
Remembering Christmas, The New Santa

In a world where the existence of Santa Claus is a well-kept secret, but because no one has ever seen him before, and thought their family bought them their gift, for 10 years no one believes in Christmas the Spirit of Christmas is fading, as the world's belief in Santa Claus has dwindled over the years. Determined to save the spirit of Christmas, Max embarks on a quest to reignite the world's belief in Santa, journey through enchanted forests, encounter fantastical creatures, and visit children from different cultures, inspiring the joy and wonder of Christmas in people's hearts once again. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets about Santa's origins and discover that the future of Christmas depends on their success. Sorry, I'm not feeling motivated to write this novel anymore. Other Novel: Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demon, A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want,Thx Disclaimer: Cover Pic is not mine comment if the owner wants it removed,Thx PS: This is my side novel while I work on my main novel.

Danger_God · 奇幻
20 Chs

A Journey of Giving,Cloud Walk

When Max woke up, he felt a surge of joy coursing through his veins. With a sense of anticipation, he shot out of his chimney, landing gracefully on his rooftop.

"It's time," Max exclaimed, excitement twinkling in his eyes.

Finally, the moment had arrived to deliver presents to those who had been wishing and praying for their heart's desires. Max began with the houses in his village, perched on his neighbor's rooftop. As he stood there, he sensed a whisper in his soul, a plea or a wish revealing what his neighbor longed for.

'If I want everyone to know that Santa delivered these presents, what should I do?' Max pondered aloud.

He racked his brain, searching for a way to let humanity know that it was indeed Santa who had brought their gifts. Without that belief, the magic of Santa's kindness would not thrive.

An idea sparkled in Max's mind. He decided to attach a card to each present, bearing the words, "From Santa, Merry Christmas."

Max reached for the last wrapped present, which held a phone, only to discover a card with the exact words he had envisioned. Astonished, he questioned himself in disbelief.

'What's going on? How did this card magically appear with my words?' Max mused, his mind reeling.

He remembered that in the maze mall, the present for Alex had not included a card, but this time it had materialized. Setting aside his confusion for the moment, Max resolved to visit another house.

Entering his neighbor's home stealthily, Max noticed the absence of a Christmas tree. Whispers escaped his lips as he realized that his neighbor had wished for a phone but hadn't decorated the interior.

"It seems my neighbor longed for a phone but forgot to deco his house," Max whispered to himself, careful not to awaken anyone.

He delicately placed the present on the table, silently leaving the house and heading to the next house.

Upon landing at another neighbor's home, Max felt the wish in his soul for a grand television. He knew he had to enter the house to fulfill this desire. Retrieving a 15-inch TV, he couldn't help but notice the appearance of the card once again.

"It seems the card will always be there," Max murmured a mix of surprise and joy on his face.

With a skip in his step, Max placed the television in its designated spot, leaving the house without a sound, his heart swelling with each gift he bestowed.

Max continued delivering presents to all his neighbors, feeling his soul grow with every act of kindness. The time came to venture into a nearby community, where lavish houses and extravagant vehicles lined the streets. Some of the houses had already embraced the Christmas spirit with their decorations.

Max leaped from rooftop to rooftop, dropping off various presents that people had wished for, and even a few surprises they hadn't expected. Phones, televisions, and toys found their way into the homes, filling them with joy and wonder.

As Max progressed into the city, he was grateful for the late hour, as there were few people still awake. Swift and silent, he continued his mission, delivering presents to houses, sneaking into apartments, and even businesses that were still bustling.

1 PM

Having completed his task of bringing presents to everyone in Fester City, Max stood atop the Maze Mall rooftop, relishing the growth he felt within his soul. Yet, a tinge of sadness and disappointment washed over him.

"The old Santa used to deliver thousands of presents in one night," Max sighed, his voice laced with longing.

"I can only deliver presents in one city, taking a couple of hours," he lamented, frustrated by his limitations.

Thoughts whirled in Max's mind as he contemplated how to deliver gifts to Vlard City, his next destination. Lost in his musings, he suddenly heard a familiar whisper in his soul.

"Hmm, I heard something again," Max exclaimed, a mix of confusion and excitement.

Hushing his surroundings, Max strained to listen to the ethereal voice within. And there it was a message resounded in his soul once more.

"Cloud Walk?" Max's voice filled with bewilderment, the words echoing in his mind.

Looking up at the billowy clouds overhead, Max pondered what this meant. Hope flickered in his eyes as he spoke softly to the heavens.

"Can I walk on clouds?" Max's voice trembled with anticipation.

A surge of courage propelled Max forward, and he decided to put his newfound ability to the test. After all, his soul had guided him well before. With purposeful steps, Max walked to the edge of the rooftop, 2000 feet above the ground. Though no one could see anything below due to his half-tuple form and enhanced vision, he could clearly observe the world beneath him.

Max gazed upward, fixing his gaze on the fluffy clouds above. He bent his left foot back, channeling 50% of his strength into his legs, and propelled himself into the air with astonishing speed.

"Whoosh!" Max soared upward, the rush of wind brushing against his face, feeling strangely exhilarating and yet familiar.

Max launched straight up into the air, with the force of speed he going he still felt normal.

"Wow!" Max shouted happily.

His ascent through the clouds felt like passing through a soft and ethereal realm. With a gentle landing, Max found himself standing on the clouds, bouncing lightly as if walking in a dream.

"I'm really standing on the clouds," Max whispered in awe, a mix of disbelief and wonder in his voice.

Eager to explore this newfound ability, Max began to walk and jump on the clouds, his excitement bubbling over. With each leap, he marveled at the sensation. However, during his final jump, he inadvertently passed right through the clouds, causing him to shout out in surprise.

"Ahh!" Max cried out, freefalling toward the ground. Panic surged through him as he closed his eyes, bracing for impact. But to his amazement, when he opened his eyes, he found himself unscathed, unharmed, and safely on solid ground.

Checking his body for any injuries, relief washed over Max as he realized he was completely fine.

"I'm fine," Max exclaimed, a jubilant smile spreading across his face.

Not a scratch on his body, and not even a trace of damage to the ground below.

-You have obtained Cloud Walking (Beginner)!- a voice echoed in Max's mind.

-Cloud Walk: You can walk, run, and jump using clouds as a mode of transportation, allowing you to traverse places beyond the ground.-

"This is another skill the old Santa possessed," Max marveled, his voice filled with awe.

The realization that he could walk on clouds filled Max with a renewed sense of purpose. The possibilities seemed boundless, and he knew he could now reach distant cities, spreading joy and happiness to an even greater extent. The night sky shimmered above him as he envisioned himself traversing the celestial pathway, delivering presents and making dreams come true for countless children.

With newfound confidence pulsing through his veins, Max stood tall on the Maze Mall rooftop, relishing the crisp night air. He reaffirmed his commitment to illuminating the world with his kindness, knowing that his cloud-walking ability had unlocked a path to touch countless lives.

As he prepared to take his leap into the sky, Max's mind brimmed with plans and ideas. He imagined the radiant smiles and the warmth that would fill children's hearts when they woke up to find presents from Santa Claus. Max vowed to make every child's wish come true, no matter where they resided.

With determination blazing in his eyes, Max propelled himself into the night sky, his feet gracefully on the soft clouds. He embarked on a journey across vast distances, delivering joy and happiness to each doorstep. The belief in Santa Claus grew stronger with every present he bestowed, transforming the dreams of humanity into magical realities.

The night wore on, but Max's spirit burned bright as he continued his celestial voyage, fueled by the love and joy that emanated from the recipients of his gifts. The towns and cities he visited were transformed into havens of delight, their residents embracing the spirit of Christmas.

Finally, as dawn approached, Max completed his mission, having brought happiness and wonder to people far and wide. Descending from the clouds one last time, he stood amidst the tranquil rooftops, surveying the world he had touched. The rising sun cast a gentle glow upon him as if acknowledging his extraordinary feat. With a whispered "Thank you, Santa" to the old Santa who had granted him this extraordinary journey, Max expressed his deep gratitude.

Filled with contentment and satisfaction, Max made his way back to his village. The sun painted the sky in vibrant hues, signaling the end of a magical night. Entering his chimney and descending into his cozy home, Max knew that this unforgettable night would forever be etched in his memory.

He removed his Santa suit and settled into bed, his heart overflowing with joy and a profound sense of fulfillment. Max realized that he had not only discovered the power of giving but also the power within himself to make a difference in the lives of others.

As sleep gently claimed him, Max embraced his dreams of future adventures and endless possibilities. The world beckoned with its vast horizons, and he stood ready to embrace them all, guided by the magic within his soul.

And so, with visions of new journeys dancing in his mind, Max peacefully drifted off to sleep, knowing that he had embarked on an extraordinary path that would forever shape his life and the lives of those he had touched.