
Road To Happiness

Laying on the bathroom floor, my hands on my head and my face in my laps… The noise from my parents room gets louder by the minute especially my dad's voice, he sounded like a beast whenever he got angry, I really don't get why my mom still stays, she wouldn't leave even if he stabbed her in the chest. I don't know if it's trauma bonding. I was tired of the looks we would get from the neighbors, A look of pity, I hated life … My name is Ella, and I am 18 would be 19 in a few months and I can't wait till I'm old enough to leave this place, I would always dream of a home filled with love and happy children, I wanted to create a life I didn't get… I grew up in a very violent home. I didn't get to know what it was like to have a completely functional home, my dad is what you would call a narcissist and in the world we lived in, it was really an encouraged trait in men. I've always wanted to grow up so fast, I guess it was because I wanted to get away from everything, my mom got married to my dad who was a literal walking red flag, he would beat her even before they got married, shame her and with all that he wasn't even rich I guess she was young and in love but i, I was on a very determined mission to find a man that would love and cherish me and everything I represented, I was going to find him even if it took half of my life…. Hi guys this is my first time writing a story, I've always wanted to but i have been too scared to, but please pardon me if it isn't so professional. Thankyou�.

Benita_Omomhenle · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter Nine ~ The party

Ella's POV

My eyes open slowly and the events of yesterday start coming back, I was in "supermarket guy's" house. I didn't know exactly how I felt about it, but I did know he didn't remember, he probably wasn't looking at me that day, I thought to myself… I got into the bathroom did my business and got out, I took out a little short and a black t-shirt, a knock came from the door.

" Who is that" I asked.

"It's the maid madam, I came to clean your room" She replied

I walked over to the door and opened it, that's fine I already did it myself, I told her. She had a confused look on her face, And please call me Ella not madam, "okay mad..miss Ella",

" No, just Ella" I say

Ella, she replies with a smile. What's for breakfast, I asked. "Pancakes, scrambled eggs and link sausage mi.. Ella" She answered.

"okay, I would like to help out, you see I'm really bored and besides I'm superb at cooking", I say with a smile. She thinks about it for a second, No problem she says…yay I giggle, I put her hand in mine let's go then… she burst out laughing " yeah let's go".

I help mix the batter for the pancakes while she flipped them, There you are Cassie says as she walks into the kitchen, I've been looking for you, I thought I should help with breakfast since I had nothing to do, I responded. Well, you do now, we're going shopping she says excitedly, what for? I ask.

We're having a party tonight, I want us to go shopping for a dress.

"What's the occasion?" I said a bit


Well, Henry is throwing a party to celebrate the completion of his project, plus there will be a lot of well-to-do guys coming, we could both catch ourselves some "fishes" she says winking at me, I laugh, but I don't have money for a fancy dress, don't worry Henry's got us covered she says waving a card.

We had just gotten to the mall and Cassie had tried out a couple of number of dresses, but she didn't seem like she liked any. I don't like this one, the hands look funny, Cassie complained. You're going to have to pick one sooner or later Cassie, I told her. She had finally picked a pink handless dress with glitter like stones, it was a pretty dress, and it stuck on to her body, bringing out her right curves. See! I told you I'd find one that fit me perfectly, she says while admiring herself in the mirror, I'm glad you did, I was starting to think we would be spending the night here, I joked.  I had also picked a dress, it was a body hug short black dress with shiny sequence all over it, I liked how elegant I looked. We had finally gotten home, and it was past 4 already, and almost time for the party, we still have to get our hair done plus our makeup too…. Cassie was panicking, Calm down Cassie, to make things easier, you'd help me with mine, and I'd help you with yours, she agreed. 

I had chosen loose curls while Cassie had straightened her hair, We both got simple makeup done, and we were both ready, The party had started already so Cassie and I headed downstairs.

Cassie had left to check on her mom, I headed downstairs by myself, As I walked down the stairs, it felt like everything had stopped and everyone was staring, I had social anxiety, so I didn't like to be in crowded places.

I had taken a couple of drinks to help with my anxiety, it seemed to be helping because I had loosened up a bit, Cassie was way over at the other end of the room with some random guy, I didn't think she was serious about "catching fishes".

I hadn't seen Henry all night, something in me was curious to see what he looked like tonight. "You look lovely ", I turn around, it was the gentleman who had been staring at me all night, I guess he finally had the courage to approach me.

"Thank you" I chuckled.

Would my lady be kind enough to let me know her name?

It's Ella, Ella Hart, I replied.

Your name is just as beautiful as you are , My name is Gabriel. He said softly…

Thank you, again Gabriel, I say, almost blushing. (I said almost).

We had a little chat, and he was on his way, he did make sure to get my number before he left. I was all alone again, and this time I couldn't even find Cassie.

I should have stayed in my room, I huffed.

Henry's POV

Cassie and Ella were not back yet, and it was almost time for the party, and I was starting to get worried. You know Cassie is an adult now and besides she lives by herself when she's in school so stop worrying, Carlton my P. A said.

Yeah, you're right they're fine just a little hold up, nothing more, I said trying to comfort myself, I was an extreme worrier, I worried about everyone I loved an always wanted them to be alright at all times, it is a blessing and a curse, I would always imagine the worst sometimes, and occasionally it would push me to be the best version of myself that I could be, so regardless of what situation my loved ones were in, I would always be able to help because what's the use of worrying without the ability to change things.

I had picked out two suits for the party, I always wore black suits on regular days, I wanted to wear something different this evening. I asked Carlton what he thought about the two suits I had on the bed.

You should wear the blue one, you always wear black suits, so I think you should use the blue one. He said, and this was why he was my P. A, He thought exactly like I did, he was more of a brother than a P.A.

We headed downstairs, I had to be there to welcome every one of the guests, if I were to be paid for every time I had said thank you tonight, I would be richer than I already was…

I was talking to a friend when I had noticed Ella coming down the stairs, she looked as beautiful as ever, she was in a sexy black dress, Her hair was let down and for a second, I wondered what it would feel like to run my hands through her hair. She's quite pretty, my friend teased. Oh, yes she is, I said embarrassed, I hadn't noticed I was staring, my phone rang, and it was a call from a business partner, I had to go outside to take it.

I finished with my call almost 30 mins later, it was a business call, they usually take that long, Cassie was over with Carlton, but I couldn't find Ella, My eyes searched all over for her.

I had finally found her, she was sitting at the bar with a drink in her had, She looked drunk. I wondered how much she had to drink. She stood up after a while, she was headed outside I followed right after her, I wanted to know where she was going, and she was in no state to wander on her own.

She walked into the garden and sat down on the bench, she took off her shoes they were in her hands now, and she seemed to be talking to the moon.

You know, most people believe the moon can actually hear us when we talk to it, I said to her

She was startled for a minute, then the moon must know a lot of my secrets, she responded.

I sat down right beside her, shouldn't you be inside Mr. host, she says making me laugh, I wouldn't mind a break, plus I do enjoy your company.

After a few moments of silence, she said, do you really not remember me from that day at the supermarket because I could swear you were staring at me? You really don't remember me, do you? She says with a cute look on her face. I remember you, Ella. I responded. Really? She sounded shocked, I just thought you probably didn't remember. I didn't give a response, and she didn't say anything either, we just sat there in silence… After a little while I hear light snoring, I turned to look at her, and she had fallen asleep, she was slouching down on the hand of the chair, I could see her face more clearly now, she had this cute button nose and full rose-red lips, her face was oval-shaped, I was so tempted to put my lips on hers, but I wasn't that kind of man. I didn't know what to do with her, so I picked her up, wow! She wasn't as light as she looked, I thought to myself….

I had gone through the back door, I would rather not draw attention to myself and I also didn't want the workers seeing us like this, I didn't know the room which was hers, there were many rooms  In the house, I didn't want to leave her just anywhere, especially with guests roaming the whole place. I took her to my room and gently placed her on the bed, she had rolled over making her dress go up, exposing her thighs, blood had flowed to my cheeks faster than lightning ever could, I immediately used the sheets to cover her up before I got tempted more than I already was.

I closed the door behind me and headed downstairs.

Cassie seemed to be looking for Ella and I didn't know what to tell her, I panicked even more as she approached me.

Hey bro, have you seen Ella, I've been looking for her like forever now.

"Em…yeah she said she was heading to bed" I said.

"Okay I should go check on her" she replied about to leave.

I don't think so, she sounded exhausted and would want to be left alone, I tell her convincingly.

You're right. I'll just see her Tomorrow.

That was close, I thought to myself… 

Carolyn kept calling, I didn't know why and I wasn't even interested, she could go to hell for all I care.

Carolyn was my ex cheating girlfriend, she was always telling one lie or the other, I almost lost my mind when I found out what she had been doing. Now that I'm doing better, she's trying to slither her way back in, like the snake she was, not going to happen.

My phone rang, and it was Carlton this time, why was he calling me? Hello, I answered. Henry I need you to come outside, right now (yes he calls me by my name, we were that close) He sounded like it was really urgent.

"Okay I am on my way" I said, before dropping the call.

I headed outside and the first person I saw was Carolyn, what was she doing here?

What are you doing here, Carolyn? I scowl.

I came to see you, baby, she says, placing her hands on my shoulder. I was disgusted by her touch, I quickly shove her hands away, I didn't invite you because I clearly don't want you here, so you had better leave now I say with anger clearly in my voice…

I asked Carlton to throw her out and to make sure she wasn't allowed back in. I said a goodnight to the guests with an excuse of having a headache, I got to my room and I see Ella's figure, I had completely forgotten she was here. That meant no bed for me tonight, I think to myself….

I took off my clothes and take a shower, I put on a vest and shorts and I retire for the night.