
Tanah Kedaulatan (8)

"So? What are you going to do with her?"

"I don't know." Anggerik that already turned into her human form shrugged.

They were currently standing in front of the bloody weak girl, half-dead beaten by hoodlums. The body was left alone to die in the wood to cover up their own crime. Her big clothes unmatched to her bony body were torn and covered with blood. 

"Kid. What did they do to you?" Anggerik interrogated her, opted to ignore her condition. 

"Really?" Elizebeth couldn't cover her disgust at Anggerik. She was a sensible lady but not that tactless or that's what she'd presumed.

"What? It's valid. I can get her revenge in case she couldn't make it."

Elizebeth couldn't think properly. Anggerik logic was out of her league. Her brain short-circuits.

"Re- revenge. Revenge." The girl mumbled with her unfocused eyes. The mouth vomited blood.