Weiss said

"Oh god I'm so happy she still alive" yang said with the others agreeing with her.

"I better save though universes until they get used to it" zen thought.

Tyrian looked to Ruby's new form, Weiss was also surprised at Ruby's new form.


"This can't be" Tyrian stated "you can't be alive"

"What is that form? Who are you?" Tyrian asked.

"That power is incredible" Salem/ozpin thought.

Ruby opened her hand as fast the sword behind ruby, a black katana shook from the ground and landed into Ruby's hand, ruby slashed her sword downward and it caused the ground behind her to lift in huge pieces and the might of it was so powerful that it blew velvet away from her, Weiss caught her.

"Just with on swing with her sword how powerful is she" winter said

"Would you believe me that there are stronger versions of ruby in different universes" zen said

Everyone one was shocked when they heard what zen said.

"Did you not hear me?" Tyrian asked "I asked you to identify yourself"

A red energy surrounded ruby and she opened her mouth, an unholy scream was heard, a scream so unnatural it shook the screen itself. It was so unnatural, so disturbing, and very animalistic.

"It appears to me, that you can't understand what I'm saying" Tyrian said

"No shit" Mercury said sarcastically.

"That sounds so grimm like and jeez that hurt my ears" Blake said rubbing her ears.

Tyrian raised his hand and pointed his index finger again and another blue and black ball of energy formed, he was about to shoot it off, but ruby lowered her head and a red ball of energy formed at tips of her horns. Tyrian was shocked to see this but fired his attack at the same time as ruby shot her. A pillar of red and blue formed and red took over and exploded. The blast was huge and very powerful. Tyrian took off  in the air and looked at the explosion.

"That was no doubt the blast of a cero" Tyrian told himself "and it was powerful enough to counter my cero Oscuras. He may resemble a Hollow, but there's no way a human could discharge a cero"

"Jeez I really don't want to face them" yang said.

"Just how powerful can they get" ironwood/ Salem and ozpin thought.

Ruby then appeared behind Tyrian and lowered her head and another red cero formed.

"I'm even faster  in this universe" ruby said

Tyrian turned around and formed another cero Oscuras, "that enough" Tyrian stated.

The two cero clashed once again, and they exploded, another hug explosion was seen

"She defused my cero for a second time" Tyrian stated

Suddenly in a flash of speed, ruby appeared behind Tyrian again and Tyrian turned to fight again, but ruby grabbed his arm and ripped it off, only to hit him away with the severed appendage.

"So I'm guessing that someone defusing his cero as he call is something that isn't normal" Weiss said

"Damn ripping his arm and using it as a weapon" yang said

"I...can't believe it... Is that really ruby?" Velvet asked

Tyrian was seen with his arm missing, black blood seeped from the wound and dropped to the ground.

Tyrian stood still, and from the wound, what looked like black wires shot out and formed another arm. Tyrian then flexed it and tried to get used to it. A guitar solo began to play over the scene.

"What he can regenerate?" Everyone said shocked.

"Yes most of them can heal in this universe" zen said.

"He has amazing power, speed and regeneration fantastic" Qrow said

"My greatest strength is not in my attack, but it is my ability to regenerate" Tyrian said "in exchange for immense strength, most Arrancar lose there ability  to regenerate and ultra high speed, i alone am able to regenerate all my body parts at high speed, except for two areas, my brain and internal organs" Tyrian finished

Ruby stood above him still, not saying a word.

"I don't know how you took on that form, but it won't be much of an advantage" Tyrian said "defeating me will be quite hard as your about to discover"

"Damn is he is really powerful in this universe" ruby said.

Tyrian put his hands together and a lime green energy formed in his hands, he then separated his hands and a green line of energy was formed, and the ends of it seemed to dance like fire.

"Lanza del relapago!"Tyrian cried he twirled it and held it like a spear, "stay still, stay still and don't move if possible I would prefer not to unleash this in close range" Tyrian said.

He threw the energy spear but ruby moved  her to the side and dodged the green spear. It continued to fly until it hit the ground that was far from the area they were in. However, when it landed, a huge pillar of green energy was seen, it was a 100x bigger than the previous attack.

"Holy shit and he is way to powerful" yang said.

"I missed" Tyrian stated, "I'll try again, it's always been difficult to control" Tyrian then formed another spear of green energy.

"Your kidding!? He can fire an attack like that multiple times?" Weiss thought

"Wait he can throw multiple of them how is that possible" everyone said shocked.

Ruby stood there and then vanished into thin air, only it reappear behind Tyrian, who was shocked to see her.

"What!?" Tyrian asked internally "she completely slipped past my pesquisa that wasn't shunpo, that was a sonido" Tyrian said internally

Ruby swung her sword at Tyrian but he blocked it with his green spear, by the force behind Ruby's attack pushed him back, causing the ground to crumble as he skids across it, Tyrian then flew up to another stone pillar. Suddenly, ruby appeared next to him and grabbed his head, slamming it and dragging it into the stone pillar as he flew up. Ruby then threw Tyrian through the pillar and then rushed at him and swung at Tyrian but Tyrian spun his spear and blocked the attack.

"How strong and fast is ruby being able to do that and move that fast" Weiss said in shocked

"She literally just vanished into thin air" Blake said

"That slot faster than my semblance" ruby said.

"I can't believe how fast she's going" Weiss said "I can't even follow her with my eyes"

"Ruby..." velvet said

Ruby now held a large piece of stone in one hand and threw it at Tyrian.

"Do you think just because you throw something big at me I'm supposed to be intimidated?" Tyrian asked as he cut the stone into pieces, only to see ruby coming at his right side, ruby swung her blade and Tyrian quickly dodged it. If  Tyrian didn't dodge that attack, he would had his head chopped clean off, Tyrian backed away and spun his spear, but ruby appeared in front of him and stopped the spear with her bare hands

"Jeez ruby is not messing around is she damn wish i has that kind of strength" yang said

"Oh dust no don't let yang have that strength my back will be broken his half" ruby said.

"Yeah let's make sure yang never get this kind of strength mainly because I don't want to get hugged by her and we need our team leader" Weiss said with Blake agreeing with her .

"Oh come on my hugs aren't that bad"yang said defensive.

"Yang every time you hug me it feels like my bones slower break each time" ruby said.

"Impossible!" Tyrian cried "he stopped it with his bare hand!?"

Ruby made an unnatural growl again and then cut Tyrian horizontally. Blood gushed from the wound as Tyrian fell to the ground. Both Weiss and velvet looked in shock.

"Damn it... I never thought it would be possible to be defeated by a hollowfied human... it's completely ludicrous" Tyrian said.

"Holy shit how is that possible to stop that with her bare hand" everyone said shocked.

"God damn Tyrian you had one fucking job and don't care even if it isn't me just kill her" cinder thought pissed off.

"I see... how very hollow like of you" Tyrian said

The explosion engulfed him and ruby the picked up Tyrian body and they saw that half of Tyrian body was gone his entire lower half, as well as his left arm, were gone ruby then threw the body away and grabbed her sword and walked to tyrian mangled body.

Ruby raised her sword and was about stab Tyrian in the neck, but Weiss stopped his arm. Velvet looked at ruby with fear.

"It over ruby...you won"Weiss golf her friend.

"Ruby, you won!" Weiss said

Ruby tired to dig the tip of her katana into Tyrian throat, but Weiss was holding her arm back.

"What is she doing can't she tell he can't fight anymore" Weiss said.

"This isn't like ruby she would never do this" yang said.

"I'm surprised that Weiss is able to hold her arm back" Blake said with others agreeing.


Suddenly ruby moved her sword and stabbed Weiss in stomach, pushing Weiss back.

"Weiss!" Velvet cried

"Protect her..." ruby said in a distorted tone

Velvet stopped and looked to ruby

"Protect her... I must... protect her..." ruby said.

"Oh no Weiss I'm sorry for stabbing you" ruby said upset.

"It fine ruby it seems like your not in control of yourself" Weiss said trying to comfort ruby.

"of course it was to protect velvet she isn't like that" blake said.

Velvet was shocked, this was her fault.

"This is all my fault! I called out to her! If I wasn't so weak I could have defended myself!" Velvet cried internally

Ruby took a step toward Weiss and velvet shouted "ruby" trying to stop her but then Tyrian appeared above her and cut off one of Ruby's horns. The result was the mask shattering, as it sounded like a vase being broken.

Ruby fell to the ground, her hair returned to normal, but then there was gust of energy from the hole of ruby chest and it dived into it and healed the wound, making it look like as if there was no hole at all.

"That was... high speed regeneration" Tyrian said amazed

"Don't blame yourself velvet" ruby said to the screen velvet.

"Ruby I don't think she can hear you" yang said

"I know okay" ruby said embarrassed.

"She can also regenerate" Salem/ ozpin thought shocked.

"R-Ruby?" Velvet asked

With a sudden jerk of her body, ruby woke up and looked in shock, she then moved her hand to her chest, "didn't I have a hole in my chest?" Ruby asked herself.

"My arm and leg are regenerating... but it's only for appearance, the internal organs she destroyed won't come back" Tyrian said to himself.

Ruby then looked to see Weiss she was shocked to see her friend in such a state, "you finally snapped out of it huh?" We is asked with a faint smile

"W-Weiss? Did I? Did I do that to you?" Ruby asked

"So she really wasn't in control of herself" Weiss said.

"You are quite resilient" Tyrian said

Ruby turned to him "Tyrian? Did I put you in that conditions" ruby asked

"It doesn't matter" Tyrian said

Tyrian then vanished and reappeared next to Weiss and pulled out Ruby's sword out of her torso, he then throw it at ruby, who caught it

"Let's finish this" Tyrian said

"Am I the one who cut off your arm and leg?" Ruby asked

"Yes, but that doesn't matter" Tyrian said

Ruby then looked at her sword "then... cut off my arm and leg as well"ruby said.

"Ruby" velvet said

"It wouldn't be a fair fight if I wasn't in the same state as you! What you were fighting wasn't me!" Ruby said

"Why did he pull the sword out?" ruby asks

"What the hell are you thinking?" Everyone shouted at ruby.

"She thinks it would be a fair fight really you should just take the chance to kill him there" cinder said.

"Ruby! think about your what your saying!" Weiss shouted.

Tyrian just looked at ruby and moved to him, "if that is what you wish"

Tyrian took a step to ruby, but his right wing then turned began to turn to dust, the four were shocked to see this happen.

"It appears my time is up..." Tyrian said, he then looked at ruby "kill me"

Ruby was shocked

"Kill me, or our fight will forever be unsettled" Tyrian said

"I can't!" Ruby shouted "this wasn't how I was supposed to win!"

"Finally by why is he turning to dust" yang said

"I don't really know sorry" zen said.

"She has honour for not killing him and wanting to defeat him the way she wants" ozpin said to Oscar who agreed with him.

Tyrian was shocked to see this turn of events, "I see... you never did as anticipated, even at the very end" Tyrian said Tyrian then turned to kendo, "right when I was starting to grow interested in you people" Tyrian said

A flashback was shown, tyrian stood infront of velvet and be looked at her, he wore a white clock and stood infront of velvet.

"Do I scare you?" Tyrian asked.

"No" velvet said.

"Why would he ask that question" Weiss asked.

"Weiss there no point in asking us" Blake said

"Yeah and I'm not going to tell you" zen said.

Tyrian was shocked at this, "you humans speak so easily of this heart, but what is it? If I ripped open your chest would I see it? If I cracked open your skull would I find it?" Tyrian asked

It was now back to present, tyrian looked at velvet again

"Is that why he asked the question" Weiss said unsure

"Do I scare you?" He asked her again.

"No...I'm not scared of you" velvet replied again.

Tyrian closed just eyes as the rest of his body began to turn to dust. He reached out for velvet and velvet reached for him, her hand was about to touch Tyrian but it turned to dust.

"I see now" tyrian began "in the palm of my hand was a heart"

The screen turned black

"So that why he asked the question"Weiss thought

"I was so strong and fast and cool" ruby said excited

"I still hate the part where we thought you were  dead" yang said

"It still surprising how powerful other universe are" Blake said.

"Okay that the end so on to the next universe" zen said.