
Monke and Battle Royales (25)

After getting called by Pilips, who was my momentary partner during out guard shifts (thank the heavens that it ain't Arekhus, I'm straight godamnit), we took our shifts atop the watch tower, with Pilips, the ever socially awkward Dungeon Master that he is, refusing to speak with me under any circumstances.

It wasn't a bad thing; in fact, it was ideal for allowing me to regulate my thoughts about the entire Dungeon Games shitfest. Was participating in this event worth it? Maybe. Did I make connections with other Dungeon Masters? Absolutely. Did I gain more enemies than allies? Probably.

The thing is, it's still too early in the games to determine whether or not I have amassed more pros than cons, and right now, I'm leading to having more pros than cons (if you disregard my mental sanity, that is).