
Remembering Christmas, The New Santa

In a world where the existence of Santa Claus is a well-kept secret, but because no one has ever seen him before, and thought their family bought them their gift, for 10 years no one believes in Christmas the Spirit of Christmas is fading, as the world's belief in Santa Claus has dwindled over the years. Determined to save the spirit of Christmas, Max embarks on a quest to reignite the world's belief in Santa, journey through enchanted forests, encounter fantastical creatures, and visit children from different cultures, inspiring the joy and wonder of Christmas in people's hearts once again. Along the way, they uncover ancient secrets about Santa's origins and discover that the future of Christmas depends on their success. Sorry, I'm not feeling motivated to write this novel anymore. Other Novel: Apocalypse Operation Apex: 5 Demon, A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want,Thx Disclaimer: Cover Pic is not mine comment if the owner wants it removed,Thx PS: This is my side novel while I work on my main novel.

Danger_God · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Missing Children ???

Max sat alone in the somber dining room, his heart full with joy as he continued to watch the news unfold. The anchorwoman's voice resonated through the room, her excitement apparent as she announced the extraordinary events that had transpired overnight.

"Today, we have news that is truly extraordinary once again," she exclaimed with enthusiasm. "The residents of our city woke up to a remarkable surprise on their doorsteps or beneath their Christmas trees. Attached to each gift was a card, something we haven't seen or experienced in over a decade!"

A glimmer of joy flickered within Max amid the prevailing bleakness. He envisioned the inhabitants of the city, their faces alight with laughter and delight as they reveled in the unexpected presents. It was a rare moment of happiness that he longed to see radiate throughout the world.

But the anchorwoman's tone soon shifted, her voice becoming somber as she delved into another pressing matter. Max's heart sank as he listened to her next words.

"In other heartbreaking news, there were multiple reports of children being kidnapped last night," the anchorwoman announced, her voice tinged with sadness and fear. "This disturbing pattern has persisted for the past ten years, and to this day, neither the public nor the government knows the reasons behind these abductions." Frustration laced her words. "However, this morning has brought an alarming increase in the number of missing children, surpassing the figures of the past decade," she added, her tone filled with genuine concern.

The news hit Max like a punch to the gut. The thought of innocent children being snatched away from their families, especially on Christmas day, was unbearable. A profound sense of responsibility washed over him, igniting a burning desire to help those in need.

"Kidnappings again, and this time it's worse," Max muttered, his voice filled with worry. He couldn't comprehend why the number of abductions had spiked overnight. The recurring pattern of kidnappings on Christmas day had haunted the cities for years, but this year, the elevated statistics were distressingly unprecedented.

Determined to make a difference, Max's mind raced, searching for a way to aid the missing children and bring them back to safety. He refused to remain idle while innocent lives hung in the balance.

"There must be something I can do to help these missing kids," Max declared, his voice tinged with hope. He knew he couldn't single-handedly solve the problem, but he firmly believed that with enough determination and effort, he could contribute to their rescue or, at the very least, assist in their recovery.

As Max pondered his next steps, the ticking clock on the wall reminded him of the fleeting nature of time. The day was slipping away rapidly. With resolute determination, he finished his breakfast and prepared himself for a race against the clock.

After breakfast, Max wasted no time. He made his way to the local police station, studying the names and details of the missing children. He vowed to do everything within his power to bring hope and light back into the lives of the missing children and their grieving families.

8 PM arrived, and the night began with a cold, wintry start, snowflakes gracefully descending from the sky. Max decided to start his mission early, intending to deliver presents while actively searching for any traces of the missing children under the cover of darkness.

Leaving his home behind, Max headed towards the neighboring city of Bleken City, determined to bring both joy and vigilance to the children's households. As he stealthily approached each residence, he kept a watchful eye, scanning for any suspicious individuals lurking nearby.

Then, at the stroke of midnight, during one of his deliveries, Max passed by an abandoned warehouse and stumbled upon something that shocked him to the core.

"Snowmen?" Max gasped, his gaze fixated on ten towering snowmen, each standing six feet tall. Their sharp brown sticks served as menacing arms, their carrot noses and black top hats lending an eerie charm. But it was their mouths, revealing jagged, icicle-like teeth, Dark spots marred their snowy bodies, and their eyes emitted a cold, malevolent aura, causing Max to shudder involuntarily.

-Evil Snowman-

-Level: 1-

-Strength: 85-

-Speed: 70-

-Defense: 90-

-Skill: Cold Mist-

-Cold Mist: Realeas a cold, chilling air mist, onto anyone, causing their temperature to drop-

"Evil Snowmen... These must be the enemies Santa warned me about," Max recalled Santa's cautionary words about encountering multiple adversaries on his journey.

Just as Max surveyed the scene, he spotted, out of the corner of his eye, a wooden sled with six sleeping children. The snowmen were in the midst of carrying another child toward the sled.

"Stop!" Max shouted at the evil snowmen, his voice resonating with authority and determination.

In one swift motion, Max leaped from the rooftop of a nearby house, causing all the snowmen to freeze in their tracks. They turned their attention to Max, their eyes filled with malice.



The evil snowmen bared their menacing, sharp teeth at Max.

Undeterred, Max knew he had to defend the innocent children and preserve the joyous spirit of the holiday season for children everywhere.

The snowmen slid through the snow, converging on Max, leaving a trail of icy powder in their wake.

"You've chosen the wrong season to kidnap children," Max declared, his voice brimming with confidence.

Max stepped forward, his trusty red gloves on. His broad shoulders squared, demonstrating his unwavering determination.

As the first snowman lunged forward, Max's martial arts instincts kicked in. With a deft dodge, he evaded the snowman's wooden arm and retaliated with a powerful left hook. The snowman's head spun around, its carrot nose soaring through the air before it crumbled into a pile of snow.

-Host!, Killed A level 1 Evil Snowman!-

Max moved with agility and grace, despite his imposing physique. He weaved through the flurry of snowman attacks, delivering precise punches honed by years of martial arts training.

His fists became a blur as he landed one blow after another with pinpoint accuracy. Max unleashed his signature move, the "Mistletoe Shuffle," a rapid-fire succession of hooks and uppercuts that shattered the snowmen's icy frames.

One by one, the evil snowmen succumbed to Max's onslaught, their forms disintegrating into a shower of snowflakes that gently vanished into the ground.

Even as their desperation grew, the remaining snowmen failed to land a single blow on Max. He skillfully dodged their stick arms, moving with grace and finesse that rivaled any professional athlete.

As the final snowman lunged at Max, he swiftly ducked under its wooden arm, spinning around to deliver a powerful uppercut. The snowman exploded into a swirling cloud of snowflakes, dissolving into the wintry air.

Breathing calmly, Max stood triumphant amidst the snowy battlefield, his gloves speckled with remnants of the defeated snowmen.

Max turned, dusting off his red suit and adjusting his hat. With a satisfied smile and a nod of appreciation, he acknowledged the significance of his role in ensuring the safe return of the holiday season.

Without hesitation, Max rushed to the children on the sled, hoping against hope that they were unharmed. Upon reaching them, he removed his gloves and checked each child's pulse, their body as still warm seem they were just brought here, but max got relieved to find they were still alive.


Max heaved a sigh of relief, the weight of uncertainty lifting from his shoulders. The children were alive.

With the realization that he couldn't carry all the children on his own and couldn't leave them unattended, Max pulled out his phone and dialed the emergency number.

Meanwhile, Max's gaze fixed upon the ten motionless children on the sled.

"911, what's your emergency?" a calm voice on the other end of the line responded.

Max's words came out in a mixture of urgency and anxiety. "Goodnight I've discovered ten unconscious children on by an abandoned warehouse on Maple Street. It's critical. We need an ambulance immediately."

The operator's tone shifted to one of seriousness, sensing the gravity of the situation. "Ok, help is on its way. Can you provide any additional information? Your name?, Are the children breathing?"

Max kneeled beside one of the children, watching them breathe "They're alive but unresponsive. It appears they're in a deep sleep or trance. I don't know how long they've been like this, but we need medical assistance without delay. Their safety is at risk."

"I understand, An ambulance is en route, and officers are being dispatched to your location. Please stay on the line with me.?"

Max hung up the phone climbed into a tree near the house and waited for the police.