
Reverse isekai

BS_Games · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 7. Tournament

The day after Jack's attack in Eureka, it was decided that we would set up base inbetween the three cities. With our powers, we were able to build a very basic warehouse in just a few short days. My friends had joined us, and the chief we should have a tournament of powers for multiple reasons. The chief wanted us to expand to having 4 squads now that we had enough members, so the winners would be Captains and Lieutenants. Secondly, he wanted to broadcast it globally as a recruitment tool for any other powered people as well as a morale boost as people could see how strong we are and what we are capable of, so hopefully would make the public feel safe. A special ring had to be designed for us, similar to the ring from Dragonball's Tenkaichi Budokai, but the stands were raised much higher so if someone was flung from the ring they would hit a wall. The rules would be quite similar to the Tenkaichi Budokai too. Someone could be knocked unconscious, there were to be no kill attacks and if someone touches the ground they would have lost. This was because while we can stand on air, if your opponent can stop you from using that ability, they must be superior in combat.

It took a while for them to set up the arena, but eventually it was tournament day. We had enough people to fill up some brackets and not force any of our healers to fight, so they could treat any injuries during the day. There was a committee that decided the order of the fights so some of the people who were expected to be stronger, such as our current Captains and Lieutenants, wouldn't knock each other out in the early rounds and the tournament should be an accurate representation of our strongest people.

Andrew and I were watching from the sides, ready to intervene if things got intense, so I got to see every match.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am Eddie Gardner your announcer for today's very special, Tournament of Power. Our first match of the day will be a ninja battle between Iruka Umino and Shikadai Nara," a man said over a microphone. "It looks like our contestants are ready for the battle so let the fight…begin." They both made hand signs and Iruka used Fireball Jutsu. Shikadai had charged at Iruka to use a Gale Palm and had to use it on the Fireball as he couldn't dodge. It destroyed the Fireball but I could tell Shikadai's hand was injured. Iruka followed up with a Raging Waves Jutsu but this time Shikadai dodged. Shikadai charged at Iruka again and Iruka used another Fireball Jutsu. Shikadai jumped to the side to dodge and started charging at Iruka again. Iruka jumped back and Shikadai started making hand signs. Shikadai stopped moving as his shadow started elongating towards Iruka. Iruka used Raging Waves Jutsu again and Shikadai had to cancel his jutsu to dodge. Iruka and Shikadai ran at each other, making hand signs and Iruka used another Fireball Jutsu. Once again, Shikadai was forced to use Gale Palm to break it. I Flash Stepped to Shikadai as I could tell his hands were too injured to continue fighting.

"Looks like Shikadai is unable to fight any more. Iruka Umino is the winner of the first match. What an exciting match. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Just to let everyone know, there's no need to worry about any injuries in this tournament, we have healers and Captain Daniel and Captain Andrew will intervene if things get too heated. Alrighty, onto the next match," Eddie said.

"Okay guys. This next match is between Michael Walker and Beth Vanderwood. Michael Walker is a Soul Reaper and Beth is a Vegetable Magician. It looks like these guys are ready to fight. Well then…Go!" Eddie said. Beth shot carrots at Walker but Walker dodged and cut his way past them. Walker slashed at Beth but Beth blocked with a shield of Spinach. Beth tried to shoot Walker with carrots again but Walker jumped back. Beth created an onion in the middle of the arena which I knew was releasing a gas that causes crying. Walker charged at the onion and cut it as Beth shot carrots at him again. Walker kept charging at Beth and I could see his eyes watering a bit but he was powering through. Walker slashed at Beth again and Beth blocked with a Spinach Shield, but this time Walker slashed through it, but Beth was unharmed. I Flash Stepped to Walker and Beth and let Walker lightly cut Beth across the chest to prove he could have won but make sure he wouldn't attack again.

"And there we go. We have another winner, Michael Walker. Okay, Beth's going to go get healed. Let's get the next fight set up," Eddie said.

"Our next match is going to be between two Fullbringers, Sado 'Chad' Yasutora and Jayden Dohvestein. Chad's Fullbring affects his arms and Jayden's affects his legs so let's see whether kicks or punches will win," Eddie said. "Our contestants are ready. Let the fight…Begin." Chad turned his arm into his unevolved Brazo Derecha de Gigante and Jayden's feet turned into metal boots. Jayden was faster and leapt quickly at Chad. Chad blocked with his Gigante arm and punched back with his regular arm. Jayden kicked at Chad again, who blocked again but this time Jayden was able to block the punch. Jayden kicked with his other leg and Chad barely blocked with his Gigante arm again. Chad jumped back but Jayden quickly followed up and kicked again but Chad blocked. Jayden quickly followed up with another kick that actually hit and knocked Chad to the end of the arena. Jayden leapt again and kicked. Chad did block but slid back and fell out of the arena.

"What a pair of powerhouses, but the winner by ringout…Jayden Dohvestein. Let's get the arena cleared for the next fight," Eddie said.

"Match number four for the day will be two of the most senior members of the Powered Task Force, the current Lieutenant of Squad 2, Nemu Kurotsuchi versus the pirate Porche. Ladies, are you ready? Good. Then let the fight, begin!" Eddie said. Nemu Flash Stepped at Porche and kicked at her but Porche was fast enough to block, but slid back a bit. Nemu jumped and kicked at Porche again but Porche blocked. Nemu punched but Porche jumped back and spun her baton, shooting out flower shaped shurikens. Nemu Flash Stepped to the side and started to charge at Porche again. A bouquet of flowers sprung from Porche's Cutie Baton and I knew that it was releasing a hypnotic gas, as did Nemu, so Nemu didn't fall for it. Nemu ducked underneath the range of the gas and punched Porche hard enough to knock her to the edge of the arena. Porche launched another Flower Shuriken attack but Nemu Flash Stepped through it and punched Porche again, knocking her straight into the wall.

"And the winner by ringout, possibly by knockout too…Nemu Kurotsuchi. Hoo boy, Nemu is pretty scary, being able to fight with her bare hands like that. Let's get our next contestants out here," Eddie said.

"Oh boy, this is bound to be a special match. This next match is between the current Captain of Squad 2, Andrew Harding versus the Sky Dragonslayer Wendy. I simply can't wait. Are the contestants ready? Then let's not wait any longer. Ready…Go!" Eddie said. Andrew put on his mask as Wendy used a Sky Dragon Roar, but Andrew didn't even try to dodge it. Andrew used Sonido and punched Wendy, and I could tell he wasn't holding back. Wendy went flying out of the arena and into the wall.

"Oh my god. It's over already. In just one hit, the winner by ringout and maybe knockout again, Andrew Harding. I guess that's the power of our Captains. Hopefully our next contestants are ready. Let's move on to the next match," Eddie said.

"So the next match of the day will be a magical battle as the Mirror Mage Sue faces off against the Kido specialist Nanao Ise. It looks like the girls are ready. Let the fight begin," Eddie said.

"Hado 3. Sukuiza," Nanao said and I could see Sue slowly get constricted. Sue lifted a hand and mirrors surrounded Nanao. Nanao jumped through a mirror towards Sue but it was enough to free Sue from Sukuiza.

"Bakudo 3. Inemuri," Nanao said and held out her hand but Sue ducked and punched her. Nanao used Hado 2, Hiku, to pull Sue towards her, then Bakudo 2, Shibireyuri, and touched Sue with a glowing finger to paralyse her. Andrew and I looked at each other to see if we should declare the fight over but decided to see how quickly Sue could recover.

"Bakudo 1. Sai," Nanao said and bound Sue's hands, just as Sue was recovering from Shibireyuri. Nanao used Hado 1, Sho, to launch a wave of air from her hand but Sue turned around and created a Magic Mirror to reflect it. The blast nearly knocked Nanao out of the arena but also freed Sue. Sue trapped Nanao in a magic Kaleidoscope, then jumped into the middle of it and pushed Nanao out of the ring.

"What an incredible battle of mages, but Sue has emerged the winner. Let's get the next battle ready," Eddie said.

"This next fight is going to be the ninja dog Akemaru versus the ninja Crystal. If both of the contestants are ready, then let the match…begin," Eddie said. Crystal made hand signs as Akemaru transformed into Arya with Beast Human Clone Jutsu. Crystal used Earth Rupturing Palm to split the arena but Akemaru jumped into the air. Crystal shot an Earth Shuriken at Akemaru but Akemaru dodged. Akemaru punched at Crystal, but Crystal dodged and kicked Akemaru. Akemaru jumped back at Crystal and Crystal jumped back and used Earth Shuriken to cut Akemaru and turn him back into his dog form.

"Don't worry folks, Akemaru is going to be fine. Remember this isn't a regular kind of dog, it's a ninja dog that has powers. The winner is Crystal. Let's get the next battle ready" Eddie said.

"Battle number six of the day is another ninja battle, a female ninja battle. Our contestants are the sound kunoichi Kin Tsuchi versus Kushina Uzumaki. Let's have the next ninja battle…Begin!" Eddie said. Kin flung senbon with bell's on them to activate a genjutsu as Kushina made hand signs. Kushina fired a Raging Waves Jutsu to the right of Kin so I knew she was affected by the genjutsu. Kin hit Kushina with senbon just as Kushina used genjutsu cancel to free herself of the effects of genjutsu. Kushina charged at Kin while making hand signs and dodged another handful of senbon. Kin rang another set of bell's to activate Bell Ring Genjutsu again but it was too late as Kushina used Gale Force Palm. Kin landed on the edge of the arena and threw senbon again as Kushina made more hand signs. Kushina dodged and used Raging Waves Jutsu again but Kin dodged and threw another set of senbon with bell's. Kushina used Genjutsu cancel but Kin was upon her and threw her out of the ring.

"And another winner by ringout, Kin Tsuchi. Good fight ladies but let's move onto the next fight," Eddie said.

"Our next match is going to the mink Bepo vs the fullbringer Sarah …. Let's see how this battle turns out. Let the battle…Begin!" Eddie said. Bepo leapt at Sarah as Sarah turned her cross necklace into a double sided axe and blocked Bepo's kick. Sarah slashed back at Bepo but Bepo was fast enough to dodge and kicked Sarah back a couple of steps. Bepo kicked at Sarah again who blocked, then jumped back as Bepo kicked again. Sarah slashed at Bepo as he leapt at her but Bepo was able to dodge and kick back, knocking Sarah close to the edge of the arena. Bepo jumped at Sarah, who blocked the kick but was knocked out of the arena.

"And the winner by ringout, Bepo. It seems like mink's are so strong and fast they don't even need a weapon. Too bad Sarah. Okay, let's get the next contestants out here," Eddie said.

"This should be another interesting match guys. We've got the knight mage Erza Scarlet versus the Soul Reaper Charlie Littleton. Both contestants appear ready. Let the fight…Begin," Eddie said. Charlie leapt at Erza and they locked swords. As Charlie jumped back she managed to make a light cut on Erza's forearm. Erza jumped after Charlie but Charlie managed to block. Charlie slashed at Erza but her armour wasn't affected. Erza slashed back and managed to cut Charlie lightly across the abdomen. Charlie sliced back and cut Erza's bicep lightly. Erza slashed back again but Charlie managed to jump back again. Erza and Charlie stared at each other for a couple of seconds as they waited for the other one to strike. Charlie caved first and charged at Erza. Erza slashed but Charlie dodged under and slashed Erza's right leg, which I stopped before the cut was too deep.

"What a fearsome battle from two fearsome warrior women, but the winner is Charlie Littleton. Let's get you ladies healed up while we get the next battle underway," Eddie said.

"Our next battle will be between the Exceed Frosch and ninja Asuma Sarutobi. Well, if everyone's ready, then let the fight, begin!" Eddie said. Frosch started flying at Asuma but when Asuma used Great Breach Jutsu Frosch was stuck in place in the air. Asuma used Fireball Jutsu but Frosch dodged it and charged at Asuma, but Asuma also dodged. Asuma used Phoenix Flower Jutsu and Frosch was unable to dodge all of the mini fireballs. Frosch charged at Asuma and Asuma used Wind Scythe Jutsu to trap Frosch in a tornado. Once the tornado dispelled, Frosch fell to the ground, unable to fly anymore.

"And the winner by KO, Asuma Sarutobi. Once again guys, don't worry about Frosch being hurt. He's not a cat, he's an Exceed. He's a magical creature and a fighter, so he can take a hit. We'll get him healed back up and in fighting spirit in no time. In the meantime, let's get another round of fighters out here," Eddie said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we should be in for another interesting match as the slingshot sniper Usopp faces off against Squad 3 Captain, Arya Harding. Hopefully both contestants are ready, because the fight, will…begin!" Eddie said. Arya used Hirenkyaku to get close to Usopp and Water Dragon Fisted him in the face. Usopp went flying to the edge of the arena and started firing his slingshot but everything he shot Arya easily shot down, then she shot him in the belly so hard he fell backwards out of the ring.

"And another winner by ringout, Arya Harding. Sorry Usopp, looks like Arya is the sniper master at the moment. Let's get the next round underway," Eddie said.

"Our next match will be Squad 1 Lieutenant Candice Elder versus the gladiator Rebecca Riku. Let's see another exciting swordfight ladies. If you're ready, then let the fight…begin!" Eddie said. Candice Flash Stepped at Rebecca, who barely dodged and slashed back, but Candice easily blocked. Candice slashed back but Rebecca dodged back. Candice followed through with another swing of her sword but Rebecca blocked. Rebecca slashed but Candice jumped back to dodge. Candice Flash Stepped forward and sliced Rebecca across the torso lightly before Rebecca could react.

"And the winner by KO is Candice Elder. Rebecca seemed pretty fast and quite an adept swordswoman but it seemed Candice was just that much faster and stronger. Congratulations. We're nearing the end of the first round of preliminaries. Let's get the next fight started," Eddie said.

"This next match is between 'Iron Mace' Alvida and the painter mage Reedus Jonah. Let's see how strength matches up against magic. Let the fight…Begin!" Eddie said. Reedus was fast enough to draw some boars on his chest and they sprang to life, charging at Alvida. Alvida easily smashed through them and Reedus jumped away as Alvida swung her club. Reedus drew some doves which came at Alvida faster but Alvida's swings of her mace were able to hit multiple doves at once, and two doves did hit her, but they didn't seem to cause much harm. Reedus drew a gorilla on his stomach as Alvida drew close but Alvida smashed it aside, then smacked Reedus across the arena into the wall.

"And the winner by ringout, maybe KO too, 'Iron Mace' Alvida. Let's bring the next round of contestants out," Eddie said.

"Our next contestants are the reindeer Tony-Tony Chopper and the Hollow Loly Aivirrne. Let's see how this battle goes. Let the battle…Begin!" Eddie said. Chopper quickly transformed from his hybrid form into his normal reindeer form as Loly quickly dashed at him. Chopper blocked Loly's bite with his antlers but Loly was pushing him back. Chopper pushed as hard as he could but Loly kept pushing him until she knocked him out of the ring.

"Wow. The winner by ringout, Loly Aivirrne. Sorry Chopper, looks like Loly was just too strong. Well, there's only one match left in the preliminaries. Let's get the contestants out here," Eddie said.

"The first contestant for this round is Ikkaku Madarame who specially requested to battle the current Squad 1 Captain Daniel Harding, so this is bound to be a good match. I can't wait to see what these two can do. Let's get the fight started. Begin!" Eddie said. I Flash Stepped straight to Ikkaku and grabbed him, then Flash Stepped to the edge of the arena and threw him to the ground.

"Sorry Ikkaku, I'm sure you wanted an actual fight. We'll definitely have to do that sometime but at the moment I might be too fast for you," I said.

"And the winner by ringout is Daniel Harding. I was not expecting this match of all matches to end so quickly but I guess that's what we can expect from a leader's strength. Well if everyone's rested up let's get the second round of preliminaries started," Eddie said.

"Our first battle of the second round of preliminaries will begin with Iruka Umino versus Michael Walker. The winner's of these battle's will advance to the rank of Lieutenant. Let's not wait any longer. Let the fight…Begin!" Eddie said. Iruka used Raging Waves Jutsu but Walker Flash Stepped past it and slashed. Iruka Body Flickered away and used Fireball Jutsu. Walker narrowly dodged and ran at Iruka but Iruka jumped back. Walker Flash Stepped to Iruka but Iruka Body Flickered away. Walker dodged another Raging Waves Jutsu, then Flash Stepped past a Fireball Jutsu and slashed Iruka across the chest before he could Body Flicker away.

"And the winner by KO, Michael Walker. Let's get the next contestants out," Eddie said.

"Round will be Jayden Dovehstein versus Nemu Kurotsuchi. We've seen impressive power from both of these guys. Nemu is currently a Lieutenant, so will she keep her position or will Jayden replace her. The only way to find out is with a fight. Let's begin!" Eddie said. Nemu Flash Stepped at Jayden but Jayden was fast enough to jump back. Nemu jumped at Jayden but Jayden blocked with a leg, then kicked back, but Nemu jumped back. Jayden leapt at Nemu and kicked and Nemu blocked but was pushed back. Jayden leapt at Nemu for another kick but Nemu dodged and punched Jayden back to the edge of the arena. Nemu Flash Stepped at Jayden but he dodged and kicked her hard enough to hit the wall, but she stood on the air to avoid counting as a ring out and jumped back into the ring. Jayden leapt at her again and Nemu was unable to avoid the attack and slammed into the wall again, this time hitting the ground.

"And the winner by both KO and ringout, Jayden Dovehstein. Let's get Nemu to the healers and get the next round started," Eddie said.

"This one should be a good one folks. Last time Andrew ended the match in one punch, let's see how well Sue fares against him. Let's not delay this fight any longer. Let the fight begin!" Eddie said. Andrew put on his mask as Sue tried to trap him in a Kaleidoscope. Andrew leapt out of the Kaleidoscope and used a Lightning Style Horizontal Chop to cut lightly across Sue's torso.

"Another one hit KO. The winner is Andrew Harding. I was not expecting another one hit victory, not against Sue but I guess that's just how strong Andrew is. Let's get the next fight started," Eddie said.

"Next up we have another kunoichi fight with the earth ninja Crystal versus the sound ninja Kin. If our opponents are ready, let the fight begin!" Eddie said. Kin threw senbon with bells as Crystal made her hand signs. Crystal used Earth Turning Palm but Kin managed to jump out of the way, and I could tell Crystal was under her genjutsu by the way she didn't watch where Kin jumped to. Kin threw some senbon, which wasn't enough to bring Crystal down, but Crystal still hadn't freed herself of the genjutsu. Kin threw another handful of senbon but this time Crystal managed to dodge, but it didn't seem she was free of genjutsu yet. Kin threw senbon again, and this time Crystal Body Flickered to Kin and punched her hard enough to knock her into a wall and she fell to the ground.

"And the winner by knockout, Crystal. It was looking a bit troublesome there for a minute but well done. Let's move on to the next fight," Eddie said.

"This should be another interesting fight. We have the Squad 3 captain against the Lieutenant, Arya versus Asuma. Will student surpass the master. Let's find out. Begin!" …said. Arya fired some arrows at Asuma but he dodged and used Great Breach Jutsu. Arya Hirenkyaku'd through it and Water Dragon Fisted Asuma to knock him back and he started to make hand signs again. Arya fired some arrows again but Asuma dodged again and used Wind Scythe Jutsu. Arya broke through with a Water Dragon Claw, then used a Water Dragon Roar, but Asuma Body Flickered out of the way. Asuma used Fireball Jutsu, which Arya destroyed with a Water Dragon Fist, but then Asuma hit her with a Gale Palm. Arya Hirenkyaku'd back to Asuma and shot three arrows into his chest before I Flash Stepped to her side.

"And the winner by KO, Arya Harding. What an intense fight. What a shame that Asuma had to face off against Arya. These Harding sibling's are very powerful. Any wonder they were captains before and I'd bet they'll end up captains after this tournament," Eddie said.

"The preliminaries are nearly over. This next match will be the mink Bepo versus Charlie Littleton. Can Bepo win another fight against an armed opponent? I can't wait to see. Let the battle, begin!" Eddie said. Bepo and Charlie leapt at each other and from a few metres away, Charlie Flash Stepped for the first time, lightly slashing Bepo across the belly, but Bepo was still able to fight. Bepo kicked at Charlie but Charlie jumped away. Bepo and Charlie waited for each other but Charlie was the first to move. Charlie leapt at Bepo again, Flash Stepping at about the same distance as last time. Bepo tried to block, but Charlie's Flash Step was better this time and she cut him across the torso, so I Flash Stepped over to stop the fight.

"Another win by KO, Charlie Littleton advances to the Lieutenant semifinals. It's just 2 more fights until we enter the quaterfinals. Let's get the next round started," Eddie said.

"This match is between 'Iron Mace' Alvida and Candice Elder. Will Candice pass on to the next round to keep or title of Lieutenant or will Alvida steal her title. We're about to find out when the battle...Begins!" Eddie said. Candice Flash Stepped at Alvida but Alvida was barely fast enough to block. Candice slashed Alvida lightly across the left arm, then jumped back as Alvida swung her mace back. Candice Flash Stepped at Alvida and slashed her right arm, then jumped away as Alvida swung for a counterattack. Alvida jumped at Candice but Candice Flash Stepped past and cut her back. Alvida turned and swung but Candice had already jumped away. Candice Flash Stepped past Alvida again and slashed behind both of Alvida's knees. Alvida took a swing at Candice's back but I Flash Stepped in between and blocked the attack.

"And the winner is Candice Elder. Sorry Alvida but it seems Candice was just too fast. Let's get the next opponents out," Eddie said.

"The last preliminary match is going to be the hollow Loly Aivirrne against Captain Daniel Harding. Last time he ended the battle in an instant. Let's see if this battle will last longer. It seems everyone is ready so let the fight...Begin!" Eddie said. I Flash Stepped as Loly used Sonido and I Flame Punched her in the face, but I held back as I could have shattered her mask at full strength. I jumped at Loly as she flew back and Flame Kicked her back into the wall. Loly used Sonido to jump back in the arena and tried to bite me but I grabbed the top of her jaw and slammed her into the ground.

"And the winner by ringout, Daniel Harding. Not only did he fight without drawing his sword, he doesn't even look the slightest bit tired, despite having to Flash Step into several other matches. Incredible. Well, how about we get the quaterfinals underway," Eddie said.

"Our first quarter final match is between Michael Walker and Jayden Dohvestein. These guys are actually best friends. I'm guessing the loser of this match will end up working under the other. Well if they're ready to fight. Good luck boys. Let the fight, begin!" Eddie said. Walker Flash Stepped at Jayden, who barely blocked in time. Jayden kicked back but Walker managed to jump out of the way. Jayden jumped after Walker and kicked again but Walker blocked. Walker slashed at Jayden but Jayden blocked. Jayden kicked but Walker Flash Stepped past and sliced up the length of Jayden's leg. Walker jumped back and slashed at Jayden and Jayden was forced to blocked with his injured leg, but was knocked off balance. Walker slashed but Jayden flipped away from the attack. Walker leapt at Jayden and slashed again but Jayden blocked successfully this time. Jayden went to jump back but Walker Flash Stepped and cut Jayden's torso. Jayden stayed on his feet but I Flash Stepped to stop the match.

"And the winner is Michael Walker. You'll be the advancing to the quarterfinals. Good fight Jayden, you'll be gaining the rank of Lieutenant. Congratulations, get healed up mate and let's get the next match started," Eddie said.

"And the second quarter final match will be Crystal Spencer against Andrew Harding. I'm not going to say anything else, I just want this fight to begin. Ready...Go!" Eddie said. Andrew put on his mask as Crystal used Earth Turning Palm. Andrew used Sonido to close the distance between them but Crystal Body Flickered away. Crystal used Earth Shuriken Jutsu, but Andrew just cut through it and made hand signs; Ox, Boar, Bird, Hare, Monkey, Rat and Dragon. Andrew zapped Crystal with Black Lightning Jutsu, then Sonidoed and slashed her chest with his scythe.

"And the winner by KO, Andrew Harding. I can't believe how quick that match still was but that was a pretty powerful Jutsu we just saw I think, so we're seeing more and more from these Harding's as the fights get tougher," Eddie said.

"Next up we've got Arya Harding versus Charlie Littleton. A quincy vs a soul reaper. This should be interesting. They both seem ready, so let the fight...Begin!" Eddie said. Arya fired an arrow but Charlie Flash Stepped to dodge it and slashed. Arya blocked with her bow and Water Dragon Clawed to knock Charlie to the edge of the arena. Arya Hirenkyaku'd and Water Dragon Fisted to knock Charlie into the wall, but Charlie was able to Flash Step back into the arena. Charlie slashed at Arya again but Arya blocked with her bow and Water Dragon Clawed to knock her back into the wall. Charlie weakly jumped back into the arena and slashed at Arya so Arya shot her in the belly from point blank and knocked her out of the arena.

"Winner by KO and ringout, Arya Harding. I wasn't expecting a knockout like that so late in the competition. It looks like Arya will be remaining a captain," Eddie said.

"And the last quarterfinal match will be another match of student versus master as Candice Elder faces off against her former Captain, Daniel Harding. Let's see what you're made of Candice. Let the battle...Begin!" Eddie said.

"I'm not going to go all out against you, but I think you atleast get to fight against my Shikai," I said.

"Thanks. I'm so excited, I've actually been waiting for a moment like this to show you this. Incinerate, Hono no on'na," Candice said and rubbed her hand along her sword to transform it into a red two handed longsword. I Flash Stepped at Candice and slashed at her but as expected she was able to block. I went to Fire Punch her but somehow ended up punching myself in the face. I Flash Stepped back as Candice took a swing at me but Candice kept her distance.

'I think she made a weird movement with her sword and that controlled my fire. Let's test it out,' I thought and punched a fireball at Candice. Candice thrust her sword at me and the fireball headed back towards me.

"I think I've worked out your Shikai's power. You control fire with the movements from your sword, right?" I asked.

"Just what I'd expect of you Captain, working that much out after 2 attacks. You're right, but it's specifically controlled by the direction of the tip of my sword," Candice said happily.

"Then it's time to show you the flaw in your power," I said and released a Karyuu Roar. I saw Candice thrust her blade back at me but it didn't control the flame and she ended up bathed in flames.

"If a fire is too powerful you won't be able to control it," I explained as I Flash Stepped to Candice then threw her out of the arena.

"And the winner by ringout, Daniel Harding. Sorry, Candice, it looked like you might have him for a moment there but it seems Daniel is just too powerful. Let's move on to the next round," Eddie said.

"That wasn't even a full powered Karyuu Roar, was it?" Candice asked and Karyuu laughed.

"Okay guys, I'm pretty excited for this as we get to see a Captain versus Captain battle. These guys are battling for the position of Captain Commander, the leader of the Australian Powered Task Force. First we have Michael Walker versus Andrew Harding. Let's see what a Captain level battle is all about. Let the fight...Begin!" Eddie said.

"I planned on surprising Daniel with this but I won't be able to fight him if I hold back here," Walker said as Andrew put on his mask. "Burn Karyuu." 'Interesting,' Karyuu said as Walker's sword turned into a red scimitar. Andrew Sonidoed at Walker who barely blocked in time but was sent flying backwards. Walker used a Karyuu Roar but Andrew didn't even make an attempt to dodge or block.

"Come on Walker. Daniel's flames aren't this weak," Andrew said as he emerged unharmed from the flames and shot out a Black Lightning Jutsu. Walker was paralysed for a second, long enough for Andrew to Sonido past him and hurl him onto the ground outside of the arena.

"Incredible. I wasn't expecting a win that way so late in the tournament, but the winner by ringout, Andrew Harding. Well, let's get the next two out here," Eddie said.

"Our last semifinal battle will be a battle of siblings; Arya Harding versus Daniel Harding. Will Arya be able to defeat her older brother and make it to the finals. Her water magic should prove useful here but Daniel is a tough opponent so who knows. We'll only know by letting the battle...Begin!" Eddie said. I activated Karyuu as Arya fired at me but I easily blocked all of her arrows. I Flash Stepped at her by she Hirenkyaku'd away and kept firing.

"Nice Ary, you're pretty fast," I said as I slashed away her arrows and punched a fireball at her. Arya destroyed the fireball with a Water Dragon Fist and I Flash Stepped at her again, but she Hirenkyaku'd away. Arya used Water Dragon Roar and I cancelled it out with a Karyuu Roar.

"I thought it might come to this," I said and released another Karyuu Roar. Arya used Water Dragon Roar again and the two streams met. We both kept on pouring power into the attacks until eventually Arya ran out of power and my flames overpowered her water. Arya Hirenkyaku'd out of the way but I Flash Stepped to her and stabbed her in the belly.

"Oh! And the winner by KO, Daniel Harding. Let's get the medics in there to look after Arya, and we'll have an intermission so Andrew and Daniel can get their power back and fight each other at full strength. We'll see you guys in a minute," Eddie said,

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the Tournament of Power finale where we will determine the Captain Commander of the Australian Powered Task Force. Will it be the lightning and shadow Vizard, Andrew Harding, or the fire master, Daniel Harding? We're going to find out now. Let the battle...Begin!" Eddie said. I activated Karyuu as Andrew put on his mask, then we Flash Stepped and Sonidoed at each other. Our blades clashed but Andrew was actually strong enough to push me back. Andrew Sonidoed at me again and slashed at me, knocking me out of the arena, but I Flash Stepped back behind him. Andrew slashed at me again and knocked me back again. Andrew started making hand signs and I released a Karyuu Roar at him. Andrew released a Black Lightning Jutsu and the two attacks cancelled each other out, but Andrew Sonidoed to me as soon as the attacks stopped. I Flash Stepped away and punched a fireball at him. He didn't dodge, but it barely affected him and he started making hand signs. Andrew Sonidoed towards me and used a Lightning Chop as I turned into fire, but the attack still hurt a little. I slashed back at Andrew but he jumped back. I Flash Stepped at him and slashed with Karyuu ablaze and this time we were even in strength as we locked blades. We pushed each other back, then jumped back at each other again. This time I attacked with more flames and was strong enough to knock Andrew back.

"I think it's time we end this," Andrew said and I sensed his chakra flowing as he made hand signs. I poured all of my power into a massive Karyuu Roar as Andrew released a powerful Black Lightning Jutsu. The two attacks collided and I poured more power into the attack until it felt like I was empty. Just as I was running out of power my attack overpowered Andrew's and he disappeared in the flames. Andrew jumped out of the attack and I Flash Stepped towards him. As I slashed at him his mask broke and I ended up cutting him deeply across the torso.

"Oh my god. Let's get the medics out to take care of him. Obviously that's a win for Daniel. We're going to take another intermission before the closing ceremony," Eddie said.

"Wow. What a day ladies and gentlemen. We saw some amazing skills and awesome feats, but now it's time to crown a winner. To award the winner the Captain Commander cloak we have Prime Minister Geoffrey Humphries," Eddie announced and the Prime Minister came out carrying my old red captain's cloak.

"Congratulations Captain Commander Daniel Harding," Mr Humphries said as he put the cloak on me. He shook my hand, then stepped back as some people brought out the rest of the cloaks and the Lieutenant armbands.

"Next, returning to his position as Squad 2 Captain, the recently recovered, Andrew Harding," Eddie announced and Andrew hopped onto the stage. This time I cloaked him in his yellow cloak but Mr Humphries did shake his hand.

"Also returning to her old position we have Arya Harding as the Captain of Squad 3," Eddie said. I put Arya's blue cloak on her and she shook Mr Humphries hand too.

"And the last Captain for the day, a new position has gone to the fast rising Michael Walker," Eddie announced. This time, as I put the fresh cloak on Walker, it turned purple.

"Wow. I wasn't expecting that but apparently that's what happened to the rest of the captains cloaks. All right. Next we've got the Lieutenants. Who's going to start?" Eddie asked and I gestured to Walker.

"I've chosen Jayden Dohvestein as my Lieutenant in Squad 4," Walker said. As I handed Walker the armband it turned purple, and Walker put the armband on Jayden before Jayden got to shake Mr Humphries hand.

"I've chosen Crystal Spencer as my Lieutenant in Squad 3," Arya said quickly and quietly.

"I've chosen Charlie Littleton as my Lieutenant in Squad 2," Andrew said in a rough voice, as he was still quite injured, but he had been cleaned up and made presentable, and his wounds wouldn't be permanent or lethal.

"And last but not least, returning as my Lieutenant in Squad 1, Candice Elder," I said. I gave Candice her armband and he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you everyone for showing up to watch the Tournament of Power. Thank you everyone from the Australian Powered Task Force for the show and thank you for protecting us from powered threats. I think I speak for most people here when I saw I know I'm going to sleep better at night knowing you guys are protecting us. Thank you and good night everyone," Eddie said.

Prime Minister Humphries, Eddie Gardner and Chief Commissioner Moore took some photos with us and then Mr Humphries and Commissioner Moore spoke to all of us in the Task Force.

"We've decided to issue a bounty for everyone working with Jack based on their power. Hopefully this incentivises you guys to start finishing these guys off as they are becoming a major threat to the public," Moore said firmly. The bounties are as follows:

$20,000-Jack Brady, Mick Vallejo, Tim Shawcross

$15,000-Jidanbo, Adam Dominique

$10,000-Kat Rose, Nic Yang, Christian Filho, Buchi, Nezumi, Kuromarimo, Shigure, Baiu, Oboro, Ganju Shiba, Kira Izuru, Rayule, Boze, Karacka

$5,000-for new people working with Jack