Ordinary day, ordinary life, that is until, I found myself getting stabbed to death by my fellow student for reasons unknown to me. Then some kind of holographic window prompting me to reincarnate appeared while I was busy drifting through the infinite darkness of the void. Of course, I pressed yes, it’s boring here, then found myself to be a dungeon master… As a fucking monkey no less…
Today's the day, and I'm currently facing Oshurkova who was still stuck dealing with the never-ending amount of paperwork stuck at her desk. Her eyes continued to gain more dark rings under them as the days went on.
It's been about four days already since this Battle Royale started, and I haven't seen a sign of the ring yet, which means that this camp is probably near to the middle of the entire area.
Which is good, I suppose…
Forgetting that topic for a second, I stared at the incredibly haggard vampire, whose looks continued to degrade due to the paperwork that continued to pop out of nowhere and into her desk.
Right beside me was Typhial, who was looking incredibly torn between respecting Oshurkova's privacy and duties as a Dungeon Master, and rushing to her side and getting rid of the problem that plagues her idol with fire.
Lots and lots of fire…