
Rising of new heroes

A super hero fan girl will seek to become a great heroine while dealing with her daily life.

ZettCrab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs

Problems at hero school

During the party I heard an explosion, everyone at the party went to see what was going on outside. Roxy's father along with 3 other teachers were fighting an unknown person wearing a mask, one of the teachers was using his super speed to distract the unknown while the other 2 were about to capture it. Suddenly a girl appeared attacking the teachers, the unknow looked confused, a man appeared and managed to stop the unknow and the girl with just one punch to the ground.

"Sorry about my kids, I know it's a little late but I wanted to enroll my kids in your school" said the man.

"It can't be," said one of the teachers.

"That's him," said another teacher.

"I thought he was in another country?' asked another teacher.

"Who is this man?" Snow asked confused.

"Seriously, you don't know who he is, he's the Silver Sentinel" said the hero who was a speaker.

"Seriously, I want an autograph," Snow said.

"I don't want to take away your joy but my father hardly gives autographs, taking advantage of the situation could you give me an autograph?" asked the girl.

"Right," Snow replied, signing a notebook.

Snow noticed the girl's name in the notebook, it was written Sarah Steel, Snow saw that Roxy's father was talking to the Silver Sentinel, the stranger removed his mask and sided with his sister.

"So, you're a teacher here?" the boy asked Snow.

"No," Snow replied.

"Do you want to fight me?" asked the boy.

"No," Snow replied.

"It's going to be fun, shall we fight?" asked the boy again.

"No," Snow replied.

"Stop it brother, you can't see you're bothering her" said the girl.

"Sorry" said the boy.

"Well, there's still a party going on, let's all go back to the hall" said one of the teachers.

I decided to go home, said goodbye to everyone and left. The other day Liberty came to thank me for my help, Roxy complained why she couldn't make it to the lecture, Star and Heart were tired for some reason and Jack, Serena and Liz skipped school.

"Have you seen the last chapter of Ancient Crime Stories?" asked Ed.

"I don't watch that show," Steve replied.

"I was busy," Snow replied.

"I was busy too," Star and Heart replied.

"I saw it and I didn't like it" replied Roxy.

"I was training," Liberty replied.

"Did something happen after the party?" asked Snow.

"Confusion and some problems with the new 2 students" replied Liberty.

"So those 2 entered the school," Snow said.

"They are very energetic, the boy likes to fight and the girl is always following her brother in fights for fun," Liberty said.

"Being trained by that superhero I believe they are very powerful and very difficult to defeat in battle," Snow said.

"I'm tired of fighting, I decided to take the day off," Liberty said.

"Shall we do something after class?" asked Steve.

"How about we go watch something at my house?" asked Star.

"Okay, after school we're going to Zoe's," Ed said.

After school Snow left for his heroic activities, the group minus Jack, Serena and Liz went to Zoe's house, everyone in the house was watching a comedy movie when Liz showed up, all bruised, asking for help.

"What could have happened?" asked Steve.

"I've already warned Snow, she's coming," Star said.

"Help me get her to the lair," said Heart.

Star opened the lair, everyone entered, Heart and Steve put Liz on the lab bed. Snow arrived in a few minutes asking Liz's condition and if they knew what happened, Liz's condition was stable, she was unconscious and no one knew what happened to her.

"I'll investigate at her house," Snow said.

"Be careful," Ed said.

"I'll go with you," Liberty said.

"No need, stay to rest," Snow said.

"Liz is in trouble, I want to help," Liberty said.

"I'm going to help too," Ed said.

"What ?" shouted the people in the lair.

"It's too dangerous," Liberty said.

"But she's my friend too," Ed said.

"Don't worry, the two of you stay here and I'll be right back" said Snow going to the car.

Snow went to Liz's house, everything was normal, she used the car's equipment to know if there was anyone at home, she realized that everything was normal, Snow was surprised and went home. At home Liz was already awake, she asked Snow to help her and said that she, Jack and Serena were kidnapped by a villain who was anger with our parents, she managed to escape but the villain was with both of them.

"Let's find them, go back to rest" Snow said leaving the car again.

After a while looking around the city, she noticed suspicious trucks leaving the city, Snow was using the equipment to see through objects to see if she found anything strange, she noticed that there were people being transported by the trucks and flew to see if it was them.

"Did you find anything?" asked Liberty.

""How long were you here?" asked Snow.

"Did you find or not?" asked Liberty.

"I'll see" Snow said releasing the drone.

In the truck Serena was trapped inside a giant tire and Jack was unconscious, Snow throws his car towards the truck causing the truck to hit a tree, the driver became unconscious, 3 men get out of the truck armed and are defeated by Snow who was inside the car using its ice powers through the window. After freeing her friends, she realized that had one more person trapped, Liberty frees the person, she was a girl the same age as them with purple and red hair.

"Come on, I've already called the police, they'll be here in 30 or 40 minutes," Snow said.

Liberty puts everyone in the car, Snow drives to her house, arriving home finds Liz sleeping and Star sitting nearby. Liberty puts everyone in the home room, later Liz wakes up and calls home to let them know what happened, everyone wakes up confused and Snow tells them what happened to them.