
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · Anime & Comics
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119 Chs

Chapter 80

The time is already 8.00 pm. In an hour, Mochizuki General Hospital will be attacked by more than 1 million zombie hordes. All the survivors at Mochizuki General Hospital were seen busy preparing themselves.

And in the middle of it. Yoru was seen walking out with Saeko and his five other wives. No one dared to greet them. Not because of fear or anything, more precisely because many think that Yoru and the others are no longer ordinary humans like them. So many are reluctant to talk to them, except for those who already know them.

In the midst of that many people feel. A woman looks very disappointed and jealous. This woman seemed to be focused on Saeko's and the others' right hand finger.

'1 million zombies. If I'm not mistaken I have a mission to kill 2500 zombies.'

[Yes, after today is over. You will probably level up 40 times. Or maybe you will reach the max limit of human level. So. Don't jump in the horde of pawn like yesterday. Just let everyone take care the normal zombie until you level up enough to take care every pawn.]

'That's a good idea. But, isn't my lvl raise to fast?' Yoru was confused. But he didn't show it on his face.

[Indeed, for humans it is fast. After humans it will be a bit more difficult.]

'How difficult?'

[Maybe the number of zombies you have to kill is 10 or 100 times more. Special zombies may be counted a little. The missions are getting harder, and so on. There are also many things that can make the game more difficult.]

'If it's like this. I have to focus on strengthening Saeko and the others. And maybe strengthen Souichiro and Tadashi who will manage all the mans. Yuriko, Kiriko, and Hanako might need it too, they can manage all the woman. The students from Saint Isidore are good too, Ayaka could be their group leader. I can use Takashi and Yuusuke as youth group leaders.'

[The system will only be shared between your Lovers or Pets. Subordinates are not included.]

'Then how can I strengthen Souichiro and the others? Do I have to manually strengthen them?'

[Yes, they should level up normally. And you can also give them equipment and accessories.]

'Well, there's no other way. Oh right, by the way, can I raise the potential of Saeko and the others?'

[Not for the time being. But I don't know what it will be like later on.]

'Does there need to be another system change like yesterday? Or maybe there will be a mission to update the system.'

[All of that probably depends on how many Eye of Truth seals are unlocked.]

'Eh... How many seals are there?'

[There are ten seals. Two are already open. The more seals you open, the more information you can process. The information I mean here is information about the world. Past, present, and possibly future.]

'Why does Eye of Truth work like your book?'

[It's a bit the same. But when compared to Akashic, Eye of Truth can only provide data of no more than 1% of the amount of data available. Because maybe the Eye of Truth only works in the world you are in. Whereas Akashic has data across the multiverse.]

'Like comparing the size of a lake and an ocean.'

[That is how it is. Suggestion. You better focus on the attack tonight. This could also be a chance to complete Saeko's personal quest]

'I've thought about it. I'm thinking of providing a certain place for Saeko so she can complete her mission.'

In the middle of his conversation with System, Yoru didn't expect that he was already outside the hospital and already in front of the tent where Souichiro and Tadashi were.

Yoru immediately entered the tent. There he saw Souichiro, Tadashi, Yuriko, Kiriko, Hanako, Yuko, Takashi, and Yuusuke.

'Why Takashi and Yuusuke here?'

[Teenager representative maybe]

"Yoru, how do we settle all of this? 1 million isn't such a small amount." Souichiro looked dispirited.

Yoru then sat down on the remaining seat and started to speak.

"Don't get too tenses up. Souichiro, you pick a few people from Takagi that you think you can get to the front."

Souichiro silently thought who he could choose.

"Tadashi, you do the same thing as Souichiro, but here is the member of the police you chose."

"Ayaka, you lead all the ones from Saint Isidore."

Ayaka's face immediately crumpled as if she wanted to say "Why me?!"

"Yuriko, you control everything behind. Everyone who uses guns, bows, or other long-range weapons. They are under your control."

"Fiona, you lead everyone from Mochizuki General Hospital."

"That's usually how it is." Yuko said.

"Shizuka, you lead the medical department. Those who are injured will be your responsibility. Shiiko, you help Shizuka."

"And as for Takashi and Yuusuke, because you're already here. Can I ask you to control those who are the same age as you?"

Both of them just nodded their heads.

"The rest are free, or rather I will control them."

All look serious and think on their own. Even though Takashi and Yuusuke were seen talking and exchanging ideas.

[Why don't you prepare an item that you have already endowed for them all]

'You mean?' Yoru was confused by the suggestion he heard from System.

[Give them one piece of equipment or equipment that will allow them to survive. At least strength, stamina, agility.]

'Hmmm... But what kind of equipment?'

[If it's up to you. The mission will fail if even 1 of them dies.]


Yoru then thought about trying to choose what equipment he could give since he didn't have much time.

'We don't have much time. I'd better just give them symbols later.'

[Up to you. But you have to be extra careful. Pawns like Rize or Mumei even Shidou might appear.]

'I know. That's why I will just see everything for the time being. Until I lvl up enough. And Bishop might show up too.' Yoru looked serious and immediately calmed down.

Everyone saw the seriousness on Yoru's face even if it was only for a moment. That was enough for them to realize that their circumstances were not thst good.

Not long after, a notification appeared.

[A horde of zombies will appear in 30 minutes]

Yoru sighed and then looked relaxed.

"Alright everyone, we better prepare what we can do in the remaining time. So, we're stopping this meeting now." Yoru then stood up, lowered his head and walked out.

Not long after that, one by one started coming out of the tent and immediately did what they had to do.

Shizuka, Ayaka, Shiiko, and Fiona left Yoru to prepare what they needed to prepare. And there was only Yoru, Saeko, and Shirley.

"There are many enemies." Shirley said.

"Yeah, but if it's just an ordinary zombie, it's not difficult." Saeko looks confident.

"Saeko, this is your chance to complete your personal mission. I will prepare a place for you to complete your mission." Yoru said while patting Saeko's head.

"Are our preparations sufficient?" Shirley asked with a hint of anxiety on her face.

"Enough? More than enough actually. In the end they're just zombies." Yoru smiled.

[Yeah, because with the number of 1 million zombies. You can be sure to level up 40 times. So, your status will be way above pawn. And after this, we can do your heart and brain modification process]

'Oh... I forgot about the organ modification thing. Are all the organs finished?'

[Yeah, just the heart and brain. I have now stopped doing modifications because the heart and organ modification process is a bit painful]

'Why not buy a ready made heart and brain. Wasn't the original plan like that?'

[No need. Buying ready to use organs is indeed cheaper. But finding a suitable heart and organs is a little more difficult. It's not certain that we can 100% utilize the new heart and brain that we install.]

'So that's why you chose to buy the Undying Body?'

[Yes, because the Undying body can also be used in addition to the modification process.]

'Okay than.'

"We better get ready."

Yoru then walked towards the entrance of Mochizuki General Hospital. There he had seen Takashi, Yuusuke, Rei, and several young people. Souichiro and Tadashi were also ready with their respective groups. Ayaka was even there with the group from Saint Isidore. And some people from Mochizuki General Hospital.

Not long after Yoru arrived in the wild. A notification appears.

[The zombie horde will arrive in 5 minutes]

And they started to see the silhouettes of zombies filling the road walking slowly toward them.

Everyone looked tense for a moment. But in the midst of that tension. Their bodies glowed and soon it dimmed. Those from the Mochizuki hospital were slightly surprised. But after they felt their bodies lighter and stronger, they kept silent. However, before they could understand what was happening, dozens of katanas and spears appeared one by one and floated above Yoru head and his body slowly rise.

"That's it guys. Are you ready for war?" Yoru smiled.