
Returning From Level 900

作者: Add Some Ink
連載 · 1.2M 流覽
  • 345 章
  • 3.0
    30 評分
  • NO.200+

The World Tower had unimaginable wealth and treasures inside it. As long as one made it to the higher levels, they would rise above the common folk and enjoy a glorious life. The tower had 1000 levels. Some said that one could obtain all the wealth in the world if they reached Level 1000. Others claimed that beyond Level 1000 was a beautiful new world or even heaven. Some people said that one could obtain the abilities of a god. Others claimed that any wish of theirs could be granted. The current most powerful team in the world made it to Level 929, where no one else had ever made it to before. They still ended up being wiped out tragically. The members of the team placed the unique treasure they obtained on the body of their captain, Wang Wen. Wang Wen managed to survive. However, he was sent back 20 years ago. With his previous life's emotions and experiences in a new life, Wang Wen stood before the World Tower, calm and determined.

3 標籤

Ashes Of Deep Sea

Duncan Abnomar was transmigrated to a magical world. Most of the lands of the world had sunken, and the surviving humans could only live on islands. Due to an unknown reason, the world was also contaminated and strange phenomena and things would randomly appear. Humans had developed steam gear technology, and the islands were connected through boats. They survived by studying strange phenomena that happened all around the world. However, as the captain of a scary-looking ghost ship, Duncan was facing a huge challenge. "How the heck do I steer this ship?" Highly recommended by experienced editor: MC is transmigrated to a world mostly covered in water and far from civilization. He becomes the captain of the ghost ship, the 'Homeloss'. He steers through the fog and adventures through the broken world and the unknown deep sea. As he discovers the ruins of abandoned civilization, he would also stumble into the war between the strange phenomena and the devil gods. The story takes place in a combination of ocean and Chutly mythology world, a new and interesting background. It’s an attractive story to read due to the author’s sense of humor and mastery over the ambiance of the story. --------------- Another-style introduction: "On that day, a thick fog engulfed everything. On that day, he became the captain of a ghost ship. On that day, he crossed the dense fog and faced a completely overturned and shattered world – the former order was completely gone, and peculiar phenomena dominated the endless seas beyond civilized society. The island city-states and the fleets challenging the sea have become the only lights of civilization left, while the shadows of old days still lurk in the deep sea, waiting to devour this dying world again. But for the new captain, there's only one pressing question – Does anyone know how to sail this damn ship?!"

Yuan Tong · 科幻
266 Chs


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  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
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This might have potential but I'm not sure. It's poorly written and the cliches and bad decisions really irk me. Sometimes it's so poorly written I'm not sure if I'm reading a translation error or not, it's genuinely bewildering. He's supposed to be really mature due to everything he's been through but his interactions with the girl who committed suicide and the old intelligence head point to everything but. No to mention the fact that the interactions are embarrassingly poorly thought out, written and executed. It's so unrealistic and not how humans think or act and also just excessively irrational regardless of how emotional he might have felt. The novel as a whole is really unrealistic as well. Everything from the worldbuilding to the power system are so strangely vague that it feels like a mix between intentional vagueness and poor writing. There's also a good chance that the author is just making up stuff as he goes and this is worrying because there're only 19 chapters as of now. I don't care for how uselessly confident the protagonist is. He's literally nothing right now but for some reason his ego is always making enemies. Why'd he have to get the suicide girls attention in public? Why'd he have to be so antagonistic towards the annoying arrogant classmate girl instead of just ignoring her and just using some of that maturity he claims to have? I could go on really but that'd be too long. Overall we've got a weird tower regressor novel with baffling, awkward (from a readers perspective), borderline cringe "emotional" moments. I think this could've been decent if approached differently. 0.5/5


Finally Mc who has some kind std, As he back in time even though there is no other options he still hesitate to enter the tower again because if his memories of his loved one dieing. I like that because that show mc is human not a robot . even though he will enter the tower but that Hesitate is all I need.


38 Chapters of prologue. 38 Chapters. Almost the entire trial read is prologue, where the MC wastes time, causes trouble, gets enemies, and leaves a trail of bodies because he couldn't just get on with it. He's a regressor, he knows this world, he should know better. Instead he walks around like a naive child doing anything except what he's best at, and what would at least prevent a lot of problems. Maybe the author was trying to do something new, where instead of a regressor MC wanting nothing more than to use their prior knowledge to go HAM on the world, we get this guy who wants nothing to do with it and thinks he can get other people into all the dirty business and stay squeaky clean in safety outside. None of that works and we're stuck with an ineffectual MC who ends up going into the Tower anyway because of guilt over the fact that he got a bunch of people killed because he was screwing around. After 38 chapters. So we're likely stuck with the same emo edgelord that we'd have gotten anyway without wasting the first 38 chapters and had just got on with it from the start without the attempt at doing something different, just to be different. I know, I know, we all want to see new things being tried. New ways to tell a story that isn't just the same ole copy/paste. Which is fine, when it works. When the author can stick with it and not fall right back into the same ruts that were carved out in other, better stories before. And I kinda wish the author had stuck with it. Instead of going all crazy and killing off a bunch of people in a school just for motivation to get the MC to go into the Tower, just like we all knew he would, the MC could have shown better sense and not wasted so much time. Then his "friend" (in quotations because that guy is the closest thing the MC has to one, even if the author can't be bothered to give him a name) might not have been seconds away from dying, resulting in the MC having to do an a$$pull to get a pill to save him. Or the guards, teachers, and students in his school might not have been slaughtered. If I had to guess the author probably realized the slow, fumbling start wasn't doing any favors, readership-wise, and finally decided to get on with it. And from the looks of it, this will become another forgettable story about a regressor who uses the knowledge from their previous life to excel. Surprisingly this story might actually get picked from the Trial Read though, but I imagine that's less due to its quality, and more to do with the low bar set this week, and the fact every story in this batch has low numbers.


Please i need the rawssss [img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp][img=fp]


I really want to like it but this is one of those novels that a good story is screw up cause a bad author. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmshhshssggsgsvdgdnxnzsnsbzb


Read up till chapter 10 and dropped Reason: 1. The author doesn't explain what's happening 2. Side characters who should have names don't have them(don't know if they'll get in the future) for instance the skinny boy 3. Some things just seem out of place(personally) 4. Mc is dumb for someone who got a rewind (like he could have ended things with Zhu girl but mc has _better_ things to do) Anyway you should try it out then decide


Isnt this blatantly copying? It gives me deja vu on samething but im not sure. The fitness gram pacer test is a multi stage aerobic. Thats all I remember


the veneer of society is barely there in this world. Those that climb the tower have super strength and are above the law. Our MC here was the #1 climber but regressed 20 years after nearly beating a floor in the 900's. Filled with PTSD he finds himself helpless with the "normal" people oppressed and subjected to the corruption of the mighty. He reaches out to help his former teammates only to be reminded the weak barely survive. His quick with and past memories both save him and get him in trouble constantly. An excellent translated concept filled with overreacting emotions and frustration for the readers (due to his choices) Stuck in "selected limbo" from at least 6/22--8/23 as of this review




Alright 11 chapters in, 3 hours. This novel is your typical chinese novel. First thing first, NO ONE ,even his 'friend who sticks by him' finds something wrong with his character. Second, MC finds one of his comrades whos gonna go into the tower and gain permanent trauma. His efforts to prevent that is ONLY warning her. Mind you he is a stranger to her. And he has the galls to say 'i tried nothing i can do if she does go'. Bro did NOT put in any effort. But as typical chinese novel, she was saved by the advice and became infatuated with him.( they met and spoke only one time after regression) thirdly MC says he does not want to gather attention but the very next thing he does is sell information to his former 'guild'. Some very important info worth 1 million points apparently. He gives his credit cart info for the transaction and a guild representative comes to his school. His friend (side character) is literally lick boot, has seemingly infinite trust and devotion towards MC for no given reason. Their friendship looks more like Alpha-Beta. All other characters do not like like normal human beings. Reactions are : Extreme jealosy, very exaggerated reactions, understimating MC Also the supposed Greatest tower climber (MC) was apparently a weak poor student with bad grades at his school. No background whatsoever. The number of 'face-slapping' in these 11 chapters was at least 5 times. Overall its your typical Wuxia op underestimated MC with other charcters: 1.devoted or infatuated to him 2.understimating him, jealous Not my taste


looks good, but thats it it isnt worthy of your time ..................................................................,.....,,.............


Havent read many chapters yet but i felt obligated to leave a review. so far it looks promising but the way the book just jumps into the story at the start without any warning is very off Putting... it makes it hard to understand what is going on. apart from that i wont say anything else until ive read the rest of the chapters.


Generic mass-produced trash. Saying any more is a waste of words.


so long to get to the first floor ..... want to reach last floor...........


20 chapters available currently, minimal grammer issues found. over all decent - good start. personally I'd put it on a back burner n let it sit for few months. the story thus far isn't enough to make me want to pay to open more chapters.


Chapter 17... that's how long I was able to last reading this novel...I won't go into detail, you can read other reviews.....the synopsis was so good that the story completely disappointed me.


Please go and put this through a MTL it might actually become readable. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I have so many novels, and this novel is the only thing I can not understand.. There are no details.. The author seem like missing A LOT OF SENTENCE.. We can tell the author is not good at writing and telling stories.. There are many situations that are hard to understand and confusing.. We can not enjoy reading it if you can not understand.. Either the author is not good at writing a novel or his English is suck.. If you want to waste ur time on this novel, this is for you.. Be aware that your brain might fried.. Try to imagine:- Your friend who is not good telling the story try to told you the story.. And you don't understand the story because there is no detail, and sometimes, it feels like skipping situations. But at least, if you understand your friend story, you can ask QUESTION, but in this situation, we can not ask the author.. So, this is MTL?? hmmmm, it doesn't seem like that..






