

Benson's POV

“Jeez”. I kept murmuring that name in my head, 

Her name was jeez.

“Benson”. Jesse's voice brought me out of my thought.

I look around and noticed her staring at me with curiosity in her eyes.

“What did you say? ” I asked 

“Are you okay? “.she asked 

“Yeah, I was just thinking about work “. I lied, 

She stares at me for a while before she showed two sets of earrings to me.

“Which do you think Lilly would love “.

“Lilly?”. I asked, confused 

“Yes Lilly, which do you think she would love “.she asked impatiently.

I stared at her before staring at the earrings.

“Lilly likes blue,so maybe you should go for that one "

“You are correct, I also want to go with the blue “. She said those words and turns to the seller.

“Can I please have the blue one? “. she handed it over to the seller and kept searching for other things.

I stared at her and couldn't stop the smile that was planted on my face.

She remembers Lilly even when she didn't have any relationship with her, I know she will definitely make a good mother to Lilly.

“Stop thinking that”.  I murmured to myself.

“Let's go.”she led the way, and we left the stall and stood in another stall.

“What gift do you think Mrs Sonia would like? “.she asked

“I don't know”. I murmured

She hissed softly and kept on checking different things before she finally pick a gift and paid for it.

We walk around the market for hours with Jesse chatting with almost everybody and buying so many gifts that I wondered how many people she knew, that she was buying this much gift and not to talk of how expensive the gifts were.

“Finally”. she muttered those words when we got into the car, 

I checked my wristwatch and saw that it was past 4pm.

I hissed softly and lean on the chair.

Jesse drove for a while before she stopped at a fast food.

“What are we doing here? “. I asked confused 

“What else do they do in fast foods “. she rolls her eyes and got out of the car. 

I open the car and came out, but Jesse was already inside.

I hissed tiredly and walk inside the fast-food.

I took a seat and waited for Jesse, who was already buying the food.

Few minutes she came with a tray of food in her hands, 

She kept the tray on the table and sat opposite me.

She placed the fried coconut rice in front of me and place the fried rice in front of her.

I stared at her in disbelief before staring at the food in front of me.

“How did you know I love fried coconut rice? ”. I asked while staring at her with shock.

She chuckled softly before putting a spoon of food in her mouth.

“Lilly told me “. she murmured those words and kept on eating.

“Lilly told you, “.  I uttered in disbelief.

“Yeah, was she wrong”.she asked, 

I hissed softly and stared at the food.

I can't remember telling Lilly about me loving fried coconut rice, but maybe her mother must have told her,but she was too little to remember.

I pick up the fork and knife and started eating.

“Their food taste nice “.  Lilly spoke with food in her mouth.

I stared at her and wondered how a lady her age could still act like a baby.

We ate in silence until our drink was brought to us 

“Sorry the Coca-Cola is for me while the water is for him “. she told the waitress who was about putting a bottle of Coca-Cola in front of me.

“Alright”. she placed the water in font of me and left.

“How do you know I don't drink that? “. I asked while pointing at the drink.

“Lilly told me “. she murmured while avoiding my gaze.

“Lilly”.  I asked, confused.

“Yes”. She said those words and went back to her food.

I stared at her is disbelief but couldn't say a thing.

I went back to my food and ate silently.

We ate in silence until we were through with the food.

“How much is it “.  I inquired while bringing out my card from my wallet,

“Please stop it, I've already paid, let's go “. She stood up from the chair and left the fast food.

We got to her car, and she drove off.

She press a button on her music player and Westlife music started playing, she hums to the music and started shaking her head.

I stared at her and noticed she must have really loved Westlife music.

Listening to the song playing, I remember the memory that flash in my head.

“Jeez”. the girl named jeez in my dream also loved Westlife music.

I need to find out more about this, jeez.