
Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Rewrite! DC: True Power of Ancient Saiyan

Demon_King22 · 漫画同人
52 Chs

Chapter - 33

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Chapter - 33: Typhon Ascension


Another group of Amazons was naturally waiting for me at the mouth of the cave, an equal number of those "escorting" me. The leader of the group was a raven-haired woman with her helmet tucked into her side.

She looked older than the unnaturally young Amazons I had met up to that point, though no less beautiful....

Well, every single Amazon I had met since my arrival here could be classified as pornstars. And they would certainly be better if they were not all hypocritical feminists....

Although she wore nothing that distinguished her from those around her. The way others stood just behind and the regal bearing of how she carried herself clearly made her an important person. Also unlike the other Amazons, one could see that she had a certain poise that was not to be taken lightly.

My assumptions are confirmed soon enough when I suddenly stop and the Amazons around, even Wonder Woman and the two Amazons supporting me, fall to their knees.

Fortunately, thanks to my tail I was able to stabilize myself from stumbling. I didn't want to give even a little satisfaction to these bitches.

At the same time, I felt that I was getting closer and closer to complete immunity from Kryptonite. And I couldn't help but be pleasantly excited by this news, even though I had to pay attention to the new gift my dear step-sister had given me.

Wonder Woman rises from her bow and the two women embrace in an intimately familiar way. Lovers, perhaps? Then they turn toward me, and I immediately discard the funny idea forming in my head.

Standing side by side, I could see the clear resemblance between the two. They share the same shape of lips and eyes, the way they act and the cold glow in their eyes are all the same. Definitely mother and daughter.

"I guess this is our new guest," the Amazon queen asked in a questioning tone.

"Nice to meet you," I tried to greet by swinging my tail, given the difficulty of moving my body because of the chains and straitjacket. Every single Amazon looked at me with barely restrained fury. "Are you in charge here? Right? Well, I must admit I expected better...."

Her expression remained frozen as if etched in marble. She gave me no satisfaction, and it seemed that I was insignificant to her, that I was not worth her time.

"Pay due respect to Queen Hippolyta," blurts out an Amazon, prodding with a spear. But Hippolyta waves her hand in salute. The Amazon lowers her head and rises again, duly chastised by her queen.

The queen's gaze rests on her, waiting. "Queen Hippolyta, this is a great honor....." My tone is a fine line between sincere and mocking, though clearly more the latter.

A single eyebrow rises in question. "Oh, is that so?"

"It's not every day you meet a living myth. Your daughter was a mere page note until 1940, but you, you are legendary, right up there with the greatest of them all, Achilles, Theseus.... Heracles." I could only accentuate the last name with obvious amusement.

I flashed a clear smile, showing my canines, and I could see the dirty looks from the Amazons around you who did not seem to have taken my words toward their queen very well. Hippolyta, however, is impassive.

She is made of sterile stuff at least. Well, it wasn't really a surprise, she certainly hadn't had a cock inside her pussy for a few thousand years. "The daughter of Ares and consort of Zeus. That makes us a distant family so to speak, doesn't it?" You look pointedly at your connections. "Is this how you treat family on Themyscira?"

Hippolyta smiles tightly. "Our family can be both a curse and a blessing."

She examines the small bleeding gash around my lip with cold gray eyes before turning to Wonder Woman with a slightly disapproving eye. "I assume this was justified?"

Wonder Woman backs off just a little. "He was goading our sisters." She, of course, omits the fact that she was the one who was angered by taunts very effectively.

"And your sisters are trained warriors who should be no match for the taunts of this... child."

This comment could not bother me even though I had really been "born" in a few months. I could only open my mouth to respond with a big smile. "I thought the ancient Greeks appreciated the little member?"

Hippolyta gives me one last look before she turn back to the cave. "Bring it inside..." She seemed to take it too personally. Perhaps I had hit a sore rate?

From what I remembered, a small penis was a demonstration of self-control, while a large member meant an uncontrolled savage. Ancient Greek art depicted satyrs and foreign enemies with huge erect penises to show that they were mere beasts, while the Greeks themselves prided themselves on being civilized.

However, leaving aside this personal victory. At the entrance to the cave, a pair of Amazons stand guard, oddly enough with large clubs leaning against the sides of the cave. Then, I noticed the two wooden beams supporting a folding gate.

I am led through a series of labyrinthine walkways, each marked by a pair of faithful amazons, and into the depths of the cave, where the sunlight had completely disappeared.

Finally, the narrow tunnels open into a large area with jagged marble floors and aged stone walls. In the center stands a protruding pedestal almost like an uncomfortable seat. Faint glimmers of sunlight shift from a small glass panel above, illuminating the stone seat.

Beneath the pedestal lies a yawning chasm that seems to sink the center of the world. A cold, violent wind howls from its depths. The mere sight fills drowning unease, as if something is staring at me from the inky blackness.

"The entrance to Tartarus," Wonder Woman says. "One wrong step and there's no turning back." My blood flows with different kinds of emotions and I avert my eyes from the entrance to the mythical pit of legends.

I decide to look as far away as possible and, instead, look up and see a series of small balconies lined with Amazons armed with swords, bows, and spears. Each of them looks at me with hard, implacable stares.

"So these are my new digs," I say with false glee. "Any idea how long I'll be here?"

"Maybe someday," Ippolita says. "Maybe eternity."

"Don't be offended. If I'm hoping for the former. Themyscira's hospitality doesn't exactly agree with me."

Hippolyta looked at me as if I were a new kind of animal she had just met. "Since you are not a guest, you are a captive, given to the custody of the Amazons with the blessing of the Olympian gods. Do not confuse my pleasantness with familiarity. New God. It is nothing but the way a queen behaves."

"I'm glad we're on the same page." Glow that I felt a flicker of apprehension as I returned to the stone pedestal.

Hippolyta raises her hand and I am suddenly brought forward and forced to kneel in the center of the cavern. Hephaestus's chains unfold around my chest and shoulders, gripping my forearms and wrists, and then they stretch unnaturally as if they had a life of their own.

Teams of Amazons were dragging chains toward the ceiling of the cavern, attaching them to a system of hooks and chains stretched to the limit and pulled far back around my entire body in ways I could never release.

I growled a hiss of pain as my muscles screamed in discomfort and the chains around my chest tightened painfully, making every breath of air painfully difficult, and I felt their magic trying to weaken me more and more.

Hippolyta and Diana watched impassively as the Amazons around the cave remained tense and ready even after the bonds were placed.

The room is deathly quiet except for my slow, hard breathing. I was trying to get used to these divine chains that were getting tighter and tighter around my body.

My eyes pour into Wonder Woman's, channeling every last ounce of hatred and anger into them, making a silent promise to offer humiliation a thousand times greater than they have reserved for me.

Without turning, they walk away, leaving me alone with my silent invisible guards. The slightest hints of sunlight slowly fade away, plunging the cavern into complete darkness. And so begins the rest of eternity.

But unlike them, I knew that this imprisonment would be only a deceptively short span of time.



I seriously wanted to admit that time blurred together, as I was still in a state forced to stare mindlessly into the floor of the marble cavern. That would be a lie, though...

I felt like I was back in Cadmus' laboratory. And the only kind of consolation was to immerse myself in the thousands of memories of the beings who gave me their power.

The cavern is devoid of even a hint of light, and I can make out only the vague silhouettes of the stone surroundings. I look down and see only unrivaled darkness.

Every slightest change in the cave, the strange indecipherable creaking, the anonymous arrhythmic trickling of water and even the muffled footsteps above my head interspersed regularly or even by the quietest murmur broke my monotony.

When I tried to move my body, the chains began to glow a golden color to pull me back to my starting position as I could feel the divine force trying to weaken me.

These chains were really perfect to be used against me. Since I could not kill myself and thus adapt to them, they were the best weapon to hopefully keep me here forever and never have to see me again.

I had to realize that they had been clever to use this old artifact against me...

But that didn't stop me from continuing to try to rebound. After all, it was perfect training for my body, which, thanks to my Zenkai, was getting stronger and stronger, like a perfect perpetual motion machine.

A big smile could not help but break out on my face. Seeing that after each of my attempts the chains forged by the world's greatest cuck were losing more and more of their luster, becoming duller and darker with each passing second.

"Do you think you have imprisoned me? I will possess these chains and use them against you. And you will find me there, in front of your door, fighting the divine with the divine." I stated as my words disappeared into the vast emptiness of Tartarus, as darkness overwhelmed me.


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