
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · 奇幻
104 Chs

Invitation to School of Heroes

The storm ended, everyone went back to their homes, gathered with their families and told their stories of what they were doing during the storm. After waking up, all 3 Zoe went to breakfast and got ready to go to school, when they arrived at school they saw that Liberty was at the classroom door waiting for Snow.

"Snow can I talk to you alone?" asked Liberty.

Snow went to a room that was empty, Liberty closed the door and activated something on her cell phone that made a green force field that enveloped us both.

"What is it ?" Snow asked confused.

"This force field will prevent other people from hearing us," Liberty said.

"Cool," Snow said.

"I want to know if you have any plans for later?" asked Liberty.

"You're dating my friend, I'm not that kind of person" Snow said angrily.

"I'm not asking you out, I want to know if you're busy this afternoon," Liberty said angrily.

"Why do you need a force field for that, I'm warning you if you want my opinion on a gift for Jack am I bad at giving gifts?" Snow asked confused.

"It's not like that, my father works at a school that trains young heroes, today was the day that a famous hero would visit our school to give a lecture telling his adventures and how he surpassed himself as a hero. But this morning I found out that this hero for some reason he had to leave the country to solve some super secret problem, so to solve this my father is looking for someone to replace, I remembered you and I want to know if you want to go give the lecture?" asked Liberty.

"I, making a lecture, why would I?" asked Snow.

"You're famous and everyone wants an interview with you," Liberty replied.

"I'm not good at this, what am I supposed to do anyway?" asked Snow.

"If you accept, just talk about your adventures, how you overcame any difficulties and problems you went through as a superhero," Liberty replied.

"I don't know, I think there are better people for that. How about Diamond Sparkle or Water Shark, I know they're both famous and live close by?" asked Snow.

"None of them have time to attend. It's going to be cool, there's going to be an after party so the students can interact with the other speakers," Liberty said.

"Other speakers?" asked Snow.

"Yes. In addition to you, there will be 2 more participants. One is a hero equipment creation technician and the other is an experienced hero in the field of investigation" replied Liberty.

"Fine, I will. I'm interested in the hero who investigation talk," Snow said.

Liberty called her father to let her know that she's got someone, Snow took the address and left the room. When she sat in her chair Liz and Roxy asked where she was, Star and Heart said she would explain later, Liberty quickly walked into the classroom along with the teacher. Later the group decided to go to their houses, then Liz and Roxy were going out with their girlfriends, while the rest of the gang went to the movies. Arriving close to the scheduled time Snow went to the place where the lecture was going to take place, it was a very strange forest, Liberty's father was waiting in a treeless part of the forest. I got out of the car, followed Roxy's father to a nearby mountain, there was an entrance that leads to the underground part, where the school is.

"It's huge here," Snow said.

"Here in the underground we were able to build the necessary to train our future heroes, it must be at least the size of 4 football stadiums" said Roxy's father.

"How many students are in this school?" asked Snow.

"There are at least 150, most are just here to train their skills, only 25 students want to become heroes" replied Roxy's father.

Roxy's father asked to wait with the others who were going to participate in the lecture, first the person who talked about the equipment and uniforms came in, then it was my turn.

"Hello good afternoon everyone, my name is Ice Ray" said Snow.

Looking at the audience were 25 students plus some people who looked like the teachers, I told about my adventures and the villains I faced, I also told about an adventure in space against a space pirate. I realized that people didn't believe that there were pirates in space or maybe they didn't believe in aliens, I thought about showing pictures of some of my trips to space but I remembered that I wasn't wearing a mask, so i gave up.

"Any question ?" asked Snow.

"Ice Ray, you really went to space, what are aliens like?" asked a student.

"I know it's hard to believe, but there are many aliens on many different planets. But many don't have advanced technology, others have colonized or terraformed other planets," Snow replied.

After my talk, I went to the audience to watch the investigative hero's talk, unfortunately I realized that the students were more interested in approaching me than the investigation talk. At the end of the afternoon I went to the party, I was surrounded by students wanting me to tell more about my adventures, the other 2 speakers looked like they were jealous of my fame.