
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · 奇幻
13 Chs

Chapter Eight ~ Henry Ford

Henry's POV

I had just called Cassie to let her know I was almost home, it's been months since I last saw her, I've always been like a father figure to her. Our father was traveling most of the time, so I played the role of a father and brother.

I drove into the compound of the house and I could already see Cassie running through the doors, she gave a big hug for someone so small I thought to myself..... "You've grown so much more from the last time I saw you" I say to Cassie

Yeah, my appetite increased she responds proudly, that's good my little princess I say patting her head, that was a nickname I gave her when she was little I still haven't been able to stop calling her that. I want you to meet my friend Ella we stay in the same dorm in school, Cassie says, drawing my attention to her friend standing a few feet away, I couldn't believe fate actually did it, it brought her right to me….

I walked towards her with a smile

"Hi Ella it's a pleasure to meet you" her face held a bit of emotion, she looked upset I would say, but it was gone as quick as it appeared. "Nice to meet you too uhm… "Henry" I responded.

"Nice to meet you Henry"..... she had a soft comforting voice, I nod

We all head into the parlor, Cassie clanged onto me like I was going to disappear or something.

"Where is mom ?" I asked Cassie

She went to bed early, she was having a headache" she answered. Okay, I'll check on her in the morning …

Are you hungry? We had dinner already but I could make something for you, Cassie offered. No, i had something before leaving the office, I'll just head to my room now, I am really exhausted, I told Cassie. "Okay good night" she said with a smile.

A good night to you miss Ella, I say to Ella. I head up the stairs to my room, leaving Cassie and Ella in the parlor.

I take off my suit jacket and lay down, I was overwhelmed. I have been stressed since the completion of my new project, I didn't think running two companies would be this stressful, my mind flashes back to the first time I saw Ella.


I had always wanted to open another company and I was finally doing it, I was on my way to Rose hills a small-town outside the big city, they didn't have many companies over there, so the competition was less.

I was meeting with the owner of the supermarket I was going to buy and also take a look at the land. I was driving around trying to get a parking space, the place was completely packed.

I finally got one, I turned off the car engine and got down I wanted to take a look around and besides I had a few more minutes before our meeting started, I had barely done any looking before my eyes had caught a lady sitting outside a restaurant, she was dressed in a yellow dress that fit her skin perfectly, she was staring just the same way I was, Something felt different about her, she wasn't just like any lady you would meet. She seemed to have gotten a call because she was no longer staring, it was almost time for my meeting so I left, if there was really any connection fate would bring her to me. I thought to myself….

Flashback ended

And it did. She was in my house, right under my roof, I smiled to myself.

I was throwing a party tomorrow night, it is to celebrate the completion of my project, I needed to inform Cassie, I was sure she would want to go shopping for it. I couldn't get up to go to her room, so I sent her a text.

Hi Cassie, I'd be having a party tomorrow night, i wanted to inform you, you can get anything you'll be needing. Come get my card tomorrow morning.

I took a shower and retired for the night.