
Revolution Online: I Became The Strongest Troll

"The game that changed the rules of reality! Enter a world where virtual reality gaming becomes a matter of life and death. Han Jingzhi, a fiercely competitive and brilliant gamer, discovers a mysterious MC star card in the popular game, League of Demons. When he clicks "Yes", his world is turned upside down. Transmigrated into a new body, Han Jingzhi must navigate a treacherous new reality. With the launch of Revolution Online, he sees an opportunity to reclaim his gaming glory and secure his future. But as he delves deeper into the game, he realizes that something is amiss. The line between reality and virtual reality blurs, threatening to upend the very fabric of society. [SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: "BOSS SLAIN: Erebus, the Devourer of Worlds (Immortal rank, Stage:???). 100,000,000 Soul Power awarded.] Will Han Jingzhi be able to overcome the challenges of Revolution Online, uncover its secrets, and emerge victorious? Dive into this heart-pumping, action-packed adventure to find out. READ CHAPTER 1 NOW and join the journey!"

kaiju_ · 游戏
26 Chs

The Game Forum

The clatter of dishes drying resonated through the small apartment, a symphony of normalcy amidst the swirling chaos of Han Jingzhi's mind. He had just finished washing the dishes, the familiar routine a grounding force after the exhilarating escape of Revolution Online. Yet, the vibrant world of the game lingered, its echoes reverberating within him.

He dried his hands, the scent of dish soap still clinging to his fingers, a stark contrast to the lingering scent of virtual pine needles and the crisp air of the game world. He shook his head, trying to clear the lingering images of the vast landscapes, the playful antics of Lilith, and the overwhelming sense of freedom he had experienced.

He entered his bedroom, the air thick with the musty scent of old books and the faint aroma of his favorite herbal tea. He switched on his computer, the familiar hum a comforting sound. He had a feeling that the real world, with its mundane routines and relentless demands, wouldn't be able to hold his attention for long.

He logged into the Revolution Online forums, a digital hub teeming with activity. The forum was a chaotic tapestry of threads, each one a testament to the game's growing popularity. He scrolled through the endless stream of messages, his eyes scanning the headlines, the usernames, the passionate discussions.

"The Demonic Troll: Myth or Reality?"

The thread was a whirlwind of speculation, fueled by the recent news of the Demonic Troll's acquisition of a God-grade item. The forum was abuzz with discussions about his identity, his skills, his motivations. Some players were awed by his achievements, praising his talent and dedication. Others were skeptical, questioning his methods, his motives, his very existence.

Han Jingzhi clicked on the thread, his curiosity piqued. He had witnessed firsthand the Demonic Troll's impact on the game world, the system-wide announcement, the whispers of awe and fear that followed his every move. He had even encountered him briefly, a fleeting encounter that left a lasting impression.

He skimmed through the messages, his eyes scanning the various opinions and theories.

"He must be a hardcore gamer, someone who's dedicated their life to mastering the game," one player wrote, their username "Shadowwalker" emblazoned in bold letters. "He's probably been playing for years, grinding his way to the top."

"I doubt it," another player, "Nightwhisper," countered. "He's too good, too strategic. He's got a natural talent for this game, something you can't learn."

"Maybe he's a professional player, someone who's been sponsored by a major gaming corporation," a third player, "SilentBlade," suggested. "They probably have access to the best resources, the best equipment, the best training."

Han Jingzhi chuckled, his fingers tapping the keyboard as he scrolled through the endless stream of messages. The forum was a microcosm of the real world, a reflection of the human fascination with mystery, with power, with the unknown.

He noticed a new thread, its title bold and attention-grabbing: "The Demonic Troll's Secret: Unmasking the Enigma."

He clicked on the thread, his curiosity piqued. The thread was a collection of theories and speculations, each one more outlandish than the last.

"He's a hacker, someone who's exploited the game's code to gain an unfair advantage," one player, "Codebreaker," claimed. "He's probably using cheats and exploits to manipulate the game."

"He's a spy, someone who's been sent by a rival faction to disrupt the game's balance," another player, "AgentX," suggested. "He's probably working for the Shadow Alliance, trying to sabotage the Alliance."

"He's a troll, someone who's just trying to stir up trouble," a third player, "ChaosMaster," wrote, their username reflecting their cynical outlook. "He's probably just bored and wants to see the world burn."

Han Jingzhi shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. The forum was a breeding ground for conspiracy theories, each one more elaborate and fantastical than the last. He couldn't help but feel a sense of amusement at the players' attempts to unravel the Demonic Troll's mystery.

He scrolled further down the thread, his eyes catching a message that stood out from the rest.

"The Demonic Troll is a legend," a player, "Dreamweaver," wrote, their username reflecting a more poetic perspective. "He's a symbol of hope, a beacon of light in the darkness. He's a reminder that anything is possible, that even in a virtual world, dreams can come true."

Han Jingzhi paused, his fingers hovering over the keyboard. He couldn't help but agree with the sentiment. The Demonic Troll, despite the mystery surrounding him, had ignited a spark of hope within the game world, a sense of possibility that transcended the boundaries of the virtual.

He decided to post a reply, his fingers typing a message that reflected his own thoughts and experiences.

"I've met the Demonic Troll," he wrote, his username, "SilentWarrior," appearing on the screen. "He's not a hacker, a spy, or a troll. He's just a player, like the rest of us, someone who's passionate about the game, someone who's willing to push the boundaries, someone who's driven by a desire to achieve greatness."

He hit the "Post" button, his message joining the endless stream of discussions. He felt a sense of satisfaction, a sense of contributing to the ongoing dialogue, a sense of being part of something larger than himself.

He continued to browse the forum, his eyes scanning the various threads, his mind absorbing the information, the opinions, the emotions.

He discovered a thread dedicated to the game's lore, a fascinating exploration of the game's history, its world-building. He found himself drawn into the intricate details, the complex relationships, the rich tapestry of stories that formed the foundation of the game world.

He discovered a thread dedicated to the game's mechanics, a detailed analysis of the game's systems, its combat, its crafting, its progression. He found himself fascinated by the intricate details, the subtle nuances, the strategic depth that lay beneath the game's surface.

He discovered a thread dedicated to the game's community, a vibrant collection of players sharing their experiences, their strategies, their stories. He found himself drawn to the camaraderie, the shared passion, the sense of belonging that permeated the online community.

He spent hours on the forum, his mind absorbing the information, his fingers typing replies, his spirit invigorated by the shared experience. He discovered a new dimension to the game, a deeper layer of engagement, a sense of community that transcended the boundaries of the virtual world.

He realized that Revolution Online was more than just a game. It was a platform for creativity, for connection, for self-expression. It was a world where dreams could take flight, where boundaries could be pushed, where possibilities were endless.

He closed the forum window, his mind buzzing with ideas, his heart filled with a newfound sense of purpose. He had a feeling that his journey in Revolution Online had just begun, and he was eager to see where it would lead.

He glanced at the clock. It was late, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just scratched the surface of this vast and complex world. He decided to go to bed and drifted off to sleep with his thoughts lingering on the revolution online game and by midnight around 3:00 AM, Han Jingzhi donned the headset and without hesitation pressed the button by the side.

[Welcome back to Virtual Revolution Online. Wish you safe gaming!.]


End Of Chapter 6

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kaiju_creators' thoughts