
Reincarnated in the DC Universe with (Anime) Harem System

When given that chance of a life time, Mer Ambrosius took the choice to reincarnate into a fictional world with a smile on his face. Only one problem though... he got reincarnated into DC, but luckily he has a system unluckily(?) its a Harem System. Join Mer on his journey to find a way to get the Fuck out of DC and hope on over the DXD. But one problem remains HOW exactly will he do it.

Kill_it_with_fire · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Chapter 6 | Saving a Girl

Waking up on a cold grassy plain I opened my eyes to be greeted by the sun's rays. It was currently August, meaning only 5 or 6 months until the invasion started.

I had not waisted that time, although not even to a moderate degree, I had learned to wield my Shikai for a bit of time, with the advancement of my Reiryoku reaching close to the high level or the lieutenant class.

Although my advancement was quite fast, I had learned, from talks with Aroura, that this rapid growth speed wouldn't last. Firstly because one of my titles which increases my growth speed, [Prodigy], would only last until the age of 16. Another reason being, as your level of Reiryoku increases so too does the difficulty of increasing it further, this was somewhat mitigated by the fact that Tōshirō Hitsugaya has the potential to reach Immense Spiritual Power level or Advanced-Captain class.

  For now it was most important to increase my Reiryoku and proficiency in the Shinigami arts. That's why right now I was outside the city.

''Aroura, open my status.''

[Understood. Opening [Status]...]



  Name: Albert Mer Ambrosius

Age: 8


[Human] [Soul (locked)] [??? Soul (locked)] 


[Prodigy] [Genius] [Orphan] [Last Shinigami] [???] [???]


[Reiryoku (Average class)] [Genius Talent] [Perfect Memory] [Mental Interference Resistance] [Learning] [???]...


[Icy Disposition] [Basic Reiryoku Control] [Zanjutsu Combatant] [Southing Voice] [Basic Hakuda] [Basic Hohō: Shunpo (Beginner)]

[Kido Arts: Bakudō (1-1) | Hadō (1-1) | Kidou (Basic)]


Looking through the [Status] I nodded my head in satisfaction. From what Aroura had told me, skills from [Bleach] that involve mastery are categorized as Basic, Combatant, Expert, and Master.  Combatant being at a level in which you can properly utilize the skill in battle, at least at the level of a seated officer.

Due to my dedicated training, my Zanjutsu had increased a level and was usable in terms of combat, keep in mind this is in terms of bleach combat not DC combat. SO I can confidently block a bullet and cut through steel easily. I had also learned a basic level of Shunpo, the backbone to basically all Hohō techniques. My efficiency in my Kido arts also increased, although not shown on the [Status]. This was because Kido has different houses of use and because of this isn't accurately categorized as even basic until one field has been mastered to a certain degree. 

Weirdly enough although I was making progress in all the Shinigami fields, [Zanjutsu] came the easiest for me. I found myself interested in it the most as well, due to the feeling of holding and using Hyōrinmaru. On a side note, funny enough Hyōrinmaru would get mad at me if I didn't use her for to long, this also become one of the reasons for my higher [Zanjutsu] level.

As I got up I stretched and used Shunpo to travel back to Gotham, I stopped after reaching the outskirts of the city and put a hood up as I entered.

Walking back towards my apartment, I walked down the more dangerous alleys. Suddenly I heard a high pitched scream.


Turning my head to the direction of the scream, I quickly ran into a shadowy alleyway and equipped my [Shihakushō], [No-Face Mask], and [Scarf of Ass Kicking] changing the scarf to a pure white color and making it look tattered.

Using Shunpo I accelerated to the direction of the scream.

'By the sound it's probably female.' I inwardly though.

[Yes the scream was from a women most likely 19 to 20 years old.] Aroura confirmed my guess and my expression under my mask turned ugly.

'If it's a girl in her 20s, it's probably... This is bad!' I shout inwardly as I increase my speed.

Arriving at the scene, I see a terrified woman in her 20s, who's hand was being clasped by another man as he pinned her against the wall. As two other guys where approach unbuckling their belts. It was obvious what their intentions where.

It was a dangerous situation, the girl was crying as she was pinned to a wall with a knife to her throat any sudden movements could endanger her life. There where three guys in total but luckily they weren't paying much attention to their surroundings, so I could probably Shunpo to the man holding the knife and take the other two down right after.

As I formulated my plan, I prepared to use Shunpo but was momentarily frozen from the woman's actions.

The woman, who was pinned to the wall, bite down on the mans hand holding the knife. Judging by the missing flesh and intense screaming of the man, it seemed to have worked as the man dropped the knife and backed a way a few steps. The other two men where momentarily baffled and forgot to react as they stood frozen watching their friend whale on the ground.

The woman clumsily kneeled down and grabbed the knife in a panic and held it up. As the man who had his hand bitten, got up and ran into to punch her, the woman closed her eyes and pushed the knife forwards with trembling hands.

As the man rushed forwards, he accidently ran into the knife and fell backwards with the knife still in his torso, slowly bleeding out.

The woman who had been expecting to feel pain opened her eyes reluctantly and her eyes widened as she saw the man on the ground in front of her. Moving her shaky eyes down to her bloody hands, the woman began to hyperventilate as she dropped to her knees.

The other men, snapped out of it, seeing their bleeding friend and rushed at the woman, screaming.

''You fucking bitch!''

''I'll fucking break you!''

The two man screamed and the woman began to panic even more as she crawled backwards, until her back hit the wall.

Finally coming back to reality, I panicked and hastily used Shunpo to get in front of them. As I suddenly appeared, everyone momentarily stopped, taking that chance I fully unsheathed Hyōrinmaru and swung it.

As I did so wave of white Reiryoku shot out and pushed the men against the other side of the alley, turning into ice right after, restraining them.

Turning to the man who had a knife in his chest, I quickly remove the knife and freeze the wound, temporarily closing it. The ice should last for about an hour without other interference, just enough time for the police to arrive and for him to be transferred over to a hospital.

Securing his life, I sheath Hyōrinmaru and turn towards the rest of his group.

I then calmly walked to the other guys restrained against the wall by ice and retrieve one of their phones and dial 911. As the phone begins to ring, I place it beside one of the men's head and speak in a cold and calm voice.

''Call the police yourself, if they don't arrive within an hour he'll die.'' I said, turning around and walking away from him. I had told them that the ice would only last an hour to both put some pressure on them and make sure he would survive even if the police arrived late.

While I did this the other man, who had his pants slightly down asked in a reluctant tone.

''Y-Your him, N-Nemesis.'' He asked fearfully.

Nemesis had become one of the names people refer to me with, it was one of the most used names to refer to me. Some of the others where Ronin and Kuraokami, the Japanese heritages of the names due in part by my [Shihakushō] and [Zanpakutō].

Ignoring the words of human filth, I turned my attention to the woman currently on the verge of having a panic attack. Looking at her know, she was extremally beautiful, with long flowing red hair and pale skin. But that beauty was quite overshadowed by the extreme fear in her face; her eyes where dilated and her face was stained with tears ruining her light makeup, her body was trembling and seeming to be on the verge of collapse. Feeling kind of awkward I scratched the back of my head a little and tried to strike up a conversation to calm her down.

''So...close call right?'' I said in an awkward tone, but she didn't answer, instead she directly fainted.

''shit...'' I unconsciously say as I quickly Shunpo to catch her.

Her face seemed to be covered in sweat and her breathing seemed to still be a little ragged, her cloths were also some what torn...

Looking at her it may not be a good idea leaving her in the hands of the police, especially after what happened just now, she'll probably have another panic attack and be able to explain herself. On top of that she had stabbed one of the robbers to a life threatening point, normally she wouldn't be held accountable for that, but with how corrupt Gotham city's police force is right now, it may be a bad idea to leave her to them.

Things where getting better ever since James Gordon became commissioner last year, but he still hadn't gained nearly as much control over the GCPD as the gangs and upper-class. It would still take a few years for that.

Chocking up my thoughts I decide to take the girl with me. Carrying her in my arms I used Shinpo to get out of the ally ways as quick as possible. Reaching the a safe place, I looked up at the sky and it still seemed quite busy.

[It is currently 5:30 PM. It's recommended not to return to your apartment as the chances of you being spotted with the girl is high.]

Nodding my head, I agreed with Aroura. Thinking of an alternative, I quickly change my direction to the back allies. Using Shunpo to avoid surveillance I arrived at one of my safe houses I set in place in case of emergencies. These safe houses were completely off the grid and took nearly 3 months to set up.

Putting in the password, I scanned my eye, and spoke the key phrase; ''I didn't come here to fight you. I came to violently hack you to pieces.'' Suddenly a green light appeared, indicating the door was unlocked. Walking inside, I closed the door with my foot, and suddenly the lights automatically turned on. Walking over to the bedroom, I plopped her onto the bed and wiped my forehead with my sleave.

Quickly covering her with a cover, I decided to go out and buy some clothes for her. After getting a general idea of her size I went out and get some cloths that would fit her, even if they where to big.