

What happens when the end of kali Yuga takes place or judgement day comes one must think that everything ends but what if it's just the beginning of a new era known as Apocalypse where a planet starts to evolve with life on it doing the same. Meet the protagonist who becomes stronger and starts to unearth his powerful origin.

Yash_Phadke · 奇幻
5 Chs

The first Battle and A strange system

As soon as I saw the screen I got the feeling that things are going to get interesting from now on, suddenly Ojas asked me if I could also see the screen. I couldn't find the right words to answer Ojas so I just stared at him, he understood what I was feeling so he just left the room. As soon as he left the room a strange portal appeared one in my room and the other one in the hallway, from the portal in my room strange creatures came out who looked like a reptilian version of Goblins, Ojas who was in the hallway also saw fox like creatures coming out from the other side of portal, he picked up the bat which was in the hallway and i tightened my grip on the cigar cutter i was holding we both understood that it was time for the battle to begin. Seven creatures came out from the portal in my room which were led by the tallest one who was slightly shorter than me. The creature who was in front attacked me with his club, I threw the cigar in my hands towards him which distracted him using this opportunity I lodged the cigar cutter into the eyes of the creature effectively killing him. Emotions of terror and surprise were evident on the faces of that group, which were quickly replaced by fury as they never thought that the target they considered already dead would attack them and even kill one of them. Every creature in the group except for the leader went berserk and attacked me together, I picked up the club of dead creature and smashed the head of the one who was trying to get behind me but one amongst them bit my leg and the other one bit my arm and the remaining two attacked me by their claws. I understood my situation and created a distance between me and my two opponents, I quickly used the club to kill the one biting my leg. This made the other two attackers angrier and one of them threw the assassin knife at me, I blocked the knife by using the creature biting my free hand and smashed the head of the one who threw it. I retrieved the knife which was lodged into the creature's head and used it to kill the last one. It all happened so fast that the leader was not able to do anything, It was now just the leader and me in the room. The leader of the group was strongest so smashing his head was not an option so I made a gamble and struck him on the spot no man should be struck on which momentarily stunned him, using this opportunity I lodged the knife in his eyes and used the club to smash it through his head killing him on the spot. My injured body started healing on its own before I could think I saw the message on the screen-

[Congratulations Human for being the first one to pass the test for baptism of supreme qi. Baptism will begin shortly you are advised to brace for pain and not lose consciousness.]

As soon as the message ended I felt the worst pain i have ever felt in my life, it was like my whole body was being crushed while burning me from inside and out. I woke up in an unknown space and saw the screen in front of me -

[ Name - Shreyash

Race - Human

Level - 7

Evolver - Unranked evolver ( you can get rank after opting for species and completing your rank mission)


Health - 150/150

Strength - 70

Agility - 65

Stamina - 65

S. Qi - 80

( Supreme Qi will be known as S.Qi )


Seeing all this surprised me and it just came to my mind what am I supposed to call this screen and how can I even call it when I need it

[You can call me Primordial system and you just have to think about the system and it will present itself in front of you]

Seeing this I asked if there were any other things about the system which I needed to know

[ The system said it had functions like - system inventory, system markets and other things but I will not need them as my inherent abilities were special.]

I asked the system what were the stats of humans before baptism

[ The system replied that average stats of humans before baptism ranged from 5-7 and people in exceptional physical condition had all stats up to 10 but not more.]

It further informed me that all of my stats were 8.5 before the baptism.

The last question I had in mind was what Supreme qi was and what were my inherent abilities

[ The system replied in a very sarcastic tone that it was very intelligent of me to ask such questions at last ]

This reply shocked me as I thought the system had no consciousness but I was wrong this was definitely a strange system.