
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · 漫画同人
119 Chs

Chapter 81

"That's it guys. Are you ready for war?" Yoru smiled.

Not long after that. The zombies that had been walking started to run.

"Huhf. The same tactics. Don't they have another way?" Yoru looks bored.

"All guns!!! Fire at will."

All those holding guns immediately fired at the zombie hordes without stopping.

"Does anyone have a bomb?"

One of the people from the Mochizuki hospital raised his hand. That person was Oriha Nashida.

Yoru smiled. "Then, just throw it. Don't be shy."

Oriha Then aimed the grenade launcher she was carrying. One by one the grenades shot according to Oriha's aim and exploded eating dozens of zombies as victims.

Even though they had showered the zombie hordes with bullets and bombs, it all proved not enough. Because the number of zombies is still too much.

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level up]

'oh... lvl up'

"All melee personnel! Attack."

On cue from Yoru. Everyone started running to face the zombie hordes.

Yoru didn't join in on the zombies massacre, but he observed everything that was happening. Yoru uses the barrier to control how many zombies attack which group.

He purposely did that so that no one would get too tired and end up making a mistake that endangered themselves or others.

"It seems I gave the wrong weapon to Ayaka." Yoru looked a little worried because he had to help Ayaka several times.

[I think. Whip suits Ayaka better]

"A whip. I actually don't understand why or how to use a whip." Yoru looked disappointed

[Don't buy the skill to use whip. You don't need that.]

"I won't buy it."

Even though Yoru looked relaxed and didn't do anything, no one protested at him. Because they know that Yoru occasionally throws weapons that he controls with telekinesis to help those who are a little off guard. And because of that, those who fight zombies on the front lines can have easy mind.

"It looks like this method is working."

[Yeah, it worked out well.]

From above, Yoru uses barriers to control how many zombies can approach each group. Yoru made a barrier that covered the entire area of Mochizuki General Hospital, and he made the path not too wide so that the zombies could approach each group with a manageable number.

"Why didn't I think of this yesterday?"

[Because you are too focused on the number of pawns. So maybe you forgot]

In the midst of the calm that Yoru felt. Yoru's hairs suddenly stood up.

Yoru suddenly trembled.

"Damn. What is this unpleasant feeling?"


"Well,,, this thing is more dangerous than that black smoke."

After feeling something abnormal. Yoru focused and surveyed his surroundings. And he saw nothing wrong at all.

[Maybe not appear yet]

Like a prediction. After what System said. A sizeable magic circle appeared above the zombie horde.

From that magic circle. A pair of legs appeared and little by little a person's figure wearing full armor could be seen. And Yoru immediately activated the Eye of Truth after seeing it.


Name : Messenger of Death

Race : Living Dead

Rank : Rooks

Gender : None

Age : 5 Days

Level : 31

Strength : A - 3195

Endurance : S - 5125

Agility : A - 3128

Luck : D - 1242

Life Force : 97735

Stamina : SS - 8740

Title :

- Hard Body {Physical and Magical damage reduced by 50%}

- Endless stamina {Endurance+1000, Stamina+4000}

- Life eater {Drain life force from other creatures}

- Fight Until Die {the longer you fight, the stronger you become}

Skills :


- Shielder

Magic :

- Life Convert

- Body Strengthening


"Damn, they showed up earlier than expected. And it's not Bishop, but Rook. Look at his stats. A slightly improbable number, isn't he. And he doesn't have any mana, but replaced with life force. What is that?"

[Just take a look at the magic he has. He has a life convert. It was used to convert life force into mana. Meanwhile, the life force itself is almost the same as Mana. It's just that, if the life force decreases, the prowess will also decrease. And vice versa, if life force increases, prowess will also increase. You can get life force if you consume other beings' souls]

"Ah... That's why he has a life eater. He consumes other creatures' souls to gain life force, and he uses that life force to strengthen himself. And he can also convert life force into mana to activate body strengthening."

[Nice combination isn't it. Even though he will become weak if his life force decreases, all of that can be overcome with body strengthening and if he activates this magic. Instead of weakening due to the loss of life force, he will instead become stronger.]

"And don't forget about "Fight Until Die". This is also a bit absurd. He will get stronger the longer he fight."

[In other words. We have to kill this creature in the shortest possible time.]

"But fortunately it's just that..." Yoru suddenly stopped talking when he saw another pair of legs coming out of the magic circle.

"Did I jink it?"


Name : Messenger of Death

Race : Living Dead

Rank : Knights

Gender : None

Age : 5 Days

Level : 41

Strength : SS - 6195

Endurance : S-4885

Agility : A-4098

Luck : C-2472

Mana : A - 4078

Stamina : S - 4890

Title :

- Cavalry {All statuses doubled when using a mount}

- Rider {Difficult to fall off the mount}

Skills :

- Swordsmen

- Riding

- Spearman

Magic :

- Summon Mounts

- Body Strengthening

- Mount Assimilation


Before Yoru could make any comments, black smoke started coming out of the magic circle.

"Damn, it's not just a Bishop. But a Rook and Knight too." Yoru looked really worried.

Of course he was worried, not only because of the statuses that Rook and Knight had, but also that the statuses that Bishop had were not normal.


Name : Messenger of Death

Race : Living Dead

Rank : Bishop

Gender : None

Age : 5 Days

Level : 50

Strength : A - 4975

Endurance : A - 4995

Agility : A - 5018

Luck : A - 5142

Mana : EX-20583

Stamina : A - 5940

Title :

- Mana Body {Mana+10,000, Physical Immunity, Magical Damage reduced by 50%}

- Magic Schooler {Mana used decreases by 50% when using magic}


Skills :

- Mana Gathering

- Mana Manipulation

- Mana Obstruction

- Mana Condens

Magic :

- Spirit Magic (Fire, Wind, Earth)

- Spirit Magic (Inferno, Lightning, Magma, Storm, Dust, Ground)

- Fly

- Slavery

- Mind Control


"That's some crazy ass status!!!"

[Yeah, the bishop even has high ranking spirit magic.]

"Did do you mean the two Spirit magic in his status?"

[Yes, the first spirit magic only had fire, wind, and earth. It's normal spirit magic. The second is high spirit magic. It can appear if you can combine 2 elements, for example, fire and fire become inferno.]

Yoru was silent and looked confused.

"Then, what's the difference between my magic, Shirley's Elementals magic and spirit magic?"

[The magic you have is magic language. Magic in the form of language. So you can use magic without being affected by any form. Meanwhile Elementals magic is magic that uses elements, such as fire and so on. Usually Elementals magic owners can use all types of elements. Meanwhile, spirit magic is magic that is obtained because of the blessings of the elemental spirits. That's why the bishop only has 3 types of elements, because maybe he doesn't get the blessing from the water spirit. Actually there are special elements in the form of Light and dark. As well as high special in the form of chaos. But, I don't think we need to talk about this right]

"Yeah, no need. I just wanted to know the differences between the three magic. And now we better talk about how to deal with the three messengers and all the pawns that might appear."

[We'd better...]


"B, is that guy you're referring to as a savior?" Said the messenger carrying a sword and spear after seeing someone with long white hair floating.

This Messenger is a Knight, he has the appearance of a knight with full armor and swords and spears as weapons.

"But I don't feel that he is strong?" Said the messenger with a large shield on his back.

This messenger is Rook. He was also wearing full armor. But he uses a large shield as his weapon.

"K, R, don't be fooled by his appearance. He can instantly strengthen himself up to 5 times stronger. I saw it myself yesterday. Then again, he's not like us who is already at the peak of our prowess, he can still improve, and his growth is so fast." Bishop warned his two partners.

"Oh... So that's why you asked the two of us to come here. You expect us to help you eliminate this savior quickly." Knight says the conclusion he came to.

"Not really, actually I really want to do that. But King forbade it." Bishop looked a little worried.

"We can't do anything if the King forbids it." Knight shook his head.

"King is like that. He prefers to fight with those who are equal or stronger than him. And he won't accept anything other than that. Even Queen can't do anything if King has said it." Rooks said.

"Yes, he will still do that even though he knows that in the end he will lose." Bishops smiled.

"Isn't that the reason we followed King?" Knight said.

"Yeah. What should we do then? We're already here. We can kill them all if we attack now." Rook said confidently.

"But you know we can't do it, right? Even if we wanted to, we are still under the King's order not to attack the savior or anyone under his command." Knight said a little irritated.

"We're not going to fight them. I didn't bring you here to kill the savior. I just want you to know how dangerous this savior is."

"I thought you wanted us to kill this savior?" Knight looked confused.

"No. As I said before, we don't have orders to do it, so we can't do it. I brought you here just wanted you to send your respective pawn to help the pawn I have."

"Ah... If we can't use our hands, let's use our feet. Good idea." Rook looks excited.

"How much do you need? I still have a full 8 pawns." Add Rooks.

"My pawn isn't much. Yesterday you asked for 3 and none came back." Knight was a little angry.

"Sorry, I only have 4 left too. I also borrowed B2's pawn yesterday and didn't come back either. Now I will send everything I have. It's up to you how much you want to send."

"Okay, I'll send 4 now." Rook answered.

"Sigh. I'll send all of them too. If they die. I just need to ask King's permission to make new pawns." Knight looked listless.

"Woi, are you serious about making a new pawn. We don't have that many good materials." Rook looked shocked.

"No problem. If there aren't any, I won't make any new pawns."

"Whatever. By the way, do you know the condition elsewhere?"

"If I'm not mistaken, there were two groups that were sent to this country. The one in the north seems to have finished all the humans that were there. But whether that's true or not, I also don't know. And the one were sent in another country. I don't care." Knights answered.

"We better focus on our work now." Add Knights.

"B if they survive today. Do we need to attack tomorrow?" Rooks asked.

"No. If we fail today. We don't need to attack tomorrow. We just need to attack on the last day with all we have with King and Queen."

"I forgot that it's already the fifth day. The game will end after the seventh day." Rook looked slightly worried.

"No need to worry. For the time being, we're still in the lead. As long as we can survive until the last day, that's more than enough to become the champion of this game. It's just, this Savior is a little weird. Usually the savior will immediately attack our base. However, this savior is running away from us." Bishop replied.

"That's right. You were attacked by 2 saviors right. I was attacked by 3 saviors." Knight replied.

"I was attacked by 4, but all of them are weak." Rook looks bored.

"Actually we don't need to attack this savior regardless of today's outcome because he himself is running from us. However, King seems curious about this savior and wants to fight him. That's why King plans to attack this savior with everything he has on the last day."

"Hey B, looks like our savior is preparing something." Rook said after seeing Yoru's body shining.

"Then we should also prepare ourselves." Bishop said.

Not long after that. From the magic circle, several figures free-falled and landed amidst the zombie hordes.