
Revolution Online: I Became The Strongest Troll

"The game that changed the rules of reality! Enter a world where virtual reality gaming becomes a matter of life and death. Han Jingzhi, a fiercely competitive and brilliant gamer, discovers a mysterious MC star card in the popular game, League of Demons. When he clicks "Yes", his world is turned upside down. Transmigrated into a new body, Han Jingzhi must navigate a treacherous new reality. With the launch of Revolution Online, he sees an opportunity to reclaim his gaming glory and secure his future. But as he delves deeper into the game, he realizes that something is amiss. The line between reality and virtual reality blurs, threatening to upend the very fabric of society. [SYSTEM NOTIFICATION: "BOSS SLAIN: Erebus, the Devourer of Worlds (Immortal rank, Stage:???). 100,000,000 Soul Power awarded.] Will Han Jingzhi be able to overcome the challenges of Revolution Online, uncover its secrets, and emerge victorious? Dive into this heart-pumping, action-packed adventure to find out. READ CHAPTER 1 NOW and join the journey!"

kaiju_ · 游戏
26 Chs

Grave Consequences

The air hung heavy with the stench of decay as Han Jingzhi, covered in rotten blood and viscera, continued his relentless assault on the zombie horde. His shadow sword, a blur of obsidian, sliced through the air with absolute precision, each strike a testament to his growing skill. He had underestimated the difficulty of this dungeon, but he was determined to push through, his resolve fueled by a burning desire to prove himself.

Surprisingly, the zombies seemed to completely ignore Lilith's presence. She stood at the edge of the battlefield, her expression a mix of amusement and concern. A proud smile played on her lips as she watched Han Jingzhi fight bravely, but deep down, a nagging worry gnawed at her.

'We should be able to overcome what they're going throw...' she murmured, her voice barely audible above the cacophony of battle. But deep down, she was troubled. Ever since Hermes's message, Lilith had been plagued by strange visions, unsettling glimpses of a future she couldn't comprehend. A bead of sweat trickled down her forehead, betraying the turmoil within her.

She had considered telling Han Jingzhi everything, but the thought of burdening him with her anxieties filled her with dread. Sharing her fears would only hasten the arrival of the presumed predicament.

'I don't want to lose him... I must not... even if it'll cost my life... but for now, I must maintain my composure," she thought, forcing a calm facade back onto her face. The scene before her continued, a macabre dance of death and destruction.


[You've leveled up...]

Han Jingzhi had just slain the last of the zombie horde, his body aching from the relentless onslaught. He stood panting, his shadow sword dripping with the remnants of his enemies. He glanced at his status screen, a wave of satisfaction washing over him.

[Basic information:

Name: Han Jingzhi.

Battle Zone: Alliance

Rank: Copper rank (Stage 3!)

Occupation: Warrior

Class: None «Locked» (Class can be unlocked at higher levels)

Title: Hobo-Goblin slayer, Zombie Grinder

Soul Power: 74,171/80,751

HP: 2700/1700

MP: 3550/3550

STR: 36

AGI: 35

VIT: 38

INT: 33

Available Status Points: 15

Fame: +9,000

Mana: 2,500]

He had leveled up, his stats showing a significant increase. He felt a surge of confidence, a renewed sense of purpose. He had faced the zombie horde and emerged victorious, stronger than before.

He turned his attention towards the massive mausoleum that loomed before him, its imposing facade a stark contrast to the ravaged battlefield behind him. He had heard whispers of the horrors that lay within, tales of the ancient guardian within who was a descendant of Lich Arch Gamer and his deadly traps. But he wasn't afraid. He was ready.

As he approached the mausoleum, a cold wind swept across the graveyard, carrying with it a chilling silence. The air grew thick with anticipation, the silence broken only by the rhythmic thump of his heartbeat. He knew that the real challenge was just beginning.

He took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on the imposing entrance of the mausoleum. He was ready to face whatever horrors awaited him, his shadow sword gleaming in the dim light, a promise of defiance against the darkness.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet began to tremble. A deep, guttural moan echoed through the graveyard, sending shivers down his spine. He looked up, his heart pounding in his chest, and saw a sight that made his blood run cold.

From the depths of the mausoleum, a horde of skeletons emerged, their bony forms rising from the darkness like a spectral army. They were armed with swords, axes, and spears, their hollow eye sockets burning with an eerie, unnatural light. Above their heads is a huge screen display;

[Grave Skeleton, Copper rank stage 4]

Han Jingzhi knew that this was a fight he couldn't win alone even if he used the power of the shroud. He turned to Lilith, his eyes pleading for her help.

Lilith, her expression unreadable, finally moved. She didn't rush into battle, however. Instead, she raised her hand and casted [Transcendent Aura], a faint glow emanating from her fingertips. As the skeletons lunged, Han Jingzhi felt a surge of energy course through his body, invigorating him. He parried the attack with newfound strength, his shadow sword slicing through the skeleton's arm with a resounding clang. The creature stumbled back, surprised by the sudden increase in Han Jingzhi's power.

As the battle raged on, the air thick with the smell of dust and the sound of clashing steel. Han Jingzhi, empowered by Lilith's spell, fought with a renewed ferocity. His movements were faster, his strikes more powerful. The skeletons, despite their numbers, were no match for the combined might of the two warriors. They fought with a relentless determination, their attacks growing more precise and deadly with each passing moment.

The fight was brutal, a dance of death and destruction. Han Jingzhi, his shadow sword singing a deadly song, carved a path through the skeletal horde. He felt the sting of bone on bone as he parried their attacks, the cold touch of death brushing against his skin. But he didn't falter. He pressed on, his resolve fueled by a burning desire to survive.

As the last of the skeletons fell, their bodies dissolving into a pile of dust and bone, Han Jingzhi stood panting, his body aching from the relentless assault. He glanced at Lilith, who stood beside him, her expression impassive.

"Thank you," he said, his voice hoarse. "I wouldn't have made it without your help."

Lilith nodded, her eyes fixed on the entrance of the mausoleum. "We're not out of the woods yet, Brother Jingzhi " she said, her voice low and steady. "The real challenge is just beginning."

Han Jingzhi nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that Lilith was right. The mausoleum held many more secrets, many more dangers.


Within the depths of the mausoleum, a faint, eerie glow emanated from the shadows. Two piercing crimson eyes materialized, casting an unsettling light on the surroundings. The Aluta Lich, shrouded in darkness, stood tall, his bony fingers grasping the air. By his side, two skeleton orcs stood at attention, their empty sockets fixed on their master.

"Another challenger dares to disturb my slumber..." The Aluta Lich's voice dripped with malevolent intent, his chuckle echoing through the mausoleum like a haunting whisper. "How... amusing."

As he raised his hand, the air seemed to thicken with anticipation. "Arise, my puppets...it is time to feast." The ground trembled, and the sound of shuffling footsteps filled the air. Corpses of fallen players and skeletons, their eyes frozen in perpetual terror, began to stir.

But the Aluta Lich's gaze faltered, his eyes narrowing as he sniffed the air. A faint, ominous presence lingered, like a whispered secret. His bony fingers halted, poised in mid-air.

"What sorcery is this?" he hissed, his voice laced with unease. "A presence so dark, so foreboding...it cannot be mere coincidence."

The Aluta Lich's eyes gleamed with a mixture of curiosity and trepidation as he awaited the arrival of this mysterious challenger. The air was heavy with tension, the silence punctuated only by the soft rustling of the corpses.

And then, everything went still.

The Aluta Lich's eyes locked onto something, his gaze burning with an unsettling intensity. The silence was oppressive, the anticipation palpable.

What was coming? Only time would tell...


REVIEW GUYS!!!, I'D LOVE TO SEE YOUR THOUGHTS REGARDING MY NOVEL... Thank for your supports till now.