
Road Of Destiny

In a seemingly utopian future where wars have finally ceased and humanity entered a period of rapid advancement. the rise of a revolutionary fully immersive virtual reality game threatens to become humanity's second world. Caín Sykes a promising young man from the militia in Clover City Drop everything to dive into this new game and explore this new world

TengoUnaGranDeuda · 奇幻
8 Chs

Hunting rabbits

The starting town Mutelight was one of many possible destinations for players who decided to start the game as members of the human race, with a maximum capacity of 20,000 players the nearby maps were large enough for everyone to level up without too much bothering each other. to others.

But today in particular as the game's opening day thousands of newcomers were out in droves to hunt rabbits on the nearest map, creating huge herds of players chasing the few closest rabbits to the city.

Amid the herd of players chasing after a pair of rabbits with bloodthirsty eyes, stood one who calmly walked along without bothering to attack the few nearest rabbits. With her blue hair and green eyes she managed to improve her current 7/10 looks to a solid 8/10, but currently, she wore a grimace on her face as she watched the many players go about their antics.

"Maybe the excitement of playing made them fools?" Cain thought.

He then turned his attention to the map of the area, from the moment he left the city and entered the nearby plains a notification appeared in front of him.

[you have entered the map {rabbit plains- level 0 - 5}]

And its territory map was updated to show the information of the area and the locations of the various monsters in it they were all rabbits, and only on the edge with a higher level hunting area did baby wolves rarely appear.

Comparing it with the map of the town, he could get an idea of the general situation, the city had four exits, the eastern, western, northern, and southern exits. So basically the players wouldn't all be crammed into one section of the map, but that doesn't change the fact that currently hundreds or thousands are constantly pouring out of the door where Cain left.

In that case, the area closest to the city would become a slaughterhouse with many people competing for a single rabbit, thinking about it, Cain decided to move away to the limit of the area where the lower-level rabbits appeared to start hunting.

After a few minutes of walking the concentration of players dropped drastically and that of field rabbits increased, but even so he did not stop because he was aware that the number of players hunting in this area would only increase and not decrease, the more on the edge I hunted. better would be to avoid interference.

Upon reaching an area of tall grass where many rabbits could be seen around, Cain stopped. Beyond the tall grass, he could see rabbits larger than the ones he was used to and with darker fur, without a doubt, they were higher-level monsters.

The current mission was to hunt 50 field rabbits so it would not benefit him at all to hunt the higher-level ones and it could be dangerous, finally, Cain held his bronze spear tightly and approached one of the cute white fur rabbits nearby, as he approached and carefully looked at it, his statistics jumped out at him.

[field rabbit- common monster

Level: 0

Life: 50

Mana: 0

Strength: 3

agility: 11

Defense: 8

attack: 0

Description: incredibly cute and friendly semi-domesticated rabbits, due to unknown phenomena they began to reproduce scandalously and it is necessary to control their population to avoid damage to crops]

It seemed to be a perfectly tutorial-level monster, it had no attack damage or mana so it couldn't use abilities, but thinking about it since I entered the game I hadn't checked its stats or profile, it seemed like a good time to do it to compare with this one. walkthrough monster.

[Name: WordlySpear

Qualification: -----

Job: ----

Class: ----

Range: 0

Level: 0

XP: 0/1000


-Life: 100/100

-Mana: 100/100

-Strength: 10

-agility: 10

-Luck: 1

-Attack: 11 – 13

-Defense: 5

-Destination: 0

Free Stat Points: 0









Free Attribute Points: 0]

Looking at the stats Cain understood a lot about the difficulty of this game, they seemed to be very adequate and balanced stats for a level 0 character with no profession, but when you realize that a simple tutorial level monster already had 2 stats higher than yours, the future turned dark.

I wasn't the greatest expert in VR gaming, but I knew that agility was a very important stat, if you weren't even able to hit your target how were you supposed to kill them? Although one point difference might not do much, in the future when the difference is 100 or 1000, how am I supposed to live?


Letting out a sigh, Cain prepared himself to go into combat, he may not be an expert in games, but he was one when it came to combat, knowing that his target was faster, the best method to hunt him down would be a surprise attack and damage his mobility as much as possible.

As I investigate, normal monsters only have an aggro 1 range of about 3 meters, it increases according to the size of the target and its level, but with this rabbit, while it is outside the range of 3 meters, Cain would not notice.

With excellent distance perception Cain stood just outside the 3-meter aggro range of the rabbit, which was happily grazing without noticing the human standing near it without being particularly hidden, having found that his investigation was fruitful Cain crouched down. a bit and held his spear horizontally.

After a jump I enter within the range of the rabbit's aggro and attack it, with a quick stab I hit the rabbit on one of its hind legs, and just as I withdraw the spear a light shone on its tip before shooting off at a higher speed. faster than before and stabbed twice in its other hind leg.

He had used his first skill [Double Strike], only then the rabbit reacted to the ambush and tried to jump to the side, but due to its two injured hind legs it stumbled and fell to the ground, taking advantage of it Caín launched another blow less than a second later. from his previous direct hit to his neck, dealing critical damage.



- 5.2hp!

- 13.2hp!

With a single combo, he had dropped more than half the rabbit's health in just 3 seconds, taking a break to process it. Caín checked the rabbit's stats again.

[field rabbit (badly injured)- common monster

Level: 0

Health: 21.5/50

Mana: 0

Defense: 8 (7)

Speed: 6 (3)

attack: 0

Description: incredibly cute and friendly semi-domesticated rabbits, due to unknown phenomena they began to reproduce scandalously and it is necessary to control their population to avoid damage to crops]

It seemed that his vital point attacks managed to severely injure the rabbit and lower several of its stats., after the pause of less than half a second he continued to attack the wounded rabbit with his spear, always aiming at its neck.

Due to his injuries and reduced mobility the rabbit was unable to evade properly and received all the attacks, with 3 consecutive blows to the rabbit's neck he managed to kill it, but was surprised that even though the 3 attacks hit the deepest part with certainty weak from the rabbit's neck, only one of them was critical, and it was also the last one, otherwise only two would have been enough to kill it with its reduced defense.

And so, in just over 7 seconds, he managed to kill his first prey, at which point a notification jumped out in front of Caín.

[killed a {Field Rabbit}, gained 1 XP]

Quickly checking his stats he noticed that his XP had increased by 1, but compared to the 1000 he needed there was a long way to go to level up, only completing quests while hunting could increase his leveling speed a bit.

Lowering his vision, he looked at the place where the rabbit was, at the moment the notification appeared, the rabbit burst into gray particles and dispersed into the air, only a few seemed to merge with my body, and instead left 3 objects which should be their drops. When taking them the game informed them that they were.

[rabbit fur: useful for making clothes]

[rabbit meat: rich and nutritious meat]

[Rabbit's Left Leg: Quest Item]

With excited eyes C, ain put the three items in his inventory, other two he wasn't sure about but the rabbit's feet should drop every time he kills one, otherwise,t would be very discouraging.

Because it was in a fairly secluded area, it had a lot of prey to hunt, and perhaps for consideration of the game, all the rabbits were solitary and had enough distance between them so as not to disturb each other when hunting them.

Cain was quite anxious to catch another one, but he had to wait for the [Double Strike] CD to pass, luckily a player's base mana regeneration was 1 per second so it was impossible to run out of mana using just one basic ability. , maybe it was a consideration of the developers towards the beginners.

While waiting a few seconds for the [Double Strike] CD to finish near a field rabbit, Cain meditated on the previous fight, surprisingly the rabbit did not try to back away at any time during the fight, only to jump and dodge to the sides. This was something that would make hunting much easier as it would be easy to predict with getting used to even for a novice.

Also, if the rabbit backed up at the right time, with its higher speed than level 0 players could easily dodge attacks when leaving the weapon's range, for spears it wouldn't be much of a problem since they are long but swords would be problematic to attack them. efficiently for newbies.

The fact that they only dodge to the sides gives swords a clear advantage in the early game period since they are more agile and faster among many weapons, and their only flaw against spears would be their range.

Sighing at that, Cain just shook his head and took the same stance before near the range of the rabbit's aggro, his CD had already passed and he was planning to use a new strategy to kill them more efficiently, it was time to complete this mission!

1 Aggro: range of aggressiveness of the MOBs, within it they have a high possibility of attacking any target they perceive to be hostile

Today's chapter, I will upload one daily to aspire to be hired

TengoUnaGranDeudacreators' thoughts